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The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19


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1 hour ago, PaoloBillsFanFromItaly said:


This is so false.

Textile factories in Italy where lots of chinese people works in are located in Prato province, in Tuscany region, and listen, no chinese person in the area is positive to the virus.

It is possible that allowing chinese people back to Italy after the Chinese New Years Eve was a mistake, but it is not the main reason of the disease spread in Italy.

By the way, Italy was the first in Europe to block direct flight from China, but other European countries did not apply any block, so lot of people came back from China to Italy via Amsterdam, for example.


Italy made two big errors and they are well known:

- Hospitals were not ready for the disease, so when the Patient One (we call him so) came to the hospital, covid was NOT diagnosed. In the meantime he spread the disease IN the hospital and lots of doctors and nurses  got infected and they spread the disease to lots of patients.

- The Patient One was well identified, but the Patient Zero (the first that brought the disease in Italy) was NEVER found. It was supposed to be a chinese business man who the Patient One had a meeting with but all the testing were negative. In the meantime, the real Patient Zero spread the disease in other parts of Italy and the disease got out of control in a few weeks.


South Korea, for example, succed to keep track of all the chains and subchains of infection and kept the thing under control.


All countries in Europe are in the same situation of Italy 9 days ago.

I don't know the situation in the US but I fear that the same will happen.

not exactly sure what you are disputing in that tweet.


are you saying that of 100,00 Chinese nationals from Wuhan/Wenzhou, that not a one who returned after Chinese New Year brought back the coronavirus with them? if that is what you are saying, it seems rather a illogical contention.

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1 minute ago, Joe in Winslow said:


There's also the pandemic pu$$y, going out of their way to out sensitive everyone else. I'd say being in between is a good place to be. 

I doubt that very much. This place is full of extremists with bad information and that's about it

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Coronavirus: Ireland closes all schools and says mass gatherings should be cancelled as country goes into lockdown.


Ohio health official estimates 100,000 people in state have coronavirus. 


Matthew Broderick’s Sister Placed in ICU After Testing Positive for Coronavirus.


How to protect yourself at the gym, one of the germiest places around.


Special Report: Italy and South Korea virus outbreaks reveal disparity in deaths and tactics.


Is It Hay Fever, The Common Cold Or Coronavirus?


No, coronavirus is not a good argument for quitting cash.


Why Have So Few Americans Been Tested for Coronavirus?

After problems arose with the C.D.C.’s test, officials could have switched to using successful tests that other countries were already using. But the officials refused to do so, essentially because it would have required changing bureaucratic procedures.


The federal government could also have eased regulations on American hospitals and laboratories, to allow them to create and manufacture their own tests, as Melissa Miller of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine told The Washington Post.

But federal officials did not do so for weeks.

          Virginia Postrel observes, “The people who screwed this up weren’t Trumpites. They were the pros.”



How Government Red Tape Stymied Testing and Made the Coronavirus Epidemic Worse: FDA and CDC bureaucrats stopped private and academic diagnostic tests from being deployed.



‘Don’t panic’ says US woman who recovered from coronavirus.

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3 minutes ago, GG said:


Do you have a better theory?



C'mon...........he can't ..................leave him alone in his ignorance...........






DANA LOESCH: While Progressives Politicize Coronavirus, Trump Moves to Limit China’s Pharmaceutical Control.




ADDED: told ya.




Edited by B-Man
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1 minute ago, B-Man said:







C'mon...........he can't ..................leave him alone in his ignorance...........






DANA LOESCH: While Progressives Politicize Coronavirus, Trump Moves to Limit China’s Pharmaceutical Control.




ADDED: told ya.





The guy with Italy ties is more in tune then a Twitter account.... But you guys chose to ignore it b.c it doesn't fit your agenda.

Edited by Hardhatharry
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1 minute ago, Hardhatharry said:

The guy with Italy ties is more in tune then a Twitter account.... But you guys chose to ignore it b.c it doesn't fit your agenda.


What agenda? 

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1 minute ago, IDBillzFan said:


The agenda. You know. THE agenda. The BIG agenda. The one he's pushing. THAT agenda.


Man, I haven't had this much fun watching leftists melt down since election night.

Extremists are the ones melting it seems at least in this forum. Is it definitely fun watching you guys get flustered.

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