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"Ability without character will lose." - Marv Levy

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To those who want to defend JP to the bitter end, how many of you personally know the kid or hang out in the Bills lockerroom on a regular basis. The truth is we have no idea why the Bills have apparently lost faith in Losman, but I do have faith that Marv is doing what is in the best interest of the team.

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To those who want to defend JP to the bitter end, how many of you personally know the kid or hang out in the Bills lockerroom on a regular basis. The truth is we have no idea why the Bills have apparently lost faith in Losman, but I do have faith that Marv is doing what is in the best interest of the team.



Agree, but with all due respect CCD, we did not need a fresh thread on this subject.

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To those who want to defend JP to the bitter end, how many of you personally know the kid or hang out in the Bills lockerroom on a regular basis. The truth is we have no idea why the Bills have apparently lost faith in Losman, but I do have faith that Marv is doing what is in the best interest of the team.


how do you know that they have ???? do you sit in on meetings ????

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Fancy quote but one could argue athletics is populated by many who have won with questionable character. Dennis Rodman, Pete Rose, Duane Thomas, Michael Irvin, Etc Etc have multiple rings. JP's character was not a problem the first quarter in Miami or when he came off the bench vs. KC. I saw some flashes of big time talent there. Maybe Marv is floating the rumor to give JP a nudge. Hard to believe we give up on him so soon.

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ok. If he isn't in the plans...cut him. Your not getting anything for him, and all Marv is doing is prolonging the suspense and dissension. I have faith in Marv, but given his selection of Jauron, his inability to get high quality players in free agency, and what appears to be nimby namby posturing regarding Losman...I'm starting to wonder. I have a feeling whoever picks up Losman is going to benefit at our expense over time.

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What we know about Losman:


1] He grew up in a very tough neighborhood, of mixed ethnicity, with no father for the most part. Gave up his room to share with two cousins most of his life when his mother took about 5 of them into her small house and she slept on the couch the entire time. He then graduated from high school early and took college classes at UCLA part of his senior year in high school.


2] He graduated from college after a couple tough years there screwing around, and had hit the books hard. Don't think he ever got in trouble there. There were rumors he was arrogant and was known as an emotional leader.


3] Signed with the Bills. Didn't say much to the press except all the right things. Moved to downtown Buffalo and stayed there all year round. Got hurt in his first year and didn't blame anyone for it in the press.


4] Stayed in Buffalo all the off season when the management handed him the job after the Drew experiment failed. Told the press he didn't want to win it this way but was going to work his ass off. Then worked his ass off with Sam Wyche.


5] Started the season, won the first game playing pretty well, and then went into a horrible tailspin. Always took the blame on his own shoulders when he interviewed. Was soon benched and didn't complain, even when veterans he was supposed to look up to started sniping in the press. Played in a carousel the rest of the season and again, never complained or ripped his coaches or teammates, even when he wasn't allowed to play the last two-three games when he was healthier. If I recall, it was only in the last game when he said something to the effect of "I was ready and wanted to play". Those seemed to be his strongest words.


6] Marv Levy said he wanted competition at quarterback, and signed a prospect for back-up money who has played less than Losman, and only in mop-up time. Levy then said all players will get equal reps.


7] A few veteran players on the Bills questioned his leadership capabilities in interviews about HIS PLAY ON THE FIELD. Said he wasn't ready and Kelly Holcomb was ready.


8] A couple internet and radio rumors by nobodies say he may be traded.


That's all we really know. He is a tough, smart, kid who tries very hard. Hasn't played well. Shoulders responsibility himself. Doesn't badmouth teammates or coaches in the press even when things are bad and they seemed to criticize him. Some people find him arrogant and not ready to play yet (when he was considered raw coming out of school by everyone). Lives in Buffalo year round. May or may not be ready to lead the team on the field coming into his third season.

