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The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19


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On 7/15/2020 at 12:49 PM, GG said:


Where do you think the administration gets its talking points from?  Who do you think told all the politicians in January/February/March that it was perfectly safe to go to a dinner & movie?


If you are going to hold up Fauci as the paragon of truth, you should be adult enough to admit to his mistakes.  Never mind the admission that he was worried about a run on masks in February, despite the knowledge that it would accelerate the viral spread.


Who in the world expected him to change, other than mouth breathing morons?




His base is absolutely clueless as to what they bought into, although some of them understand him as a lifelong criminal. 


Some love him despite that. Some love him because of that. Some are just loons.

On 7/15/2020 at 1:16 PM, snafu said:



Hey, why have ANY elected officials other than President, right?  Why have any Administrative office heads, right?  


Or that's the only person you can think of -- ever.  I'm sure you knew how governments worked at some point in your life.  You don't seem to care about local-state-federal at this point.  You don't seem to care about how the government works at an executive level.







When the most powerful politician in America is part criminal and part nuts, rhe effects of those in office below him are greatly lessened.


I would have thought that to be common knowledge,  but I always forget that some can't process information and facts.

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10 hours ago, ALF said:


Is the following article also fake news and fear mongering ?



Fort Worth Star-Telegram

As COVID-19 deaths fill morgues in Texas, officials ask for refrigerated trucks

Officials across Texas are planning for the worst, requesting refrigerated trucks as morgues near capacity due to coronavirus-related deaths.


In Bexar County, home to San Antonio, two refrigerated trucks are already prepared for use and three more are expected to be ready by the end of the week, KSAT reported. Each trailer can hold between 24 and 36 bodies.



Cuomo needed 40,000 ventilators stat!

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12 hours ago, shoshin said:

FWIW, Worldometer had yesterday at 1001 deaths. Deaths are up 50% in the last 8 days. Bounced off the artificial 4th-of-July-assisted low of 515 that no one predicted (!) quickly. 







If someone magic were able to accurately predict that we'd have an effective vaccine, but it wouldn't be available widely until Jan 1, 2023, what would you recommend be done?

Edited by 4merper4mer
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10 hours ago, ALF said:


Is the following article also fake news and fear mongering ?



Fort Worth Star-Telegram

As COVID-19 deaths fill morgues in Texas, officials ask for refrigerated trucks

Officials across Texas are planning for the worst, requesting refrigerated trucks as morgues near capacity due to coronavirus-related deaths.


In Bexar County, home to San Antonio, two refrigerated trucks are already prepared for use and three more are expected to be ready by the end of the week, KSAT reported. Each trailer can hold between 24 and 36 bodies.



Yes, my god, do you even read the articles or just the headlines? 

here is the gist of it, again straight for the article. 

ario Martinez, assistant director of the local health department, said the trucks are necessary due to a surge in deaths and funerals being postponed in accordance with social distancing guidelines,

now, I wonder how many places outside of Texas would need to have these trucks if they stopped having funerals! 
Do yourself a favor moving forward and actually read the article not just the headline or result you want to believe 
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9 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

What's the positive test rate in NY as they may have increased testing.  At it's apex it was about 10k cases per day.

Right now WNY is in that 1% range.  It will start increasing as everyone moves back in for college.

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What the Media Won't Tell You About the United States' Coronavirus Case Fatality Rate

by Matt Margolis


Original Article


Without fail, the media seems intent on making America out to be the lone failure in the world in the battle against the coronavirus. Many media outlets have described the United States as “losing the war” against the coronavirus because of the number of cases keeps going up. Axios, for example created a chart show that if all coronavirus patients (confirmed cases) were a city, it would be the third-largest city in the country. The recent trend of the media to focus on the total number of cases seems to be a result of the recent spike cases that failed to produce a similar spike in deaths.





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Yesterday, Thursday, the same three large population southern states (CA, FL, TX) were all in low to mid triple digit Covid fatalities. Thirty states reported in single digits or zero....again. Still not sure what all of the hysteria is about. The death rate as a percentage of population in these states is a mere fraction of what it was in NY. The virus has simply moved to fertile ground and we’re apparently way better at dealing with it! Once again...it hasn’t spread! It moved. NY and other NE states are all way down. At least for now, the virus has passed in those areas.

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15 hours ago, Penfield45 said:


nope. you left out the part where it comes directly through Trump and his team first before it goes anywhere else lol. 


its so obvious what they are doing and yet there are people like you defending it. sickening really 






Yesterday, NPR ran a segment about the scandalous decision of the Trump administration to change the Covid-related reporting that hospitals are now doing.


What NPR reported:


(1) Hospitals will now have to send data to the Trump administration, bypassing the CDC.

(2) Interviewed a doctor who said that this is horrible! They are already stressed out and overwhelmed! Bad Trump!

(3) Repeatedly said that the data collection will by done by a private company. Many times, in case you didn’t catch it.

