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President Trump's "alternate facts"

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Move your eyes up and examine the neckline of that picture. Pretty sure it's fake.


It's a picture of her taken somewhere else, dropped into a different background and with the neckline of that outfit dropped by maybe three inches.


It's not completely fake, since it is a picture of Katy Perry, with the only thing about her altered being the neckline.

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Don't worry, @ least I will get bored shooting fish in a barrel after a while. As I have been the last 15 years, I will be here to say: "I told you so." No spaz attacks, just too much hypocrisy and golden material to pass up on. Fault me for lack of will power. ;-)


Like the Asian carp and loony enviros that I disagree with. I am always there to remind them that they were wrong and are still wrong. What are we going on now? Almost 20 years since the inevitable "invasion?" Where are the fish Sen. Stabenow? Where are they: Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Ontario, & the Native Tribes? Yep, right behind the barrier... :-)


That hypocrisy has been going on since before any of us were born, Mr Sharpshooter. I guess you just happened to pick a time to ramp up your participation that coincided with the sudden influx of meatheads, sacks, pastas, and a gator who fired his mental pogo stick into hyperdrive. I'm sure the election had nothing at all to do with it.


And besides - why do you assume I was referring to you?

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And besides - why do you assume I was referring to you?

Because I have been on here a ton, I am vocal, and a lib and I was banned once before in 2004... :-)


On board more only because I am off work (only work 3 12s a week and get huge stretches off), it's winter (can't go broke playing all the time), I have ton of gratitous time and it is Trump: easy pickings!


Mostly because I am a lib on a conservative attack board.

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Like the Asian carp and loony enviros that I disagree with. I am always there to remind them that they were wrong and are still wrong. What are we going on now? Almost 20 years since the inevitable "invasion?" Where are the fish Sen. Stabenow? Where are they: Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Ontario, & the Native Tribes? Yep, right behind the barrier... :-)

All states that voted for Trump


Coincidence? ;)

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Can't begin to keep up with yesterday's train wreck of alternate facts.




Amusing moment when the reporter confronts him on his claim to have the largest electoral vote win since Reagan, and he says "Someone gave me that information." What a crock.


Mouth moves. Lies released. We have never had a president who lies like this. Never.

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Can't begin to keep up with yesterday's train wreck of alternate facts.




Amusing moment when the reporter confronts him on his claim to have the largest electoral vote win since Reagan, and he says "Someone gave me that information." What a crock.


Mouth moves. Lies released. We have never had a president who lies like this. Never.

"If you like your doctor you can keep him."

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Can't begin to keep up with yesterday's train wreck of alternate facts.




Amusing moment when the reporter confronts him on his claim to have the largest electoral vote win since Reagan, and he says "Someone gave me that information." What a crock.


Mouth moves. Lies released. We have never had a president who lies like this. Never.


its probably not good when 90 percent of the time you find yourself asking "what the !@#$ is he talking about?"


The answer to almost any question: Fake Media, Fake News, Hillary Clinton, EC Margin of Victory.


So strange.

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It matters to me if he tells the truth, but not you. Fair counterpoint.

I don't think at this point he consciously lies.


I think he just talks, and tries to sound good.


He's absolutely not concerned if it's true or not.


Hillary lies to get away with something. Trump lies because he wants to sound good. We were !@#$ed this election cycle.

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Can't begin to keep up with yesterday's train wreck of alternate facts.




Amusing moment when the reporter confronts him on his claim to have the largest electoral vote win since Reagan, and he says "Someone gave me that information." What a crock.


Mouth moves. Lies released. We have never had a president who lies like this. Never.



Don't tell me you slept through the Obama administration.

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I don't think at this point he consciously lies.


I think he just talks, and tries to sound good.


He's absolutely not concerned if it's true or not.


Hillary lies to get away with something. Trump lies because he wants to sound good. We were !@#$ed this election cycle.


its so weird, stick to Jobs, Healthcare fixes, Tax Code Reform- there is so much to talk about, why keep talking about the Media and Hillary Clinton?

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