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Hurricane Matthew -Pray for our Nations Finest at GITMO

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Sickeningly enough, although I am not surprised...most of the news services are talking up this HUGE HURRICANE and mentioning every place it is expected to hit.......and most of them are forgetting we have a very large Naval Base directly in the way of this storm.


Gitmo is on the eastern most part of Cuba, with this ferocious storm heading right for it.....and I am hearing that families and non-essentials are being air lifted out....there will be plenty of our folks still there that must ride this out. The problem is many parts of Gitmo are a few feet above sea level, and it's going to take a direct hit.


I'm worried about this one for them.





Edited by SinceWarMemorial
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Say a prayer that it doesn't ride all the up the coast from the tip FLA.


My sister is in St.Lucie... I asked her a couple of days ago if she has a plan. Best one can hope is it stays out to sea (but still will affect coast on damaging ways), but it will then graze GA and Carolinas. All indication, the models are pulling it further west towards the FLA coast due the the Highs (clockwise rotation) out in the Atlantic steering Matthew to the west.


We shall see. Plenty of time to prepare. Amazing if this beast hits right before election... :-/

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Seeing the election is five weeks from today I don't think we have to worry about that.

Not if it is Katrina esque. The cone of uncertainty is now 50% further west over the whole Pennisula... What happens if it marches up the Eastern Seaboard... Winds not expected to dip under 100mph until around Georgia.


Speaking of Katrina... Aren't people still living in Conex boxes down there? ;-) ;-)

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