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To those who want to defend JP to the bitter end, how many of you personally know the kid or hang out in the Bills lockerroom on a regular basis. The truth is we have no idea why the Bills have apparently lost faith in Losman, but I do have faith that Marv is doing what is in the best interest of the team.



I'm still wondering where people get this "The Bills have lost faith in JPL" stuff. The article published yesterday has no credibility. The Bills didn't work out (nor are they scheduled to) either Young or Cutler so it’s not like they’re giving signs that they’re going to draft a QB with their #1 pick. They brought in a career 3rd string backup to compete for the job when they could have gone out and picked up Brees, Culpepper, Brooks, Kitna or any number of other veterans to come in and run the offense.


So they said there will be an open competition at the QB position (something I'm all for as long as it's really between Nall and JP and not Holcomb). Let the two young guys compete and see who wins. Everybody last year was up in arms that the Bills didn't make JP compete for his starting spot and now that Marv and Co. are making him compete it suddenly means that the team has completely lost faith in him? It seems to me they've given him pretty easy competition to dispose of so there won't be any "he was given the job" sentiment in the locker room.

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What we know about Losman:


1] He grew up in a very tough neighborhood, of mixed ethnicity, with no father for the most part. Gave up his room to share with two cousins most of his life when his mother took about 5 of them into her small house and she slept on the couch the entire time. He then graduated from high school early and took college classes at UCLA part of his senior year in high school.


2] He graduated from college after a couple tough years there screwing around, and had hit the books hard. Don't think he ever got in trouble there. There were rumors he was arrogant and was known as an emotional leader.


3] Signed with the Bills. Didn't say much to the press except all the right things. Moved to downtown Buffalo and stayed there all year round. Got hurt in his first year and didn't blame anyone for it in the press.


4] Stayed in Buffalo all the off season when the management handed him the job after the Drew experiment failed. Told the press he didn't want to win it this way but was going to work his ass off. Then worked his ass off with Sam Wyche.


5] Started the season, won the first game playing pretty well, and then went into a horrible tailspin. Always took the blame on his own shoulders when he interviewed. Was soon benched and didn't complain, even when veterans he was supposed to look up to started sniping in the press. Played in a carousel the rest of the season and again, never complained or ripped his coaches or teammates, even when he wasn't allowed to play the last two-three games when he was healthier. If I recall, it was only in the last game when he said something to the effect of "I was ready and wanted to play". Those seemed to be his strongest words.


6] Marv Levy said he wanted competition at quarterback, and signed a prospect for back-up money who has played less than Losman, and only in mop-up time. Levy then said all players will get equal reps.


7] A few veteran players on the Bills questioned his leadership capabilities in interviews about HIS PLAY ON THE FIELD. Said he wasn't ready and Kelly Holcomb was ready.


8] A couple internet and radio rumors by nobodies say he may be traded.


That's all we really know. He is a tough, smart, kid who tries very hard. Hasn't played well. Shoulders responsibility himself. Doesn't badmouth teammates or coaches in the press even when things are bad and they seemed to criticize him. Some people find him arrogant and not ready to play yet (when he was considered raw coming out of school by everyone). Lives in Buffalo year round. May or may not be ready to lead the team on the field coming into his third season.


My nomination for post of the year. I think the kid deserves to stay and develop. However...the organization had better either quash the trade rumors or cut him. G

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To those who want to defend JP to the bitter end, how many of you personally know the kid or hang out in the Bills lockerroom on a regular basis. The truth is we have no idea why the Bills have apparently lost faith in Losman, but I do have faith that Marv is doing what is in the best interest of the team.




Faith in Marv's ability to do what is best for the team at QB- I hope that the Bills fans do not have a short memory.


Jim Kelly was Marv's career saver.


In one year Todd Collins, Alex Van Pelt and Boby Hobert/Hebert was his career ender. So let me remain a little skeptical about Marvs abilty to evaluate QB talent.

And after Jaurons merry go round of Qbs in Chicago I will be even more skeptical of their abilty to evaluate the QB position.

