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Clay inactive for game due to birth of child (updated)


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If my Dad missed playing in an NFL game to see my birth, I'd be like WTF. Kid won't remember, and there are only 16 games a year. Send some nice flowers so the kid knows you were thinking of him/her.

Kid won't remember, wife will.

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This is basically a playoff game.

Point? Coach oked it. Owner likely as well.


People miss things at their job all the time for the Birth of their child.


Maybe should have beat Ravens, Jets and Dolphins then this Raider game wouldn't basically be a playoff game


Congrats Clay go support your wife

Edited by MAJBobby
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Kid won't remember, wife will.

And so will he. Bado is right in that he's doing it for selfish reasons (granted Ive never heard anybody claim it was for the child...) but being there for the birth of your children is one of life's great memories and I'd never begrudge someone that because of my selfish desire to see my favorite football team have a better chance at victory.

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Want better logic.


I was a Commander in Combat in Iraq. Senior Leadership flew me home for the birth of my child.




End of the day this is a game and a job no matter how much they are paid. Also you don't think this was OKed by Senior Leadership (i.e. Coaches and Owner) your niave

end thread/

there is NO replacement for being there for your Wife, and the trial that is childbirth

And so will he. Bado is right in that he's doing it for selfish reasons (granted Ive never heard anybody claim it was for the child...) but being there for the birth of your children is one of life's great memories and I'd never begrudge someone that because of my selfish desire to see my favorite football team have a better chance at victory.

I cannot even imagine a good reason for not being there. None have been presented thats for sure.

But maybe some folks think childbirth is not the miracle i found it to be. i saw it with my Grandson. It would not be the same if Dad/husband was not there. And that moment is one last will live forever with Mom and Dad . and probably the rest of the Family.

Don't shortchange joy and happiness.

Football aint all that

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Want better logic.


I was a Commander in Combat in Iraq. Senior Leadership flew me home for the birth of my child.




End of the day this is a game and a job no matter how much they are paid. Also you don't think this was OKed by Senior Leadership (i.e. Coaches and Owner) your niave


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i have been off put by some here.


But this begrudging Charles Clay is so over the top f'd up i cannot even....

Been together since High School. Married in 2014. So all those years of Supporting Clay and his football career and the one time his wife needs his support you want him to bolt to Oakland.

Yeah right

So? So, you say? I'll tell ya what so! I'm a fan, dammit! Charles Clay OWES ME DAMMIT!

well, how much does he owe you? I will scrap together the cash to send you. I want him with Mom.


BTW i have 4 kids, and the littlest one was tough.
you better f'n be there or you are no Man to me.

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i have been off put by some here.


But this begrudging Charles Clay is so over the top f'd up i cannot even....



well, how much does he owe you? I will scrap together the cash to send you. I want him with Mom.


BTW i have 4 kids, and the littlest one was tough.

you better f'n be there or you are no Man to me.

Yeah god forbid something happens during birth and you a playing a freaking game

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I love all you tough guys who say it's "PC" to take a day off for the biggest day of ones life. To me PC means giving someone crap for saying Merry Christmas, it's not PC to take a game off for the birth of your child. Trying to be a good husband isn't "PC". I hate political correctness, but I love how many guys use being "anti PC as an excuse for pretending to be "tough". It's only a freaking game. You're only mad because your team might lose or your Daddy wasn't there. Boo hoo.

Edited by DriveFor1Outta5
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Want better logic.


I was a Commander in Combat in Iraq. Senior Leadership flew me home for the birth of my child.




End of the day this is a game and a job no matter how much they are paid. Also you don't think this was OKed by Senior Leadership (i.e. Coaches and Owner) your niave

This is all said with a smile on my face, so take it for what it's worth.


Listen. You are not the only guy on this board that serves or has served in a combat zone. I can assess what branch you're in (or were in) based on the nature of the culture described (i.e., senior leadership allowing a company commander to return in the middle of a deployment for a child birth). I'm guessing company commander based on "MAJBobby" and the reference to service in Iraq. Maybe there were extenuating circumstances and it may have been necessary for your return, but please stop with the use of service to make a freaking point. You have no idea what I do for a living, but I certainly wouldn't have to call you Sir....But I will call you Bobby.


