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Schopp: Imagining the Bills as open


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Dont understand why the column would bring about such over the top criticism.


It serves 2 purposes


1, to show what schopp is thinking pegula is thinking (which imo would be a good outlook)


2, to show how easy it could be to maybe put to rest the strange contentiousness between the bills and media. Even besides the adversarial role, often times the organization can appear foolish, even if they do have a plan.


The column, if anything is pro-pegula and bills

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somebody in the comments said EXACTLY what i feel about this whole 'bills are dysfunctional' crap:


"This is ridiculous. Why does everyone act like the Bills are operating in a secretive fashion? The owner is almost as open and honest as you have imagined! The only difference is his answers aren't what you want to hear. I mean, what have they not answered honestly?! Isn't it possible that they are genuinely uncertain of what the best course of action would be, regarding Taylor? And isn't it possible that they genuinely would like to hear the opinion of the coaches that will be working with him, before making up their minds and stubbornly forcing the coaches to work with or without him, regardless of their opinion on him? And furthermore, isn't taking their input into account before making a final decision actually a perfectly fine way of handling such a difficult situation? Why should they pretend to be 100%, absolutely certain that Taylor is, or is not, the guy? That's all this article is really getting at, because the rest of the questions have literally already been answered honestly in the past. Ownership has said, on the record, numerous times, that their goal is not to simply make the Playoffs, but to win a championship. They have literally gone so far as to say that the pursuit of a championship is all they care about, and have openly admitted that any season they do not achieve that goal is a failure. He has shared his thoughts of McDermott, and he has addressed the stadium question on more than one occasion! I really don't understand the perception here that they are dodging questions, or operating in an overly-secretive manner."

the pegulas have stopped talking to the media bc the media is full of horseshit. i would do the same thing except with a few 'why dont you guys go f*** yourselves'

Yeah, but you're a meathead.

Its actually a good example of how you could completely neutralize the morons at the news but the Bills arent smart enough. Instead they send People out to the podium who habitually make fools of themselves and the organization. A better title would have been imagine the bills just telling it like it is. Its what I like most about Tim Murray. He tells it the way he sees it without the condescending tone so many sports executives use when speaking to the press and public. Not really a hard concept.

You're forgetting this is TBD. This place is at least one cup and saucer short of a full place setting.


Remember that slow kid you knew in grade school? He did 4th grade twice. This place is full of those guys, 20 years later.

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lotta hostility in this thread.


to the media? its well earned


ive never seen anything more ridiculous than the bflo news reporting on the bills firing rex ryan


well except for the national coverage on our recent presidential election

2, to show how easy it could be to maybe put to rest the strange contentiousness between the bills and media




oh oh oh




you reeally think the relationship with the media could ever be anything but contentiousness in this era of 'lying for clicks' in our sham of a media? holy naïveté batman

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On the Rex issue this is exactly what should have happened. Terry should have come out, faced the music, explained his decision to can Rex and accepted his error in hiring him. On Tyrod.... the owner is not the right man to address the press on who is the Quarterback of the team. That is for Whaley and the Head Coach.

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Posted this yesterday - file it under fan fiction.


Like many, I bristle at the thought of the "media" writing an article that is essentially "how to appease the media".


Duh Bills, just be wide open and tell us exactly what you're really thinking - just like all great NFL organizations, right! Wait, I'm told NO sports organizations do this, my bad.


Should TBD at least start a Kickstarter page to by the media some steak sandwiches? I feel like the hidden message in that article was "free lunch goes a long way." (or, in 2017 the media no longer gets paid enough to afford their own lunch).

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Can someone please shed some light on this article? I'm guessing by the title and content this didn't really happen or it would of been a much bigger deal. I'm guessing this is what Schopp is wishing what would happen, but it's not made clear in the article and he uses quotes from Terry?!?? Anyway, very strange.

Stupid article, As an example I don't think it would be a "dream" if the Bills were "honest" about their assessment of Taylor. If they are undecided why discuss it? If they have already decided to move on why not try to trade him? We all hear about "substantial" interest in him. Its not a smart way to run a football franchise.

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to the media? its well earned


ive never seen anything more ridiculous than the bflo news reporting on the bills firing rex ryan


well except for the national coverage on our recent presidential election




oh oh oh




you reeally think the relationship with the media could ever be anything but contentiousness in this era of 'lying for clicks' in our sham of a media? holy naïveté batman


The Pegulas vs the Buffalo News have a 'blood feud' that stems back to when Pegula made the ludicrous suggestion that if TBN printed nothing but positive articles, Tim Connolly would play better. TBN made fun of him and it has been downhill since.


WGR was in on it too. They started to play nice with the Sabres/Bills and as a result were given lots of access to Ted Black, Tim Murray, Whaley, and Pegula himself. WGR balances being critical and fair, while TBN is a bit one-tracked and vindictive.


Also, that the three ring circus that the Bills pitched with Anthony Lynn and Doug Whaley was not the media's fault. That was piss-poor PR and a failure on the organization to provide a cohesive message. Self-inflicted wounds and it provided the media with lots of fodder. Either be secretive and be good at it with a closed ship... or just be straight forward. The bills try to be secretive, but with all the leaks and awful projection of their message, they end up with egg on their face.

