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Fitz calls his shot -Update Signed w/Jets

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Eagles are like women.

keep shifting the strategy. How may multi million QBs does it take to make the playoffs Mr Pederson? I am not sure, but its a lot of them !!


That's a perfect summation. :lol:

Edited by KD in CT
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with the cowboys not secure at qb. with romo the starter and one of the underrated and overrated qbs in the league known to not complete a whole season - why wouldn't the cowboys look to woo him?


if i was jerry jones i would consider this, i would offer him 3 years, maybe even 4. sure, in a few years he'll become the 3rd qb as they attempt to develop a young player but i imagine for 4 years they could get him at $8/9mm a year. For them, given the situation, i believe that's a steal.

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Hackenberg to the Jets! Your move Fitz!


This doesn't change the Jets stance on Fitz at all. I'd be shocked if Geno was even on the roster when the season starts.

miami and buffalo have a chance to go back and forth but new england is still the best.


I know that. Gugny said with Fitz, the Jets are the 2nd best team in the division when we swept em last year (2nd time with a bunch of our scrub players and their season on the line). So they're CLEARLY not better than us. So I don't see how he's saying they're the 2nd best team in the division.


The only reason they finished with a better record is because they played an easier schedule.

Edited by QuoteTheRaven83
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You are close, but not really.


I think Tannehill is better than EJ, but EJ is better than Taylor.


Secondly, if you're trying to tell me that Taylor had a better 2015 (or career, for that matter) than Fitzpatrick, you are delusional.


Lastly, I don't intimate - I tell it like I see it. I did not, nor would I, say that the Jets ended up with the better record because of QB play. They had the better team. They had better coaches, QB and most importantly - defense. Defense is a huge reason the Bills went 8-8, just like it was a huge reason the Jets went 10-6.


So as much as you enjoy trying to make me out to be that guy who just hates Tyrod and blames everything bad on Tyrod ... I'm not. It's a team game and the Bills team sucked last year. The Jets were better.



You really believe in your heart of hearts, your brain of brains, that as we sit here right now in 2016, that EJ Manuel is a better QB than Tyrod Taylor? Do you have any idea how insane you sound? I don't even think EJ Manuel thinks that.


And we're not too far off as far as what the Bills were last year but they were 8-8, they were 13th in offense, 19th in defense, which averaged out, comes to 16th. So they did not "suck." They were as average a team as there could possibly be.

Edited by metzelaars_lives
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You really believe in your heart of hearts, your brain of brains, that as we sit here right now in 2016, that EJ Manuel is a better QB than Tyrod Taylor? Do you have any idea how insane you sound? I don't even think EJ Manuel thinks that.


And we're not too far off as far as what the Bills were last year but they were 8-8, they were 13th in offense, 19th in defense, which averaged out, comes to 16th. So they did not "suck." They were as average a team as there could possibly be.


So we're mostly kind of anonymous here, but it's now been officially proven: Gugny is actually EJ Manuel's mother.

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You are close, but not really.


I think Tannehill is better than EJ, but EJ is better than Taylor.


Secondly, if you're trying to tell me that Taylor had a better 2015 (or career, for that matter) than Fitzpatrick, you are delusional.


Lastly, I don't intimate - I tell it like I see it. I did not, nor would I, say that the Jets ended up with the better record because of QB play. They had the better team. They had better coaches, QB and most importantly - defense. Defense is a huge reason the Bills went 8-8, just like it was a huge reason the Jets went 10-6.


So as much as you enjoy trying to make me out to be that guy who just hates Tyrod and blames everything bad on Tyrod ... I'm not. It's a team game and the Bills team sucked last year. The Jets were better.




Dude. Just wow. I have wanted EJ to be "the guy" as much or more than anyone. There is NO QUESTION Taylor is the better QB. And he's also better than Tannehill.


I don't know that I will ever understand where you are coming from with this Taylor stuff.

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