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The truth is we have no idea why the Bills have apparently lost faith in Losman...


I'm sorry. Where again is an article quoting Marv or anyone specifically from OBD stating that they have lost confidence in JP? Oh, wait. Some journalist fills some cracks with rumors...but it is now gospel.


I just sent that journalist a press release stating that Melissa Stark is stalking me for casual sex. I can't wait until he prints that rumor so that will be 100% gospel, too.

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Since 1+1 still =2 it stands to reason that he's asking you how you know the team has lost faith in Losman.  Really, it aint that hard to figure out.



I never said they did. I said "apparently they have" based off of recent articles that have come out and the word on the street for the past 2 years.

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I never said they did. I said "apparently they have" based off of recent articles that have come out and the word on the street.




1. Readily seen; visible.

2. Readily understood; clear or obvious.

3. Appearing as such but not necessarily so; seeming: an apparent advantage.


Maybe if you go by the third definition. But it's far from obvious that Losman is out or has had a falling out with a new staff that's been around for a short time and not had its own chance to evaluate.

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My nomination for post of the year.  I think the kid deserves to stay and develop. However...the organization had better either quash the trade rumors or cut him.  G




Agree on both counts....Kelly's post was excellent, and tenny, you are correct. Unless the rumour has substace, the Bills would be wise to quash it, ASAP. The last thing Losman needs is "whispers" that the new coach and GM think he can't play. They would want him to succeed, I would think.


To me, the rumour just doesn't make any sense, for all the reasons that Kelly F&B Dog stated. I have not been bowled over by Losman's performance thus far, however, in his second stint as the Bills starter, he showed a marked improvement from his first stint.


I think the Bills, despite the fact that Losman is TD's guy, would be nuts to ditch him now, unless they are 100% convinced this kid cannot play, or he is just such a big a-hole off the field (and I have seen nothing, heard nothing to indicate that) that they can't keep him around.



Also, given our coachig staff (and this is not really a knock on Jauron & Fairchild), Leinart would be the only one of the "big 3" Qb's in this years draft that would seem to have a chance of succeeding in Buffalo. I love Vince Young (yeah, I am a Longhorn!), but I think, based on the offense that Fairchild ran in St.Louis, and Jaurons' tendancies, whatever potoential Young has, would be destroyed.


I can't say I have seen Cutler play much, but frankly, he sounds a bit like JP Losman to me. Plus, like JP, there seems to be a split opinion on how good he will be in the NFL.


Leinart is the drop back style QB (and I know he can run some too, but it is not his first instinct) that might fit well in Buffalo. However, all indications seem to be, unless the Bills make some huge trade, to move up, he will be gone before their pick.

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First off, Losman is, dare I say it, a victim of last year's coaching staff. He was named the starter without earning the job, which is something that even he was uncomfortable with it. As a result, I'm sure his teammates, who have all had to fight to earn their starting spot, did not fully buy in to a QB who was inserted into the mix. That certainly didn't help Losman last year as he tried to keep his starting role. It would also account for any rumoured "team doesn't like him" messages...


As to where things are now, it's kind of silly to think that the Bills would be ready to shuffle him off without even seeing him make one throw live, just based on tape. They just started the offseason conditioning program last week, so it seems far too early for the coaching staff to have assessed his current capabilities. Does that mean that Marv and company are not "testing the trade waters?" Absolutely not. You have a 3 way competition at QB (as Marv and Dick pretty much had said all along...Dick saying no one will be handed the starting job at any position, that it has to be earned, and Marv saying they'd be picking up a 2nd tier Free agent QB to give us 3 (non-NFL Europe) QB's), which means that there are 2 out of 3 outcomes that result in Losman not getting the starting job. Now this doesn't mean that Losman only has a 33% chance of getting the job, but if he can't beat out two other candidates in a practice scenario, then he's not going to cut it as a #1 QB for this offense during the season. If one of those two situations happen (Nall or Holcomb get the starting nod), you need to be ready for plan B. Plan B cannot (or at least shouldn't) include keeping Losman as a number 2 so you have to determine what your other options are. A trade is the best overall option because you get something for him. So where people are complaining that Levy won't get anything for Moulds because it's already clear the Bills will release Moulds, he's taking the opposite tack of looking for trade partners first in case he needs to dump Losman. This rumored "trade scenario," if true at all, is not about Losman losing the team's confidence before he even steps out on the practice field, it's not about dumping a "TD guy," it's talking hypothetically with other teams to guage interest in anticipation of a possible outcome. This scenario would be completely consistent with everything we've heard from the coaching staff and front office, and I haven't seen them do anything that's inconsistent with what they've said they were going to do.

