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Bills' Player to Tyler Dunne: Rob Ryan was the Problem on D

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In sum, guys on D livid because they felt the #Bills offense carried their weight in 2016 and the changes ruined a potentially great season.

Kyle probably lost his mind over this. Best offense he ever played with and his unit played like crap. The exact kind of guy to take that very personally and very hard.

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It does make sense, but you greatly underestimated the special brand of terrible Rob Ryan exudes from every pore.


Apparently :lol:




In sum, guys on D livid because they felt the #Bills offense carried their weight in 2016 and the changes ruined a potentially great season.



I don't blame them--if it really was that hectic, then some of what we saw on a weekly basis (wrong # of guys on the field, completely blown assignments, etc.) makes sense.


well, remember at the time was they decided to fully scrap whatever halfway between JS and RR defense rex ran in 2015, and go full ryan.


i suspect that didnt amount to throwing out everything, but i do believe there were changes


I hear you; I just can't fathom why they'd change things so drastically. Again--it's about coaching the 11 you have on the field, and not being so rigidly committed to a system.

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Yes and look at the hangover effect in New Orleans - so can use it as excuse in 2017.

despite $45m in dead money and no major additions, as well as losing 3 out of 4 starters in the secondary to injury for a stretch - here are the saints stats with the "rob hangover"


still not good but substantially improved.


2015 YPG allowed: 413

2016 YPG: 375


2015 Yard per play allowed: 6.6

2016 YPP: 6.0


2015 PPG allowed: 29.1

2016 PPG: 26.1


if we see similar bounces, and keep the offense on track, we should be in a nice spot.



@TyDunne Wasnt it Rex who brought Rob in? And if things were getting bad, Rex shouldve dumped Rob. Rex can only blame himself.



Tyler Dunne Retweeted Michael Klinck


Yep. Hitched his wagon to his brother and failed miserably.

and you knew the problem from the get go would be that if it failed he wouldnt be able to handle managing his brother. hes too loyal to friends, yet alone rob. Edited by NoSaint
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Had an interesting chat with one #Bills defensive player today on what went wrong for them this year. Will pass along a couple quotes.


More from this #Bills player on D: "Rob ruined our whole defense. He took over everything. ... He confused us." Called it a "disaster."


This #Bills player said that Rob Ryan -- not Rex -- was the problem. Rob was basically the team's DC in 2016. "He changed everything."


Bills defensive player on Rob Ryan's D: "Players hated it. Everything we played was dictated off the offense. We had no identity."


One other note: Player I chatted with said Rob Ryan mixed man with zone so much it confused everybody. "It was all over the place."


In sum, guys on D livid because they felt the #Bills offense carried their weight in 2016 and the changes ruined a potentially great season.



Somewhere else I read something similar. According to an unnamed source, Rex didn't work as hard this year as in years past. He let his brother run the D. Once he realized things were screwed up, it was too late to get it under control.

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Had an interesting chat with one #Bills defensive player today on what went wrong for them this year. Will pass along a couple quotes.


More from this #Bills player on D: "Rob ruined our whole defense. He took over everything. ... He confused us." Called it a "disaster."


This #Bills player said that Rob Ryan -- not Rex -- was the problem. Rob was basically the team's DC in 2016. "He changed everything."


Bills defensive player on Rob Ryan's D: "Players hated it. Everything we played was dictated off the offense. We had no identity."


One other note: Player I chatted with said Rob Ryan mixed man with zone so much it confused everybody. "It was all over the place."


In sum, guys on D livid because they felt the #Bills offense carried their weight in 2016 and the changes ruined a potentially great season.



Tyler Dunne, after only a short time in Buffalo, has more inside information on the Bills than Sully who's spending his career following the Bills.

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