(3) Brief in passing mentioned that the head of the CDC said that this was a good move, increased efficiency and accuracy, and also that the CDC will have full access to all information. And also, data will not go to Trump, but to the Medicare division of the DHHS. No interview, no details, all very brief.

(4) Interview with a midlevel manager from the CDC who used to run data collection and is now stripped of juicy bureaucratic office, so he goes on and on to complain how this is terrible. But never once, not once says why it is terrible. Just terrible, and all.


What NPR did not report:


(1) That hospitals already send their data to the DHHS, and also send it to the CDC, and the current reporting is a bureaucratic nightmare, which they hate.

(2) Hospitals are happy to report to a single institution, with one streamlined procedure, so most are very happy about the new system.

(3) There is no evidence that the “private subcontractor” in charge of data collection was not selected properly, or is not expected to do a good job, or that the government employees would have done a better job. News flash: government computers are also made by private companies, as is almost all software they use.


Zero discussions of expected changes in the quality of reported data. (Can argue either way, but need someone who actually knows!).

Zero discussions of cost savings for everyone involved, including hospitals.

Zero discussions for whether this will cause any damage whatsoever to the CDC’s (or anyone’s) ability to use newly collected data.


No expert on data collection or analysis interviewed or mentioned.


Repeatedly: data will go “to Trump”, “bypassing the CDC”, and “private subcontractor”.


And this concludes the reporting segment.



Remember, they say they need taxpayer money and listener donations to support “quality journalism.”



by Glenn Reynolds permalink.gif  

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5 hours ago, Kemp said:

When the most powerful politician in America is part criminal and part nuts, rhe effects of those in office below him are greatly lessened.


I would have thought that to be common knowledge,  but I always forget that some can't process information and facts.


You complain that Trump is ineffective; and at the same time complain that the Federal government should have had a comprehensive plan that covered every state.  On top of that, you say that Trump’s criminality/craziness hampers his own administration’s effectiveness.


But others can’t process information and facts. Okay. The only thing I’m processing here is the fact that you can’t be objective and you contradict yourself.


Our ineffective, criminal, liar, do nothing President didn’t help Cuomo and deBlasio enough and that’s why Cuomo and deBlasio suck. Got it. Cuomo and deBlasio are worse at their jobs than an ineffective, criminal, liar, do nothing President. The only way Cuomo and deBlasio would have done better is if we had a good President who usurped the function of State and local government. 



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11 minutes ago, snafu said:


You complain that Trump is ineffective; and at the same time complain that the Federal government should have had a comprehensive plan that covered every state.   



This is what I can’t understand from the critics. There is a comprehensive Federal plan! The plan was explained for months. The plan is to deal with each area of the country when and if the need arises. And we are! 

When a hurricane hits the east coast, we don’t cover our windows in California! And I’m guessing you don’t evacuate your homes on the East coast when we have a wildfire. Why would Covid be any different? There are still huge areas of the country that haven’t seen any significant impact from this virus in SIX MONTHS! They’re supposed to board up their windows and evacuate their lives? 

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11 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:


I've been saying this all along, don't really trust the death numbers. There is a big difference between dying WITH the virus, and dying BECAUSE of the virus. We may never know the real numbers.

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1 hour ago, SoCal Deek said:

Yesterday, Thursday, the same three large population southern states (CA, FL, TX) were all in low to mid triple digit Covid fatalities. Thirty states reported in single digits or zero....again. Still not sure what all of the hysteria is about. The death rate as a percentage of population in these states is a mere fraction of what it was in NY. The virus has simply moved to fertile ground and we’re apparently way better at dealing with it! Once again...it hasn’t spread! It moved. NY and other NE states are all way down. At least for now, the virus has passed in those areas.

If (a bit over) 8K people die daily in the US, and 1K die from COVID-19 right now, are 9K people dying daily? Or the same 8K just from a different cause? (I looked and looked and could not find any numbers for that.)

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6 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

If (a bit over) 8K people die daily in the US, and 1K die from COVID-19 right now, are 9K people dying daily? Or the same 8K just from a different cause? (I looked and looked and could not find any numbers for that.)


The official answer is that data takes months to compile.  They (the CDC, I would guess) will probably be able to get you the data you need on Nov. 4th.

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19 hours ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

At the presser today, Kayleigh McEnany was asked about the data.

Intent is to send data to HHS daily data given to Dr Birx and others running point (medicinal and hot spots).

Two methods of data collection. One National Healthcare Safety Network (CDC system) where hospitals voluntarily report their system. 81% were reporting data. They need 100% of hospitals reporting.

Second method the TeleTracking system that was used for provider relief funding (HHS).  This data is more complete. (Me: duh it was for $$  so of course the hospitals were providing more complete data.)

This is open source data, and available to the CDC. No one is taking access or data away from the CDC.

(The clip will be worth viewing if it becomes available or fast forward to the 20 minute mark of of today's presser.)



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