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Are we ramping up to war with North Korea?

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We can't unring a bell... Now we all have to stand behind the King of the Deplorables.




Who blinks first.


Better to get them now... BUT as soon as THEY blink! Like the old Fram commercial. "You can pay me now or you can always pay me more later."


I mean, with those comments by DPNK how can they stay the same?

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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We can't unring a bell... Now we all have to stand behind the King of the Deplorables.http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-fg-north-korea-foreign-minister-20170923-story.html

Who blinks first.

Better to get them now... BUT as soon as THEY blink! Like the old Fram commercial. "You can pay me now or you can always pay me more later."

I mean, with those comments by DPNK how can they stay the same?

Well...many people would agree:

The mudslinging continued in the same vein in Ri’s speech. He taunted Trump as “President Evil” and called him a “mentally deranged person full of megalomania … who has turned the White House into a noisy marketplace full of crackling sounds."

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So I'm waiting for my sandwich at the sub shop and they have CNN on.


According to CNN lunch hour news readers, Trump has declared war via Tweet


There's your problem ........... :lol:




MICHAEL LEDEEN: The North Koreans couldn’t have developed their nuclear weapons all by themselves.



It’s now two weeks since we learned that British intelligence has concluded that the North Koreans couldn’t have developed their nuclear weapons all by themselves. According to the Telegraph, “North Korean scientists are people of some ability, but clearly they’re not doing it entirely in a vacuum,” said one government minister. The two main suspects, according to the Brits, are the Iranians and the Russians.

This is not exactly breaking news. For years, I have written about the Nork/Iranian joint nuclear venture, and a long version of the story written by Gordon Chang appeared in 2015, suggesting that Iran had outsourced part of its nuclear program to Pyongyang.

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So I'm waiting for my sandwich at the sub shop and they have CNN on.


According to CNN lunch hour news readers, Trump has declared war via Tweet


Actually, according to North Korea, Trump has declared war. And the DPRK plans to act accordingly. So really...they've declared war.


Which really becomes irrelevant, at this point, who declared first. Seems we're at war now.



This is not exactly breaking news. For years, I have written about the Nork/Iranian joint nuclear venture, and a long version of the story written by Gordon Chang appeared in 2015, suggesting that Iran had outsourced part of its nuclear program to Pyongyang.


Yeah, they've cooperated for...20, 30 years? It's not news, it's history.

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Are you guys that follow this concerned at all? Or they huffing and puffing? It's getting a little ridiculous at this point.


I would put forth the ridiculousness is somewhat intentional. The more people talking about this, the less people are talking about other - more pressing - issues. The DPRK can't target their missiles with any degree of accuracy, they can do a great deal of damage to South Korea but otherwise they're pretty much contained.


The truth is the US won't do anything about the DPRK without getting the okay from China and (less necessary but still important) Moscow. Neither Russia nor China want to see a unified Korean Peninsula, especially a western leaning one. So the chances of this turning hot aren't as high as the pundits and talking heads are trying to make it sound. A first strike (barring the use of new, exotic weapon platforms) is out of the question, our hands are diplomatically and strategically tied due to the millions of lives that would be lost in SK.



... All that said, because of my personal theories on what's really happening (see the OP of the Deep State thread if you're curious, but bring a drink because it's a long post), there are forces attempting to engineer a shooting war with the DPRK who do pose a threat. You won't hear that angle covered much in the news, but it's the more dangerous threat. On that front there have been incidents where we've seen the ongoing conflict going on behind the scenes. The recent troubles with the 7th fleet (might) be the best examples of this shadow war - but that's admittedly wild speculation.



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North Korea has shot down a US plane in the past - and they could do it again

The threat, which followed a North Korean propaganda video that showed US aircraft being blown up, recalled an incident in 1969 when North Korean fighters shot down a US surveillance aircraft in international airspace in 1969, killing the 31 crew aboard.

Two North Korean Air Force Mig-21s attacked an unarmed and unescorted US Navy Lockheed EC-121M reconnaissance aircraft around 90 nautical miles off the coast of North Korea. The US military staged a show of force in the Sea of Japan, including resuming reconnaissance flights, but the administration of President Richard Nixon took no offensive action against North Korea.

Fifteen months earlier, North Korean patrol ships also attacked and boarded the USS Pueblo as it operated 1 nautical mile outside the 12-nautical-mile boundary for territorial waters. One of the 83 crew was killed and the others spent more than a year in captivity before being released.

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This is a bad thing:




Liquid-fueled missiles...they can't stay fueled, which means you can't have them just sitting in a silo waiting to be launched. You store the fuel separately, then fuel them when you want to launch, and generally have to empty them if you don't launch within 24 hours or so, and they're dangerous as hell on a submarine.


A working solid-fuel engine...now your missile can sit around for years, your time-to-launch goes from half-an-hour to however-long-it-takes-to-turn-a-key.

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This is a bad thing:




Liquid-fueled missiles...they can't stay fueled, which means you can't have them just sitting in a silo waiting to be launched. You store the fuel separately, then fuel them when you want to launch, and generally have to empty them if you don't launch within 24 hours or so, and they're dangerous as hell on a submarine.


A working solid-fuel engine...now your missile can sit around for years, your time-to-launch goes from half-an-hour to however-long-it-takes-to-turn-a-key.


When's the last time we deployed three carriers in the same theater without using them?

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