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Faith in Marv's ability to do what is best for the team at QB- I hope that the Bills fans do not have a short memory.


Jim Kelly was Marv's career saver.


In one year Todd Collins, Alex Van Pelt and Boby Hobert/Hebert was his career ender. So let me remain a little skeptical about Marvs abilty to evaluate QB talent.

And after Jaurons merry go round of Qbs in Chicago I will be even more skeptical of their abilty to evaluate the QB position.






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What we know about Losman:


1] He grew up in a very tough neighborhood, of mixed ethnicity, with no father for the most part. Gave up his room to share with two cousins most of his life when his mother took about 5 of them into her small house and she slept on the couch the entire time. He then graduated from high school early and took college classes at UCLA part of his senior year in high school.


2] He graduated from college after a couple tough years there screwing around, and had hit the books hard. Don't think he ever got in trouble there. There were rumors he was arrogant and was known as an emotional leader.


3] Signed with the Bills. Didn't say much to the press except all the right things. Moved to downtown Buffalo and stayed there all year round. Got hurt in his first year and didn't blame anyone for it in the press.


4] Stayed in Buffalo all the off season when the management handed him the job after the Drew experiment failed. Told the press he didn't want to win it this way but was going to work his ass off. Then worked his ass off with Sam Wyche.


5] Started the season, won the first game playing pretty well, and then went into a horrible tailspin. Always took the blame on his own shoulders when he interviewed. Was soon benched and didn't complain, even when veterans he was supposed to look up to started sniping in the press. Played in a carousel the rest of the season and again, never complained or ripped his coaches or teammates, even when he wasn't allowed to play the last two-three games when he was healthier. If I recall, it was only in the last game when he said something to the effect of "I was ready and wanted to play". Those seemed to be his strongest words.


6] Marv Levy said he wanted competition at quarterback, and signed a prospect for back-up money who has played less than Losman, and only in mop-up time. Levy then said all players will get equal reps.


7] A few veteran players on the Bills questioned his leadership capabilities in interviews about HIS PLAY ON THE FIELD. Said he wasn't ready and Kelly Holcomb was ready.


8] A couple internet and radio rumors by nobodies say he may be traded.


That's all we really know. He is a tough, smart, kid who tries very hard. Hasn't played well. Shoulders responsibility himself. Doesn't badmouth teammates or coaches in the press even when things are bad and they seemed to criticize him. Some people find him arrogant and not ready to play yet (when he was considered raw coming out of school by everyone). Lives in Buffalo year round. May or may not be ready to lead the team on the field coming into his third season.





Dont try to reason with the haters Kelly...they aren't listening....


I get sick and tired of this "Character Issues" crap getting slung about JP Losman....has he been in trouble with the law? Does beat on his girlfriend? Does he badmouth his teamates?


There is a certain QB over in Pittsburg starting right now that has had all kinds of allegations of "party rape" being slung his way and the haters would take him hear in a heartbeat......


Another thing I am getting sick and tired of hear is "you Losman supporters dont know what is going on behind the scenes so you have no right to be defending him"


Hey...newsflash...NEITHER DO YOU.

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