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i do agree that the season ending drama could have been handled a whole lot better by the bills, so some of the valid criticisms are warrented


but the blfo news has brought a lot of the bad blood upon themselves. i understand that manufactured scandal sells a whole lot better than reality, but there is a price to pay when your target has the ability to determin whether or not they talk to you

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lotta hostility in this thread.


It's warranted. The local media (not you JW) constantly whine about lack of access and then, in what can only be described as throwing childish tantrums, generate fake drama based to try and goad the front office into being more responsible. It's pathetic. The story involves nothing but pandering to the press, feeding them steak sandwiches and using them and their vast infinite knowledge of sports as sounding boards for ownership's decisions.


How come guys like Tim Graham, who actually have talent, have the ability to write well thought out and researched articles like his piece on Talley last year, but prefer to spend 90% of their day trying to one-up themselves with pithy comebacks on twitter while feuding with fans? Good reporters get access to the people they write about, not because they are company men and parrot opinions the front office want disseminated, but because they adhere to the core principles of journalism and don't turn any little comment into a Page Six gossip story.


If you don't think the outrage is warranted. I suggest you consider public response if the team posted a fan fic titled "what if the local media were appropriate" and outlined a press conference where everyone adoringly eats up all of Doug's non-answers and then report only on the facts without reading into things or baseless speculation. This board would implode and I think TBN would be swallowed whole by the ground from the collective outrage.

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Also, that the three ring circus that the Bills pitched with Anthony Lynn and Doug Whaley was not the media's fault. That was piss-poor PR and a failure on the organization to provide a cohesive message. Self-inflicted wounds and it provided the media with lots of fodder. Either be secretive and be good at it with a closed ship... or just be straight forward. The bills try to be secretive, but with all the leaks and awful projection of their message, they end up with egg on their face.

Scott Berchtold is the VP of Communications for the Bills. After that DISASTEROUS press conference, he should be fired, and Whaley as well for sounding like a complete nincompoop!

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Schopp is terrible. How has this guy not been fired yet? Does he have compromising photos of his boss or something? I feel like I need to take a prozac after listening to him whine


He elicits a reaction..either form people who roll themselves out of their crib to b*tch about everything or by the people who can't believe he says such idiotic things and is employed.


You've confused his job of getting attention with providing a useful service as journalist.

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somebody in the comments said EXACTLY what i feel about this whole 'bills are dysfunctional' crap:


"This is ridiculous. Why does everyone act like the Bills are operating in a secretive fashion? The owner is almost as open and honest as you have imagined! The only difference is his answers aren't what you want to hear. I mean, what have they not answered honestly?! Isn't it possible that they are genuinely uncertain of what the best course of action would be, regarding Taylor? And isn't it possible that they genuinely would like to hear the opinion of the coaches that will be working with him, before making up their minds and stubbornly forcing the coaches to work with or without him, regardless of their opinion on him? And furthermore, isn't taking their input into account before making a final decision actually a perfectly fine way of handling such a difficult situation? Why should they pretend to be 100%, absolutely certain that Taylor is, or is not, the guy? That's all this article is really getting at, because the rest of the questions have literally already been answered honestly in the past. Ownership has said, on the record, numerous times, that their goal is not to simply make the Playoffs, but to win a championship. They have literally gone so far as to say that the pursuit of a championship is all they care about, and have openly admitted that any season they do not achieve that goal is a failure. He has shared his thoughts of McDermott, and he has addressed the stadium question on more than one occasion! I really don't understand the perception here that they are dodging questions, or operating in an overly-secretive manner."

the pegulas have stopped talking to the media bc the media is full of horseshit. i would do the same thing except with a few 'why dont you guys go f*** yourselves'


a perfect summary. !

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Meathead, on 19 Jan 2017 - 08:16 AM, said:


to the media? its well earned


ive never seen anything more ridiculous than the bflo news reporting on the bills firing rex ryan


well except for the national coverage on our recent presidential election


no, it isn't. grow up.


It's warranted. The local media (not you JW) constantly whine about lack of access and then, in what can only be described as throwing childish tantrums, generate fake drama based to try and goad the front office into being more responsible. It's pathetic. The story involves nothing but pandering to the press, feeding them steak sandwiches and using them and their vast infinite knowledge of sports as sounding boards for ownership's decisions.


How come guys like Tim Graham, who actually have talent, have the ability to write well thought out and researched articles like his piece on Talley last year, but prefer to spend 90% of their day trying to one-up themselves with pithy comebacks on twitter while feuding with fans? Good reporters get access to the people they write about, not because they are company men and parrot opinions the front office want disseminated, but because they adhere to the core principles of journalism and don't turn any little comment into a Page Six gossip story.


If you don't think the outrage is warranted. I suggest you consider public response if the team posted a fan fic titled "what if the local media were appropriate" and outlined a press conference where everyone adoringly eats up all of Doug's non-answers and then report only on the facts without reading into things or baseless speculation. This board would implode and I think TBN would be swallowed whole by the ground from the collective outrage.

oh my god...

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He elicits a reaction..either form people who roll themselves out of their crib to b*tch about everything or by the people who can't believe he says such idiotic things and is employed.


You've confused his job of getting attention with providing a useful service as journalist.

A tough theory to prove since it is the only show in town. Once in a while I listen to get some bills news, I am usually disappointed.


It would be like having one crappy pizza stop in town. If you have a craving for pizza, it's the only option.


He is not Howard Stern. Given another option people would take it

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