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Bills vs. Falcons Postgame

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This is a very very good defense.


Offense hmmmm


But enjoying the win and this IS a different Buffalo Bills team. The Attitude has changed

We gotta find a way to get the pass game going. That just got harder with Matthews thumb hurt. Good thing Clay is coming through.

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Do we actually have a competent coach? Late in the 4th i was expecting the Bills to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory but maybe I'm a bit hung up on past coaching regimes. I guess it helps to get a couple of calls go out way for a change.

I'm definitely buying into McDermott. You can tell they are well coached. Was thrilled when the hired Frazier too. It's an exciting time.

Sorry but it's not a great game. 300 yards passing didn't happen.

right, forgot about that. Now i'm bummed.

Now that said still despise the Ultra Conservative Coaching

Kinda lacking in WR's. I didn't like the playing calling on the 3 and out with 3+ minutes to go.

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This week I made the comparison between TT and Doug Flutie, who are very similar. Both short, both pretty good but not elite passers, both relying on strong defenses and not beating yourself, both focused on staying in good down and distance, keeping the ball and moving the chains. Also both supremely athletic and elusive.


That's gonna be my story and I'm sticking with it.


All the way to the playoffs, just like Flutie did in 1999.

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