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Watkins Ruled Out For Sunday (Update - placed on IR)


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One can always compare someone with top level prolonged production with someone who might have been able to do the same under different circumstances.


When Sammy is 3 more years in to his career and healthy throughout that period and puts up Julio's numbers, then it is a legitimate comparison.

That is valid, and show why it's ridiculous to write off SW this early in his career as many on this board would like to do. All the comparison was pointing out was that at this point in SWs time in the NFL , it compares to where a good NFL WR was at that same point. Just shows the glass is more full than empty. It's the doubters that always want to make an absolute at too early a point to make such declarations.

Which of his comments achieved that?

The well documented comments from the Instagram fiasco last year is what I was referring to.

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One can always compare someone with top level prolonged production with someone who might have been able to do the same under different circumstances.


When Sammy is 3 more years in to his career and healthy throughout that period and puts up Julio's numbers, then it is a legitimate comparison.

Big trade ups, VERY similar first two years (despite Julio being in a better spot) and the same injury in year three.... come on weo- for this point in his career you'd be hard pressed to find a closer comp

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Big trade ups, VERY similar first two years (despite Julio being in a better spot) and the same injury in year three.... come on weo- for this point in his career you'd be hard pressed to find a closer comp


The thing I would find curious is to ask a Falcons fan if they thought Julio Jones was a bust 3 games into year 3.


I bet they have old forum threads where people were bashing him left and right.

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That is valid, and show why it's ridiculous to write off SW this early in his career as many on this board would like to do. All the comparison was pointing out was that at this point in SWs time in the NFL , it compares to where a good NFL WR was at that same point. Just shows the glass is more full than empty. It's the doubters that always want to make an absolute at too early a point to make such declarations.


The well documented comments from the Instagram fiasco last year is what I was referring to.


you mean the one where he made a fool out of himself (and deleted) with his nearly unintelligible post railing at fans (with absolutely NO sense of irony) who were bad mouthing him because he was injured and not playing, to "goto work" and "continue working".


Of course he threw in that such fans were jealous "losers" working their "little jobs".


And, of course, a year after that tirade, he is reinjured and on IR.


Unfortunately that post did not shatter the reality that many fans consider a guy like this to be a spoiled, borderline illiterate lottery winner getting paid that year more than they would make in 20 to sit in a hot tub and get trainer's treatments.

Big trade ups, VERY similar first two years (despite Julio being in a better spot) and the same injury in year three.... come on weo- for this point in his career you'd be hard pressed to find a closer comp


OK fine.

Edited by Mr. WEO
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One can always compare someone with top level prolonged production with someone who might have been able to do the same under different circumstances.


When Sammy is 3 more years in to his career and healthy throughout that period and puts up Julio's numbers, then it is a legitimate comparison.

Scheme is diffeerent to.....gotta take that into consideration

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Have you seen the internet Weo? No one cares what the lunatics on comment sections thinks, say, or do. They got to Sammy, and he fired back. That is what happened period. There was no underlying theme, Sammy was frustrated with people criticizing taking his family to disneyland, so he fired back. The fact that this is unforgivable, and the poor fans who were being way bigger douchebags are forgotten and made into victims because of anonymity is disgusting.


The fact that people on this forum care that Sammy offended those idiots, or that were offended themselves is disappointing.

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you mean the one where he made a fool out of himself (and deleted) with his nearly unintelligible post railing at fans (with absolutely NO sense of irony) who were bad mouthing him because he was injured and not playing, to "goto work" and "continue working".


Of course he threw in that such fans were jealous "losers" working their "little jobs".


And, of course, a year after that tirade, he is reinjured and on IR.


Unfortunately that post did not shatter the reality that many fans consider a guy like this to be a spoiled, borderline illiterate lottery winner getting paid that year more than they would make in 20 to sit in a hot tub and get trainer's treatments.



OK fine.

And any " fan" that feels that way about his retort to some idiots are basically jealous losers who need to spend less time on TBD and more time working at getting a better job so they can feel better about themselves. Otherwise why would they care what SW said to some jerk? Seriously , someone who worked hard enough to get to the top of their chosen field is a " spoiled lottery winner"? Lol. And borderline illiterate? Good thing he didn't choose to be an English Lit. teacher. So who is the smart one again? If they want to make more money , they should go be football players. Also, It's likely SW was using the dictation feature on his phone which led to some misspellings.

