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3-2 but Tyrod has had 4 bad games this season


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Why are there always excuses.

First it was the line, he had no protection. That has sured up, that is out

Then it was the o coordinator. he is gone. So that excuse is out.

Now it is the WR.


Why cant we just say hey, this guy isin't performing right now.

Taylor is in the mid-lower 20's in every major statistical QB ranking. That is not good.


We are winning which is great, but how long can this be sustained.

If he wasnt performing we would not be winning


Jesus enough with this crap HE THREW TWO TOUCHDOWNS YESTERDAY

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This is one of many examples where both sides of this discussion are correct.


TT hasn't displayed the tools that are generally considered critical to be a truly successful QB in the league and win games "by himself" on a consistent basis. That's not to say it can't be successful - see P. Manning -2015-16, T. Dilfer, etc... but it's a rarity.


On the flip side, what do the Bills do as an alternative? There doesn't seem to be much in the draft, there is definitely nothing out there that's better, and you certainly can't trade for a guy because why would a team trade a franchise QB.

So it's a tough situation, we just have to hope TT grows into top tier QB, develops his skill reading defenses, throwing between the numbers, and throwing on time and guys open. In the meantime, keep acquiring QBs a la Cardale Jones in hopes that one shows promise and can become the guy.

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Just enjoy the wins. They have been few and far between the past few years. If you're looking for zero mistake, perfect football from any QB, then you will be waiting and looking a very long time. TT played well enough to give his team a chance to win and win they did.

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I don't know, so far it's a mixed bag for me but in defense of Tyrod I'll point out the positives:


1. He made clutch plays when needed, plain and simple. The TD pass to Hunter was huge, he had nobody open and bought enough time to make a really nice play for a TD. The TD to Goodwin was the same deal. Amazing clutch play and great throw while under a lot of pressure. The run on 3rd and 18 is just as good as a long pass play. Without these plays, we don't win the game.


2. I'll give him a bit of a pass on the first two games with the O-Coordinator change. Play calling under Roman was terrible and Tyrod was rushing to get plays off because they were coming in late and wasn't given much freedom to change plays at the line of scrimmage.


3. No Watkins, no Salas. Missing Watkins is huge, changes the way defenses play us. I think you can make a case for us having one of the weaker WR's in the league. At best, we are avaerage at the position without Sammy.


4. Would you rather have a guy throw for 250 and have 2 picks, or a guy throw for 150-200, run for 50 and zero picks? Bottom line, turnovers are huge and he limits them.


I'm not saying he's the franchise guy and worth a huge contract, but willing to let the full season play out. There's a lot of football to be played, so to me the jury is still out. I have hope, but not sold yet by any means.

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Why are there always excuses.

First it was the line, he had no protection. That has sured up, that is out

Then it was the o coordinator. he is gone. So that excuse is out.

Now it is the WR.


Why cant we just say hey, this guy isin't performing right now.

Taylor is in the mid-lower 20's in every major statistical QB ranking. That is not good.


We are winning which is great, but how long can this be sustained.


Why are all circumstances just labeled excuses? If your car blows a tire on your way to work and youre late, is that an excuse or a factual circumstance that impacted your ability to do your job at its best?


So sick and tired of people labeling reason as excuse. All you are doing is deflecting to continue to sing your personal narrative no matter what the topic. So the real question is why does it always have to be one or the other? Why does it have to be either an excuse or a reason? That will never ever be 100% true no matter what side you are on and when you whine and argue for your side you are no better than the people you are mocking.


The TRUTH is: Taylor IS struggling more this year in some areas and is missing throws he just can't miss as his accuracy has regressed. Taylor also HAS been impacted by lack of any help at WR, early OL struggles, and having to adjust to 2 different coordinators.


To sit back and act like the OL issues the first 2 weeks didn't hurt him, the lack of Sammy hasnt hurt him, or even Romans terrible game calling and the adjustment to a new OC in season doesn't have an impact on him is utterly stupid. Just as its equally stupid to say in TT defense that Taylor's performance is only struggling because of those things because thats also not true. He has missed throws where there is no excuse for missing them and has also not seen wide open guys that he has to see. Even before the Justin TD yesterday when he threw the out of bounds TD to Woods...I was sitting in the stands right next to that end zone and I can tell you Woods was wide open early on that route for an easy TD and TT didn't see him until the end when Woods had to improvise as he was no longer open at that point. TT has to see these routes, it was an easy throw right over the middle for a walk in TD.


Right now, its good to be 3-2 with 2 very winnable games ahead of us for us to try and get a groove in our passing game established because we will unquestionably lose the NE game if we can't find more consistency in the passing game as we will need to score a lot of points to have a shot at a win in that game. TT needs to get better throwing, however, this offense desperately misses Sammy Watkins and the WR's are very under whelming on this roster right now, so its going to be hard for this passing game to improve a lot without Sammy and thats a shame. But TT is definitely making up for it with the ability to run and as long as he keeps being a major run threat that will continue to open up lanes for McCoy and help our mediocre WR group get open more.

