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The American Media Should Not Be Trusted

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19 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

American Conservatives must be jealous. Just hoping for the day they can start doing this here 


Russian investigative journalist Andrei Soldatov said Monday that his bank accounts have been frozen and that authorities have placed him on a wanted list.

President Vladimir Putin has cracked down on the free press since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February, threatening draconian prison terms for journalists who stray from Kremlin propaganda. Many have fled the country.

The Interior Ministry’s website listed Soldatov as wanted under an unspecified article of the criminal code, Reuters reported.




Oh, the hypocrisy!  That's the next step after the Disinformation Governance Board.

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Both Left and Right love to censor...However, since the Left currently controls all three branches of government, along with 90% of the msm, and Big Tech, they are able to be more authoritarian about it...


But I have no doubt the Right would be doing the same if the shoe were on the other foot...👍





Edited by JaCrispy
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9 hours ago, Tiberius said:

American Conservatives must be jealous. Just hoping for the day they can start doing this here 


Russian investigative journalist Andrei Soldatov said Monday that his bank accounts have been frozen and that authorities have placed him on a wanted list.

President Vladimir Putin has cracked down on the free press since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February, threatening draconian prison terms for journalists who stray from Kremlin propaganda. Many have fled the country.

The Interior Ministry’s website listed Soldatov as wanted under an unspecified article of the criminal code, Reuters reported.



Reminds me a little of this except different because it happened on the watch of St Barry. 



Politico - noted right wing virtual rag

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Turns out the dirty little truth is even members of the American media don't trust the American media.  What bothers me as a seeker of truth is that this lady wasn't willing to share her grave concerns about the legitimacy of the American media until she got her feelings hurt.  Apparently, some members of the press 'get away with murder', racism is prevalent at the WaPo, sexism is a major issue, and it's an incredibly hostile place to work. 




Donald Trump only referred to it as "Fake News", this lady dropped an H-bomb on the whole operation.    How can we trust ever again? 



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1 hour ago, Tiberius said:

"Hitler wouldn't put up with a media like this!" 


--Carl Paladino 

No he would have a disinformation board to censor those he disagrees with, probably headed by someone who believes that freedoms can be curtailed because the government says so and calls a laptop fake only if it it is true 

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Clueless - the “legacy media” are clueless


Today brings with it yet another hearing of the House’s January 6th Commission. Last Thursday the Commission held a primetime hearing that received full coverage from many cable nets, which were joined by ABC, NBC and CBS (though their viewership was way down compared to regular programming).


The Democrats and national media have placed incredible importance on January 6th, but voters’ concerns are elsewhere.


Compare & contrast:






C'mon November.



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The Corporate Media Aristocracy Is Completely Out Of Touch On What’s Important And Urgent



"the January 6 riot was not unimportant, but its importance has been blown wildly out of proportion by Democrats and their compliant media mostly because it’s a vehicle to get rid of the politician they detest."






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