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It's Time to Mandate Vaccines

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5 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:


Cases up. 


Deaths are half of what they were last summer.  

Wouldn't that be a great selling point for the vaccine though?  The vaccine cut deaths at least in half and nearly all the deaths are among the unvaccinated.  

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1 hour ago, B-Man said:



So posting a Scottish Television tweet about the government extending their powers is not valid if I haven't read as much as you.


Okay, good to know.


I'm sure that you didn't post your response just for it's snarky value.







It really only took a minute to google this and find the answer. Yeah, it's a boring ol' bureaucratic move, not some kind of shift to making Scotland into Orwell's Airstrip One North. Scotland has self-governance rights (much like a U.S. state), and they're asserting them to bring their COVID restrictions in line with England and Wales. 

Wow. Terrifying! Is Nicola Sturgeon coming for my single malt? My haggis?? Enlisting the Loch Ness Monster for COVID Protocol Enforcement??? Is it just me, or did that look a lot like Mel Gibson in warpaint with a COVID syringe in his mouth???? Run for your lives!

Edited by The Frankish Reich
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1 hour ago, LeGOATski said:

I'm one. 4 confirmed cases of covid in my kid's class alone. She understands the mask helps and isn't a big baby about it.


Kids don't care about the masks. They just want to be in school. 


I don't think kids should be masked at all but whatever. If we B word, they get freaked out about it. If we don't, life goes on. 


Unless this is all about controlling the masses for mass indoctrination! 

50 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

It really only took a minute to google this and find the answer. Yeah, it's a boring ol' bureaucratic move, not some kind of shift to making Scotland into Orwell's Airstrip One North. Scotland has self-governance rights (much like a U.S. state), and they're asserting them to bring their COVID restrictions in line with England and Wales. 

Wow. Terrifying! Is Nicola Sturgeon coming for my single malt? My haggis?? Enlisting the Loch Ness Monster for COVID Protocol Enforcement??? Is it just me, or did that look a lot like Mel Gibson in warpaint with a COVID syringe in his mouth???? Run for your lives!


Don't do B-Man's work for him! 

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How much worse could the COVID pandemic get? Meet the Lambda variant



“It’s definitely more infectious, and we may not be protected from it.”


Dr. Martha Whyte of the Louisiana Department of Public Health is speaking of the Lambda variant of COVID-19, another evolution of the coronavirus whose Delta variant is already ravaging much of the south.






























charlie murphy GIF

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3 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

Wouldn't that be a great selling point for the vaccine though?  The vaccine cut deaths at least in half and nearly all the deaths are among the unvaccinated.  


Yep - it's time to mandate vaccines

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3 hours ago, Sundancer said:


Let's start with the hard question for you: How many states are there? 


When you get that answer, you will start to answer your question if you look really closely at the first two letters of my post that you questioned.  


Oh and since you're once again chicken little over-reacting with your link to OH MY GAWSH 125,000 CASES SINCE JULY, precisely what percentage breakthrough is 125,000 cases for 168,000,000 vaccinated people? 20% 10% 2%? 1% 0.5% Can't be lower than that can it? 


You make this too easy, again helping me show how dumb your statement that "in most cases the vaccine doesn't work after 6 months" is perhaps the dumbest thing said in this thread, with a lot of dumb things. But at this point you've sextupled down on stupidity and keep linking stories that undermine your statement. Keep it up: Post another link. 

 you pick a date that is far less than 6 months out for most people since getting the vaccine and act like it is 6+ months, how many people were fully vaccinated on January 30th because that is the group we are discussing. More importantly you refuse to show your 18 month number when even the white house states it is 8 months.

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3 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

Wouldn't that be a great selling point for the vaccine though?  The vaccine cut deaths at least in half and nearly all the deaths are among the unvaccinated.  


38 minutes ago, 716er said:


Yep - it's time to mandate vaccines

You got that from that?  Talk about putting words in someone's mouth.  

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10 minutes ago, 716er said:





Well, they are gonna have to be removed from the public sooner or later...Obviously it won’t be Auschwitz, specifically...But the concept remains- camps will need to be made...we can no longer allow the filthy anti-vaxxers to roam the streets of civilized society...👍

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Sieg Heil!

26 minutes ago, JaCrispy said:

Well, they are gonna have to be removed from the public sooner or later...Obviously it won’t be Auschwitz, specifically...But the concept remains- camps will need to be made...we can no longer allow the filthy anti-vaxxers to roam the streets of civilized society...👍


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