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Study: Millennials don't care about big jugs

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Don't worry, Gen X were called "slackers" back in the day. Now we will be bailing everybody out, working till we drop so Boomers and their echoes (Millennials=Echo Boomers) can have a free ride.


Life is funny like that.




Yeah but Gen X didn't start working until they were 35. Now pump up that SSI fund, slacker!

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That looks like it took a lot of obsessing. Or you're a millennial serial-killer and this is your manifesto.


I also over-generalize generations and I'm gen-x. I read this article the other day and liked it because I'm obviously pro gen-x. It goes to show that everyone likes to paint with a wide brush. https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2017/08/why-generation-x-might-be-our-last-best-hope

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Yeah but Gen X didn't start working until they were 35. Now pump up that SSI fund, slacker!



But that is really the Millennials, I have been working since 15... If you wanna call it that. My parents are not Boomers, no gravy train here. ;-) :-P


And as a Fed FERS employee... BASTAGES! I missed CSRS by 6 years. Under old Fed system, they didn't pay into SS. Got bigger pension, kicked in 7.5% (vs. 1.5% for FERS). We actually have a Boomer on board that is CSRS. Man, ain't that a kick in the nuts! Never kicked into SS!

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You hear this, yet places like this exist:




There was a place around here where the girls wore white shirts tied up like that and very short tartan skirts. The Tilted Kilt, maybe? Shut down a little while ago, didn't have a ton of customers. Of course, they put it smack dab in the middle of a suburb and not in an actual business/restaurant district.

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On a side note... LoL... la Familia and I stopped into a "Twin Peaks" while traveling... Yeah, clueless... Let's just say my femi-Nazi wife and sidekick (my daughter) were NOT AMUSED. But food was decent and son and I enjoyed ourselves. We flashed back in time when we went to Hooters w/our infant son. We won a raffle and one of the prizes was a baby onesie that read: "Life Begins @ Hooters" HA! I don't think my wife ever put that on him... ;-)


There was a place around here where the girls wore white shirts tied up like that and very short tartan skirts. The Tilted Kilt, maybe? Shut down a little while ago, didn't have a ton of customers. Of course, they put it smack dab in the middle of a suburb and not in an actual business/restaurant district.

Yeah... Those suburban Millennial Mamas don't play anymore... Like previous generations of women did. Oh, wait! ;-)

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