Edited by Alphadawg7
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Why are there always excuses.

First it was the line, he had no protection. That has sured up, that is out

Then it was the o coordinator. he is gone. So that excuse is out.

Now it is the WR.


Why cant we just say hey, this guy isin't performing right now.

Taylor is in the mid-lower 20's in every major statistical QB ranking. That is not good.


We are winning which is great, but how long can this be sustained.



No excuses, his play needs to improve, but there is also more to it than HE simply not performing right now.


The OC excuse was when we were dropping games to lesser teams. And that seems to have been an accurate "excuse" since we are 3-0 since that change.


I mentioned the WR situation to add that it is not TT simply making bad throws.

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Why are all circumstances just labeled excuses? If your car blows a tire on your way to work and youre late, is that an excuse or a factual circumstance that impacted your ability to do your job at its best?


So sick and tired of people labeling reason as excuse. All you are doing is deflecting to continue to sing your personal narrative no matter what the topic. So the real question is why does it always have to be one or the other? Why does it have to be either an excuse or a reason? That will never ever be 100% true no matter what side you are on and when you whine and argue for your side you are no better than the people you are mocking.


The TRUTH is: Taylor IS struggling more this year in some areas and is missing throws he just can't miss as his accuracy has regressed. Taylor also HAS been impacted by lack of any help at WR, early OL struggles, and having to adjust to 2 different coordinators.


To sit back and act like the OL issues the first 2 weeks didn't hurt him, the lack of Sammy hasnt hurt him, or even Romans terrible game calling and the adjustment to a new OC in season doesn't have an impact on him is utterly stupid. Just as its equally stupid to say in TT defense that Taylor's performance is only struggling because of those things because thats also not true. He has missed throws where there is no excuse for missing them and has also not seen wide open guys that he has to see. Even before the Justin TD yesterday when he threw the out of bounds TD to Woods...I was sitting in the stands right next to that end zone and I can tell you Woods was wide open early on that route for an easy TD and TT didn't see him until the end when Woods had to improvise as he was no longer open at that point. TT has to see these routes, it was an easy throw right over the middle for a walk in TD.


Right now, its good to be 3-2 with 2 very winnable games ahead of us for us to try and get a groove in our passing game established because we will unquestionably lose the NE game if we can't find more consistency in the passing game as we will need to score a lot of points to have a shot at a win in that game. TT needs to get better throwing, however, this offense desperately misses Sammy Watkins and the WR's are very under whelming on this roster right now, so its going to be hard for this passing game to improve a lot without Sammy and thats a shame. But TT is definitely making up for it with the ability to run and as long as he keeps being a major run threat that will continue to open up lanes for McCoy and help our mediocre WR group get open more.

Good post.


In all honestly I would like to know why TT's accuracy has regressed. I am one of his biggest supporters and even I can see that. I am wondering what has caused it.


I know this....if a QB was accurate before he can be again...which is why I am not too worried. I believe by the end of the season most fans will feel that he has earned his contract.

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I think the Bills' Defensive is on fire, with the exception of Gilmore. He got torched again yesterday. Their only other problem is Tyrod Taylor. Either WRs can't catch what he throws, or he puts it 2 feet above their reach. I think the Bills D got bogged down in the 3rd Quarter yesterday due to being hot and exhausted. All because of Tyrod-Three-And-Out-Taylor!


What do you think about the Bills' penalty problems? Was this the current Bills' best play without stupid penalties? Last week was close too! I like to see this. Adolphus Washington (Beast) had a stupid 'roughing the passer' penalty, but he was real fired up at the time. I think that was the worst penalty yesterday!


How is Colton doing today? He got rocked on his punt. I would be pissed if I was him, especially since Tyrod through his second chance out the winder after the guy took one for the team!!!!



Saratoga Springs, NY


Go Bills!!!!!!!!

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Yeezus being Yeezus. He made 2 big TD throws at the end of drives, and a big 3rd down run. He's a rich man's Alex Smith. Tyrod is managaing the game perfectly. He is doing what needs to be done to win. It isn't perfect but the results are all that matter.

TT is not a precise passer and probably will never be. Our offense is not designed around the passing because the qb and the receiving corps are not built for it. The difference between an Orton type of qb and TT is that Taylor has the ability to make plays with his legs and he can throw the deep ball keeping the defensive backfield on its heels.


It's obvious that TT has limitations as a passer. He is what he is. But that doesn't mean we can't win with him taking the snaps.The change from Roman to Lynn has worked out terrifically. The play calling is quicker and crisper. The run game is now more north/south instead of east/west.


Overall, I'm not delighted by the play of Tyrod but I am satisfied by it.

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Broncos won the Super Bowl with a QB who threw for 141 yards and an interception.

Chiefs have gone 11-5; 9-7; and 11-5 with Alex Smith at QB. Refresh my memory, but didnt he go an entire season without throwing a td pass to a WR?


We're not 1-4 so the sky is falling at TSW. The naysayers dont know what to do with themselves.