You're point to "logic" doesn't make sense. We were comparing types of employees (amount of investment, capability to be replaced) and you come back with a reference to a deployment. How does that strengthen your position, Bobby? :)


We can agree on the following....Go Bills.


Just because I'm curious, are you Army? Just friendly service banter, I respect all of them.

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Your understanding of what football players do is not the greatest.




Also my favorite thing is the people who complain about the PC Crowd (for being sensitive), but they are doing so in the context of whining about something. "Waaaahhhhhhhh the football player I like to watch won't play....wahhhhhhhhh....so what he is having a child and has prioritized that......wahhhhhhhhh........some something about the sensitive pc crowd"

I'm sure he's from the party of 'family values', just as long as those values don't occur on Sunday.

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This is all said with a smile on my face, so take it for what it's worth.


Listen. You are not the only guy on this board that serves or has served in a combat zone. I can assess what branch you're in (or were in) based on the nature of the culture described (i.e., senior leadership allowing a company commander to return in the middle of a deployment for a child birth). I'm guessing company commander based on "MAJBobby" and the reference to service in Iraq. Maybe there were extenuating circumstances and it may have been necessary for your return, but please stop with the use of service to make a freaking point. You have no idea what I do for a living, but I certainly wouldn't have to call you Sir....But I will call you Bobby.


You're point to "logic" doesn't make sense. We were comparing types of employees (amount of investment, capability to be replaced) and you come back with a reference to a deployment. How does that strengthen your position, Bobby? :)


We can agree on the following....Go Bills.


Just because I'm curious, are you Army? Just friendly service banter, I respect all of them.

You've probably proven your opponents point then. I assume that what you do is probably a hell of a lot more important than a NFL game. It's just a game, if Clay misses one for a major life event it's not a big deal. Edited by DriveFor1Outta5
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Why is it assumed that being at the birth of a child, is for the sake of a child?


Hey, here's a thought, maybe people want to be at their children's birth to support their significant other. Maybe they want to be there so it's a memory of theirs they can share. Maybe they view it as an experience with their significant other, something they can think back on.


For someone to say that a child won't remember you being there, is hilarious. Of course they won't. But I'm sorry there are other reasons to be there beyond that.

Edited by Wayne Cubed
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This is all said with a smile on my face, so take it for what it's worth.


Listen. You are not the only guy on this board that serves or has served in a combat zone. I can assess what branch you're in (or were in) based on the nature of the culture described (i.e., senior leadership allowing a company commander to return in the middle of a deployment for a child birth). I'm guessing company commander based on "MAJBobby" and the reference to service in Iraq. Maybe there were extenuating circumstances and it may have been necessary for your return, but please stop with the use of service to make a freaking point. You have no idea what I do for a living, but I certainly wouldn't have to call you Sir....But I will call you Bobby.


You're point to "logic" doesn't make sense. We were comparing types of employees (amount of investment, capability to be replaced) and you come back with a reference to a deployment. How does that strengthen your position, Bobby? :)


We can agree on the following....Go Bills.


Just because I'm curious, are you Army? Just friendly service banter, I respect all of them.

Yes Army. Reference the deployment I used to as an example of a more important situation than a freaking football game.


Also should know how much is also invested in an individual Soldier, Marine, Airman, Seaman (lol) as wel. Granted it is not as much as a contract some of these football players make.


But at the end of the day, just like my deployment, a CEO of a company, a fast food worker, etc it is a Job. And for a guy with a skill set of Clay a job that if Bills fired him would get hired again.


That is the point I was trying to make not shoving my Service at people. Sorry if I came off like that or offended. Sorry Sir if I did cause though I have no idea what your do you obviously out rank me.


Taking a break and baking some Brownies for my wife

Edited by MAJBobby
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