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And any " fan" that feels that way about his retort to some idiots are basically jealous losers who need to spend less time on TBD and more time working at getting a better job so they can feel better about themselves. Otherwise why would they care what SW said to some jerk? Seriously , someone who worked hard enough to get to the top of their chosen field is a " spoiled lottery winner"? Lol. And borderline illiterate? Good thing he didn't choose to be an English Lit. teacher. So who is the smart one again? If they want to make more money , they should go be football players. Also, It's likely SW was using the dictation feature on his phone which led to some misspellings.

It really is amazing


We have players violating the substance abuse police

We have players eating themselves out of the league

We have players knocking out their girlfriends and wifes

We have players in prison for murder


but we had bills fans care about some words that were passed back and forth about taking his family to disneyland......and trying to make Sammy a villian...it really is disgusting

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And any " fan" that feels that way about his retort to some idiots are basically jealous losers who need to spend less time on TBD and more time working at getting a better job so they can feel better about themselves. Otherwise why would they care what SW said to some jerk? Seriously , someone who worked hard enough to get to the top of their chosen field is a " spoiled lottery winner"? Lol. And borderline illiterate? Good thing he didn't choose to be an English Lit. teacher. So who is the smart one again? If they want to make more money , they should go be football players. Also, It's likely SW was using the dictation feature on his phone which led to some misspellings.


Come on! You said he "shattered their reality", when all he did was reinforce what they already thought of him (which is how I described).


No doubt Sammy worked hard to be a first round pick, but did he really work that much harder than the guys he has played alongside in his pre-NFL life? Not necessarily. He is just more gifted physically and athletically than most humans. He did nothing to be born that way. There is nothing wrong with pointing the obviousness of that fact.


If you are referring to me as one of those "fans"--nope wrong guy. I don't really care what motivates these guys. They are here, only, to entertain us. And my job was far harder for me to come by than his was for him--yet my job is far better than his (I certainly think). Mine is a career, not a temporary huge cash payout for a tiny part of my adult life (as Sammy's and the vast majority of his colleagues' will be). In a relatively few number of years, Sammy will be out of football, while the jealous losers like us will still be going to our 'little" (but real) jobs for decades more.

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It really is amazing


We have players violating the substance abuse police

We have players eating themselves out of the league

We have players knocking out their girlfriends and wifes

We have players in prison for murder


but we had bills fans care about some words that were passed back and forth about taking his family to disneyland......and trying to make Sammy a villian...it really is disgusting

It is. Imagine, being so pissed off at player on a team not for screwing up, not for taking a boneheaded penalty, not for punching a Police officer, but for getting injured playing a collision sport. Crazy, isn't it? And people getting worked up over words exchanged after the guy was harassed on social media? Please. And empathizing with the harassers? The justifications for this empathy kind of come off like whining and jealousy. How soft is someone that an athletes comments to a completely different person makes them whine " hey that guy makes more money than me. He's spoiled ( did they see where SW grew up?) he's lucky and I'm not...etc etc. Get over it. If you need to make more money to feel better about yourself, go do it. Want to make a football players salary? Go try to be one. Anyway, I hope SW heals up and gets back on the field so I can watch him play football for the Bills.

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Come on! You said he "shattered their reality", when all he did was reinforce what they already thought of him (which is how I described).


No doubt Sammy worked hard to be a first round pick, but did he really work that much harder than the guys he has played alongside in his pre-NFL life? Not necessarily. He is just more gifted physically and athletically than most humans. He did nothing to be born that way. There is nothing wrong with pointing the obviousness of that fact.


If you are referring to me as one of those "fans"--nope wrong guy. I don't really care what motivates these guys. They are here, only, to entertain us. And my job was far harder for me to come by than his was for him--yet my job is far better than his (I certainly think). Mine is a career, not a temporary huge cash payout for a tiny part of my adult life (as Sammy's and the vast majority of his colleagues' will be). In a relatively few number of years, Sammy will be out of football, while the jealous losers like us will still be going to our 'little" (but real) jobs for decades more.


Sammys job is better than yours. Sorry jack.


Julio's job is better than yours as well.

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Come on! You said he "shattered their reality", when all he did was reinforce what they already thought of him (which is how I described).


No doubt Sammy worked hard to be a first round pick, but did he really work that much harder than the guys he has played alongside in his pre-NFL life? Not necessarily. He is just more gifted physically and athletically than most humans. He did nothing to be born that way. There is nothing wrong with pointing the obviousness of that fact.


If you are referring to me as one of those "fans"--nope wrong guy. I don't really care what motivates these guys. They are here, only, to entertain us. And my job was far harder for me to come by than his was for him--yet my job is far better than his (I certainly think). Mine is a career, not a temporary huge cash payout for a tiny part of my adult life (as Sammy's and the vast majority of his colleagues' will be). In a relatively few number of years, Sammy will be out of football, while the jealous losers like us will still be going to our 'little" (but real) jobs for decades more.


