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Liberal Protests


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Fifty dollars says that if they find the perpetrator(s), they turn out to be anti-Trumpers faking more hate.

I agree.


I was out last night in High Point NC. Home of High Point University. Its a private gated campus. Rich kids. Coke and heroin problems. That sort. The kids were wearing MAGA hats and such and that's the only ones I could seedoing anything like this; but, those kids aren't kids of action. None of the young kids under 23 are unless they're they up tight women who are from App.

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I agree.

I was out last night in High Point NC. Home of High Point University. Its a private gated campus. Rich kids. Coke and heroin problems. That sort. The kids were wearing MAGA hats and such and that's the only ones I could seedoing anything like this; but, those kids aren't kids of action. None of the young kids under 23 are unless they're they up tight women who are from App.

Was she over 18 ?

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Was she over 18 ?

which one? they were in a bar, but it is odd. evidently these days you can bring little kids in bars. literally, and it's a problem, there were 5-15 yr olds gallore around the bar with parents there, too. i dont' understand this. i was at a bar wednesday and tehre was a girl who may have been 8 years old coloring at the bar.


the girl i was with - 30. the girls sitting next to us were probably 18-22. was hilarious.

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Meet the terrorist behind the next women’s march.

“Instead of milling around Washington, organizers have in mind a ‘general strike’ called the Day without a Woman. In a manifesto published in The Guardian on Feb. 6, the brains behind the movement are calling for a ‘new wave of militant feminist struggle.’ That’s right: militant, not peaceful. The document was co-authored by, among others, Rasmea Yousef Odeh, a convicted terrorist.”

Well, the last one featured a convicted rapist/torturer/murderer as a speaker, so it’s not a stretch.

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How to Flush Out Moonbats at a Town Hall Event

Republicans worried that their town hall events will be disrupted by moonbat agitators may as well get the worst over with by flushing them out in advance. All you need to do is offer an opening prayer. They react like demons sprinkled with holy water.


See what happens when a prayer is attempted at this town hall in highly religious Louisiana:



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How to Flush Out Moonbats at a Town Hall Event

Republicans worried that their town hall events will be disrupted by moonbat agitators may as well get the worst over with by flushing them out in advance. All you need to do is offer an opening prayer. They react like demons sprinkled with holy water.


See what happens when a prayer is attempted at this town hall in highly religious Louisiana:


Dear Leftists,


Thank you for your generous contribution.




Trump/Pence 2020

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Democratic Senators Chicken Out From Town Halls

by Dan McGlaughlin


The current narrative on town halls pushed by the Democrats, and finding its way into a lot of media coverage, is that 2017 is the mirror image of 2009, when grassroots Tea Party protests at town halls were a sign of mounting public anger over Obamacare that spilled into a GOP landslide in the 2010 elections. You will notice that this is very different from the old Democratic narrative of what happened in 2009, and you will also recall that Democrats went ahead and passed Obamacare anyway. You will also notice that incidents like left-wing protestors heckling a pastor giving an opening prayer at Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy’s latest town hall suggests that the protests from the Left these days are not exactly apolitical mom-and-pop types who are suddenly worried about their healthcare.[/size]


But leave all of that aside for now. Because what’s less noticed in the furor over Republican town halls is that many of the Democratic Senators who face potentially tough re-election bids next year are avoiding holding town halls:[/size]


Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/445216/democratic-senators-chicken-out-town-halls[/size]

In Washington State, our 2 democratic Senators, Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, aren't holding Town Halls. One group organized thier own and invited Murray but she says she's not showing up.


Interestingly, they are both now running ads against the re importation of drugs from Canada. The ad says drugs from Canada contain ground up dry wall. Your ACA in action.

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Interestingly, they are both now running ads against the re importation of drugs from Canada. The ad says drugs from Canada contain ground up dry wall. Your ACA in action.


For what it's worth, I believe gypsum (the main ingredient in drywall) is found in some foods, hair products, and other mundane commodities. I believe it's essentially an inert ingredient if it's used in pharmaceuticals.

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For what it's worth, I believe gypsum (the main ingredient in drywall) is found in some foods, hair products, and other mundane commodities. I believe it's essentially an inert ingredient if it's used in pharmaceuticals.


It's used as a coagulant for making tofu, and used in wine and beer making. Which are no doubt consumed by many of the people swayed by the whole "There's gypsum in our drugs!" campaign.

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It's used as a coagulant for making tofu, and used in wine and beer making. Which are no doubt consumed by many of the people swayed by the whole "There's gypsum in our drugs!" campaign.


The tofu and wine in particular, I imagine.

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Meet the terrorist behind the next women’s march.

“Instead of milling around Washington, organizers have in mind a ‘general strike’ called the Day without a Woman. In a manifesto published in The Guardian on Feb. 6, the brains behind the movement are calling for a ‘new wave of militant feminist struggle.’ That’s right: militant, not peaceful. The document was co-authored by, among others, Rasmea Yousef Odeh, a convicted terrorist.”

Well, the last one featured a convicted rapist/torturer/murderer as a speaker, so it’s not a stretch.


I'd like to organize a "Day without Snowflake/SJW/Progressive/Weenie/Liberals".


Women could wear jock straps for hats, and men could wear 44 magnum holsters in front of their belts, preferably dangling from the middle of their belts.



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I guess no one will be talking about anti-Trump Oscar speeches this year. :doh:


I skipped the Angry White Man's Awards Show last night, but caught up on the hilarity that usually follows people too self-important to fix their eyes on something other than the simple task in front of them. The video clip making the rounds of the mayhem will provide memes and jokes for the next few days.


But don't believe for a moment they won't revisit whatever anti-Trump messages are making headlines today from last night's self-indulgence fest. That would require self-awareness, and let's be honest...when have you ever seen rich, angry, far left elitists ever have self-awareness?

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I skipped the Angry White Man's Awards Show last night, but caught up on the hilarity that usually follows people too self-important to fix their eyes on something other than the simple task in front of them. The video clip making the rounds of the mayhem will provide memes and jokes for the next few days.


But don't believe for a moment they won't revisit whatever anti-Trump messages are making headlines today from last night's self-indulgence fest. That would require self-awareness, and let's be honest...when have you ever seen rich, angry, far left elitists ever have self-awareness?


The masturbatory line of the night came from Viola Davis (who??) when she said:


"we are the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life."



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