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Why are all circumstances just labeled excuses? If your car blows a tire on your way to work and youre late, is that an excuse or a factual circumstance that impacted your ability to do your job at its best?


So sick and tired of people labeling reason as excuse. All you are doing is deflecting to continue to sing your personal narrative no matter what the topic. So the real question is why does it always have to be one or the other? Why does it have to be either an excuse or a reason? That will never ever be 100% true no matter what side you are on and when you whine and argue for your side you are no better than the people you are mocking.


The TRUTH is: Taylor IS struggling more this year in some areas and is missing throws he just can't miss as his accuracy has regressed. Taylor also HAS been impacted by lack of any help at WR, early OL struggles, and having to adjust to 2 different coordinators.


To sit back and act like the OL issues the first 2 weeks didn't hurt him, the lack of Sammy hasnt hurt him, or even Romans terrible game calling and the adjustment to a new OC in season doesn't have an impact on him is utterly stupid. Just as its equally stupid to say in TT defense that Taylor's performance is only struggling because of those things because thats also not true. He has missed throws where there is no excuse for missing them and has also not seen wide open guys that he has to see. Even before the Justin TD yesterday when he threw the out of bounds TD to Woods...I was sitting in the stands right next to that end zone and I can tell you Woods was wide open early on that route for an easy TD and TT didn't see him until the end when Woods had to improvise as he was no longer open at that point. TT has to see these routes, it was an easy throw right over the middle for a walk in TD.


Right now, its good to be 3-2 with 2 very winnable games ahead of us for us to try and get a groove in our passing game established because we will unquestionably lose the NE game if we can't find more consistency in the passing game as we will need to score a lot of points to have a shot at a win in that game. TT needs to get better throwing, however, this offense desperately misses Sammy Watkins and the WR's are very under whelming on this roster right now, so its going to be hard for this passing game to improve a lot without Sammy and thats a shame. But TT is definitely making up for it with the ability to run and as long as he keeps being a major run threat that will continue to open up lanes for McCoy and help our mediocre WR group get open more.

Well said here. Good take.

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Alex smith has won playoff games. He also pantsed Tyrod last year.


Congrats on beating Keenum. It's back on like a mofo.

Look at Tyrods numbers over 14 games last year and compare them to Smith's (who has been in the league much longer). Keep trying with Alex Smith being better.

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Look at Tyrods numbers over 14 games last year and compare them to Smith's (who has been in the league much longer). Keep trying with Alex Smith being better.

On what criteria do you base your claim that Smith isn't a better QB than Taylor?

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He missed some throws but others were on the money and dropped. Let's be accurate here.

The Woods dropped slant alone would have added close to 30 yards or even more to TT's total. Perfect pass in stride with the middle of the field wide open. So TT should have had more like 160 yds passing.

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On what criteria do you base your claim that Smith isn't a better QB than Taylor?

I didnt specifically say that TT is better than Alex. To me they are basically the same kind of QB. Look at their numbers. My point was that Alex still managed to go 11-5. It was Ryan who specifically said that Alex is a better QB


Look at their numbers last yr. In TT's first year as a starter he had more yds/attempt, the same TD's and one more INT in two fewer games than Alex. Completion % is similar. He also had more rushing yards and more rushing TD's than Alex. How many years has Alex been under the same system now? TT matched him statistically in 2 fewer games played and in his first yr starting. So how is Smith better? Maybe bc he doesnt play on the bills?

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Even Brady misses throws. All QBs do. They aren't robots. But it's amazing how much attention the misfires get and the good plays are ignored.

It's so bizarre that so many posters here don't understand the concept of DEVELOPING your qb. TT has shown more than enough to warrant us doing exactly that with him. The people who clamor for draft a qb first round every year till we hit truly don't get it. None of these guys are ever fully ready to go from day 1. Even the rare #1 overall talents like Luck and Newton and Peyton. And it also depends on the coaching staff and philosophy on offense. TT is a gamer and an obsessively hard worker. A leader as well. I predict he will keep improving, but it won't be lightspeed fast. So many ignorant posters here.

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2015 Tyrod (2 fewer games): 3,035yds; 63.7 completion %; 8.0 yds/attempt; 20td; 6int; 568 rushing; 4td


2015 Alex Smith (full season): 3,486yds; 65.3 completion %; 7.4yds/attempt; 20td; 7int; 498 rushing; 2td


Tyrod's first season starting vs. Alex's 3rd year in the same system.

Bills fans constantly suffer from the grass being greener. It's sad.

Oh and by the way, last season was Alex's best season statistically. So yeh, tell me exactly how Smith is BETTER than TT.

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The Woods dropped slant alone would have added close to 30 yards or even more to TT's total. Perfect pass in stride with the middle of the field wide open. So TT should have had more like 160 yds passing.

It's so bizarre that so many posters here don't understand the concept of DEVELOPING your qb. So many ignorant posters here.

Charlie Whitehurst can get us 160 yards for cheaper.

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