No, I did not assume you were one of the harassers . Yes I said he shattered their reality. If his comments to them ( probably just because he knew it would get under their skin) hurt their feelings so much, that it made them so mad as to question themselves i.e. " am I a loser? Do I have a piddly job?.. Then they probably are. They are so much softer and pu$$ified in their own real world than they claim SW is. Just the fact that they trolled a guy on social media makes them a loser by definition.


And yes , there are people who make a lot of money that may be through little extra effort of their own. Let's just say you are a natural wizard at math. That could make you a lot of $ without having to try too hard. But for some reason folks only think that way about pro athletes that make a lot of money even though they came from poor backgrounds and may not be Rhodes Scholars. Some think " hey that's not fair , they cheated! They aren't supposed to make that much money! It comes off as a lot of whining and feeling sorry for ones self. More than anything SW just pointed out the truth about those people by saying what he did, but some will slam him and call him spoiled. He got to where he is likely through hard work and ability and in a tough environment where succumbing to street thug life is very likely. The spoiled whiners are the idiots harassing him on social media like he owes them something.

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Sammys job is better than yours. Sorry jack.


Julio's job is better than yours as well.


Sure it is Pop!



Oh, wait--I don't earn when I don't work, so maybe you're right...



No, I did not assume you were one of the harassers . Yes I said he shattered their reality. If his comments to them ( probably just because he knew it would get under their skin) hurt their feelings so much, that it made them so mad as to question themselves i.e. " am I a loser? Do I have a piddly job?.. Then they probably are. They are so much softer and pu$$ified in their own real world than they claim SW is. Just the fact that they trolled a guy on social media makes them a loser by definition.


And yes , there are people who make a lot of money that may be through little extra effort of their own. Let's just say you are a natural wizard at math. That could make you a lot of $ without having to try too hard. But for some reason folks only think that way about pro athletes that make a lot of money even though they came from poor backgrounds and may not be Rhodes Scholars. Some think " hey that's not fair , they cheated! They aren't supposed to make that much money! It comes off as a lot of whining and feeling sorry for ones self. More than anything SW just pointed out the truth about those people by saying what he did, but some will slam him and call him spoiled. He got to where he is likely through hard work and ability and in a tough environment where succumbing to street thug life is very likely. The spoiled whiners are the idiots harassing him on social media like he owes them something.


No one thinks they cheated because they are physically and athletically gifted. I think the sentiment of those giving Sammy a hard time is that they themselves weren't so blessed and have to earn a much more modest living, not by playing a game children and others play for free, but by actually showing up to work day after day, year after year, etc. Sammy's rant shattered nothing--especially these peoples' bias against pro athletes and their charmed lives.


Sammy shot himself in the foot on that post.


Math whizzes tend not to make a lot of money, even if they try real hard to make a lot of money.

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Sure it is Pop!



Oh, wait--I don't earn when I don't work, so maybe you're right...





No one thinks they cheated because they are physically and athletically gifted. I think the sentiment of those giving Sammy a hard time is that they themselves weren't so blessed and have to earn a much more modest living, not by playing a game children and others play for free, but by actually showing up to work day after day, year after year, etc. Sammy's rant shattered nothing--especially these peoples' bias against pro athletes and their charmed lives.


Sammy shot himself in the foot on that post.


Math whizzes tend not to make a lot of money, even if they try real hard to make a lot of money.


You are trying awfully hard to defend a few buffoons idiotic behavior. What other people do for a living and what they chose not todo is not SW 's problem. He had every right to shoot back at them and hit them where it hurts: the truth. Athletes live " charmed lives" ( your words not mine) because of our capitalistic society. It's really capitalism at its finest , the NFL. It provides a product that absolutely no one needs, for a price that is fairly high. Millions want to watch, though no one does because they have to ( ok , except for the media). Very few are "blessed" with the ability to play it at a level high enough to get the job. Are they worth the money they make? Absolutely , because no one needs their product. It's purely a want. Is the CEO of say , a gas company worth their outrageous salary selling a product that everyone needs? That sells itself? Essentially there are many ways to make a good living in our society , and if one doesn't like their lot in life very much ,there are things they can do to better it. ( and yes, being good at math will probably make you more $ than not being good at it) Whining about what pro athletes are doing with their personal time and dogging them on social media is probably not one of them, though.

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