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NFC Championship: Arizona at Carolina


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the panthers media and push have been absolutely amazing, on par with that of ISIS.


They have "Keep Pounding" as their main theme, but also they have a few more. The one I like is "dab"


If I had a few thousand dollars, I'd go make myself a long sleeve t-shirt and put Dab on the elbow. I'd put keep pounding on the back. i'd sell a ton of them.



Cam is great, but he didn't need to jump to score there.

but but, now it's really really cool looking.

Edited by Boyst62
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What a horrible game and horrible performance by Arizona!

Lot of points to give up against a defense like Denver. The Carolina offense is defensible.


Agreed, and a good point. To me, Carolina's defense is almost as good, and their offense is substantially better. I could see Denver's D wearing down early against them.


The big wildcard is that -- and I could be wrong because I did a really quick check -- Denver hasn't played against a good running QB all year. Actually, they haven't played against any running QB all year. I think they're in for a rude awakening, given how good Cam is.


Anything under a TD and I'm betting big. As luck would have it, wife is in Vegas. :beer:

Edited by Felonious Monk
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Why I cannot stand most Carolina fans, and why you should not, either.

Remember the NFL Shop commercial where everyone decides to just start liking other teams? That's the Panther fan base. That's who they all are. I live right here in Carolina and see it all the time. When they suck, it's not a big deal they just go pollish the knobs of the Tarheels; basketball is much bigger than football.

You see, these fans here are a unique mix. Most of the 20 and under crowd have never liked another team and like most 20 and under kids they're cocky and annoying. These kids have never known another team and they like their Panthers. I am completely fine with them as first generation fans, ok I get it.

But, it's the 20-50 year olds that I cannot stand. Most of them grew up liking other teams and will tell you that themseles. They will say they liked the Steelers, Redskins, Browns, Falcons, etc... but stopped liking them in the 90's when the Panthers came along. Coincidently, about the same time their original teams fell off. There are others who were Bronco fans, or 9'er fans, etc. They all gave up on their teams as their teams were awful and they became the embodiment of fairweather fans. It's been the most ridiculous ordeal dealing with them in the longest time.

The 50+ crowd just doesn't care about Panther football

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Palmer WAS in a bit of a groove.

Overrated birds.

Cardinals are rather pathetic. But not as pathetic as Newton, who's a complete ass.

I keep seeing this.... Why is Cam such an ass? What am I missing?
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