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The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19


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30 minutes ago, B-Man said:



The union trying to hold are kids hostage still !








Hey Tom.....I know you want the public schools to slit their own throat and die and that's fine......but I'd much rather you grow a set and get your GQP buddies out in front of this daily right now so at the very least parents can start pulling kids out en masse before it's too late to do so.   












P.S.    I told you all this in December 2020.  


Also notice that regardless of vaccination  - STUNNING - THEY STILL WANT MASKS AND DISTANCING 

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Don't listen to your phone's about this crap, your phone lies.


Delta plus gonna eff up a bunch more people.


They thought this through before they manufactured and unleashed this shiit 


Use your common sense, no link is gonna save you, only thing is gonna save you is your God given brain.


Stay frosty out there, germs.







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50 minutes ago, TSOL said:

Don't listen to your phone's about this crap, your phone lies.


Delta plus gonna eff up a bunch more people.


They thought this through before they manufactured and unleashed this shiit 


Use your common sense, no link is gonna save you, only thing is gonna save you is your God given brain.


Stay frosty out there, germs.







Truth man. You got it all figured out. 

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12 minutes ago, John Adams said:

Truth man. You got it all figured out. 



Unmasked & unvaxed baby 


Same as it's always been, the strong survive and the weak go by the wayside. 




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“[Arkansas] saw 988 Covid-19 deaths since late January, and 99.6% of those deaths were people who were not vaccinated, Hutchinson added. In the same time period, more than 98% of those hospitalized with Covid-19 were not vaccinated.


“Arkansas has fully vaccinated 34.3% of its total population, federal data shows.”


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Largest Teachers' Union Has Fresh Demands and Leaves People Asking if Schools Will Ever Open



In all my time on this earth, I’ve never witnessed a more dramatic fall of credibility among a certain sector of the economy than what we’ve seen with teachers over the last years. Over the course of the COVID pandemic, we’ve gone from almost universal praise of teachers as essential workers to a vast number of parents who have lost their patience.


Worse, every bit of the downfall was self-inflicted. Teachers’ unions have abused the power they never should have had in the first place, making impossible demands while leaving students to flounder. Figures like Randi Weingarten have led the way, constantly moving the goalposts to ensure that schools they have control over remain closed.


With summer hitting and the pandemic being essentially over (even if some never want to let go), it would have been fair to assume that a return to normal in the fall was imminent.


Of course, the teachers’ unions have other plans.


More at the link: https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/07/02/largest-teachers-union-has-fresh-demands-and-leaves-people-asking-if-schools-will-ever-open-n405740



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4 hours ago, B-Man said:


Largest Teachers' Union Has Fresh Demands and Leaves People Asking if Schools Will Ever Open



In all my time on this earth, I’ve never witnessed a more dramatic fall of credibility among a certain sector of the economy than what we’ve seen with teachers over the last years. Over the course of the COVID pandemic, we’ve gone from almost universal praise of teachers as essential workers to a vast number of parents who have lost their patience.


Worse, every bit of the downfall was self-inflicted. Teachers’ unions have abused the power they never should have had in the first place, making impossible demands while leaving students to flounder. Figures like Randi Weingarten have led the way, constantly moving the goalposts to ensure that schools they have control over remain closed.


With summer hitting and the pandemic being essentially over (even if some never want to let go), it would have been fair to assume that a return to normal in the fall was imminent.


Of course, the teachers’ unions have other plans.


More at the link: https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/07/02/largest-teachers-union-has-fresh-demands-and-leaves-people-asking-if-schools-will-ever-open-n405740



Some serious scientific misinformation in article btw NYC schools reopening... and Teacher Union supports... depends on the state and with variants... ps this is old news before major vaccination efforts started... Agreed certain Unions like Teachers and Police Unions have overstepped bounds of reform... but article sounds like pure public school bashing from states that have substandard funding of education.. 

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14 hours ago, John Adams said:

“[Arkansas] saw 988 Covid-19 deaths since late January, and 99.6% of those deaths were people who were not vaccinated, Hutchinson added. In the same time period, more than 98% of those hospitalized with Covid-19 were not vaccinated.


“Arkansas has fully vaccinated 34.3% of its total population, federal data shows.”


At least they died with their freedom intact.

3 hours ago, North Buffalo said:

Some serious scientific misinformation in article btw NYC schools reopening... and Teacher Union supports... depends on the state and with variants... ps this is old news before major vaccination efforts started... Agreed certain Unions like Teachers and Police Unions have overstepped bounds of reform... but article sounds like pure public school bashing from states that have substandard funding of education.. 

It’s redstate.com

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47 minutes ago, John Adams said:

Are you implying that B-man uses bad sources to spam this board. Get. Out. 

Some are decent articles the MSM won't report.  Some are crap articles like that.

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5 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

Some are decent articles the MSM won't report.  Some are crap articles like that.





It's what they're freaking saying:






Hey NEA:


Michigan teen dies after getting safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine; CDC investigating



The boy, Jacob Clynick, lived in Zilwaukee and had just completed eighth grade when he got his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine June 13 at a Walgreens store, said Tammy Burages, his aunt.


Jacob was healthy, she said, and had no known underlying medical conditions. He was looking forward to starting classes in the fall as a freshman at Carrollton High School. 


He complained of common post-vaccine symptoms, she said, in the two days between his immunization and death, which included fatigue and fever.


Jacob went to sleep that night, and never woke up. 


"He passed away in the middle of the night at home," she said. 





"CDC is aware of a 13-year-old boy in Michigan who died after receiving a COVID-19 vaccination," spokeswoman Jade Fulce wrote in an email. "This case is currently under investigation and until the investigation is complete, it is premature to assign a specific cause of death (but we had no problem immediately calling every death bc of Covid in March/April/May of 2020).   


Federal officials have raised cautions about a rare side effect of some COVID-19 vaccines — chest pain and heart inflammation, mostly among teens and young adults.


The problem appears to be most common in young men after they receive their second of two doses, but it is nevertheless rare overall: There have been 323 confirmed reports of the inflammation in people younger than 30, and the vast majority recovered from their symptoms.


That risk “seems to me, and to many others, to be much lower than the risk of COVID,” said Dr. Brian Feingold, a University of Pittsburgh heart specialist.





That Doctor should have his license revoked and worse done to him.  Go tell that to that boy's family.


Kids are safe. The first kid under 10 to die from Covid in Virginia died in March......of 2021.  300 have died in total over the last 18 months.  200 died during flu season in 2019.  We are pathetic.  If you can't admit that "forcing" them to get this vaccine in order to live normal lives is a crime against humanity, you're gone.  Just completely gone.  You are either a psychopath or you sit around horrified at the thought of the Super Omega Variant.  


This is a parent's decision everyone at the NEA and the internet with their "expertise" needs to sit the f down and shut up.  If you are sending your kids to public schools for some reason in the fall and they get Covid, that has been your decision as a parent.  You've assessed the risk and you've moved on with life - as we all should be; maskless and living as normal.  


We are freaking good with letting parents turn their 9 year old girls into boys and lash out at anyone who dares question them, but a parent that refuses to get his kid an experimental vaccine for something that poses statistically near zero risk, and they're pariahs.  


This country's Karen's and Comminists are an embarrassment to the human race.  

Edited by Big Blitz
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