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Trump Alone at the Top

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It's bad enough you supported Trump and suddenly are happy to follow the sheep as they run from him for a tape that shocks not a person, but do your duty and cast a damn vote. You don't have to love the choice--no one does--but democracy is the worst system except for all the others. You need to own it.


I'm free to do as I please. If you want to cast your vote for that moron Gary Johnson, you are free to do so as well.

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Are you a software guy? Because you are easily fooled.


Listen up dummy,


I'm not interested in your off-the-cuff uninformed opinions.


Let's just go with the data.


Here are the polls of Cruz vs. Hillary He gets crushed by Hillary and even does worse than Trump according to polling data.


Here are the polls of Rubio vs. Hillary He roundly defeats her


Here are the polls of Kasich vs Hillary It's a landslide victory for Kasich.


Here is what the 538 data pros who have been spot on with their presidential election forecasts have to say.


This is what the Hillary campaign said in private about Cruz that was discovered in the wikileaks findings. Let's just say they were hoping either he, Trump or Carson were going to win the primary.


Here is what they said about Rubio.


Like I said, the only certifiable one here on this issue is you, bud.

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I still can't believe the primary voters didn't nominate Kasich. He works well with democrats to get work done. A real statesman not a partisan politician.


Strange to find out Billy Bush is the cousin of W , his uncle is H . Bush

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I still can't believe the primary voters didn't nominate Kasich. He works well with democrats to get work done. A real statesman not a partisan politician.


Strange to find out Billy Bush is the cousin of W , his uncle is H . Bush



Because he really isn't that likable, doesn't have much charisma. Not to mention that base voters can't stand him.

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Listen up dummy,


I'm not interested in your off-the-cuff uninformed opinions.


Let's just go with the data.


Here are the polls of Cruz vs. Hillary He gets crushed by Hillary and even does worse than Trump according to polling data.


Here are the polls of Rubio vs. Hillary He roundly defeats her


Here are the polls of Kasich vs Hillary It's a landslide victory for Kasich.


Here is what the 538 data pros who have been spot on with their presidential election forecasts have to say.


This is what the Hillary campaign said in private about Cruz that was discovered in the wikileaks findings. Let's just say they were hoping either he, Trump or Carson were going to win the primary.


Here is what they said about Rubio.


Like I said, the only certifiable one here on this issue is you, bud.

You're a dupe. Guys just like Kasich have lost the last batch of Presidential elections despite being the ones who "polled the best". Romneyactually lost the last election. You can even look it up.


Clinton has actually already beaten Rubio once and would do so again.


Trump is losing because of the narrative that he is crass.....which is predictable enough. He is not losing because his positions are different than vanilla semi-commies Rubio and Kasich. Being different from those guys are what gave him his biggest advantages.


I might agree with you about Romney only because he went through this once already and it would be harder to pin stuff on him. It would be interesting, but in general you are very easily fooled.


Cruz would make Hillary look like the lightweight intellectual that she is and might actually mention that she exposed national security in an effort to conceal her correspondence from its required public scrutiny. That would have made him a real threat if he survived whatever contrived attacks were slung at him.

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You're a dupe. Guys just like Kasich have lost the last batch of Presidential elections despite being the ones who "polled the best". Romneyactually lost the last election. You can even look it up.


Clinton has actually already beaten Rubio once and would do so again.


Trump is losing because of the narrative that he is crass.....which is predictable enough. He is not losing because his positions are different than vanilla semi-commies Rubio and Kasich. Being different from those guys are what gave him his biggest advantages.


I might agree with you about Romney only because he went through this once already and it would be harder to pin stuff on him. It would be interesting, but in general you are very easily fooled.


Cruz would make Hillary look like the lightweight intellectual that she is and might actually mention that she exposed national security in an effort to conceal her correspondence from its required public scrutiny. That would have made him a real threat if he survived whatever contrived attacks were slung at him.



Again, I'm not interested in your uninformed opinions on this topic.

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Again, I'm not interested in your uninformed opinions on this topic.



Which is because you are perfectly willing to believe what you're told. Let me guess:


The global ice as are completely melted and Andrew Luck is a shoe in for the HOF right?

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Which is because you are perfectly willing to believe what you're told. Let me guess:


The global ice as are completely melted and Andrew Luck is a shoe in for the HOF right?


Not told, dummy. Based on actual data, you on the other hand go with Talk Radio data. Other wise known as sheeple info.


If you had actually just said, I don't agree with that for so and so reasons without the "lol" or the "certifiable" jab or the (*^*&%^$^#McConnell response to why Cruz didn't win it, then I wouldn't have had to inundate you with all the data that clearly makes you look like the "certifiable" dude here.


And the McConnell comment is pure gold! McConnell, who is as popular as hangnail somehow was able to influence who Republican base voters were going to vote for? :doh: Do yourself a favor, stop listening to talk radio, just makes you sound stupid.

Edited by Magox
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Not told, dummy. Based on actual data, you on the other hand go with Talk Radio data. Other wise known as sheeple info.


If you had actually just said, I don't agree with that for so and so reasons without the "lol" or the "certifiable" jab or the (*^*&%^$^#McConnell response to why Cruz didn't win it, then I wouldn't have had to inundate you with all the data that clearly makes you look like the "certifiable" dude here.


And the McConnell comment is pure gold! McConnell, who is as popular as hangnail somehow was able to influence who Republican base voters were going to vote for? :doh: Do yourself a favor, stop listening to talk radio, just makes you sound stupid.

Just sick of people being fooled here. I shouldn't have used certifiable comment. Lol fits though. Re-read what I said about McConnell who I agree has the same amount of appeal as hair on soap. The field was loaded with people McConnell liked and they went after Cruzand only Cruz. Then Trump slipped in.


I don't rely on talk radio either. I rely on what I have seen. When you see more, if you pay attention, you'll come around.

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Not told, dummy. Based on actual data, you on the other hand go with Talk Radio data. Other wise known as sheeple info.


If you had actually just said, I don't agree with that for so and so reasons without the "lol" or the "certifiable" jab or the (*^*&%^$^#McConnell response to why Cruz didn't win it, then I wouldn't have had to inundate you with all the data that clearly makes you look like the "certifiable" dude here.


And the McConnell comment is pure gold! McConnell, who is as popular as hangnail somehow was able to influence who Republican base voters were going to vote for? :doh: Do yourself a favor, stop listening to talk radio, just makes you sound stupid.

You are arguing with crayonz...

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Just sick of people being fooled here. I shouldn't have used certifiable comment. Lol fits though. Re-read what I said about McConnell who I agree has the same amount of appeal as hair on soap. The field was loaded with people McConnell liked and they went after Cruzand only Cruz. Then Trump slipped in.


I don't rely on talk radio either. I rely on what I have seen. When you see more, if you pay attention, you'll come around.



It's not just the data, even though I am a data person. It's common sense, anyone who truly looks at things for what they are understands that when the Democrats are successfully able to make it about personal issues they win. When the Republicans are able to make it about the real issues, they generally win. Trump was a god-send for the Democrats and Cruz would have been a gift as well, clearly not as much of a gift as Trump but a gift none the less.


Cruz's views were too rightwing for the country. Even though his views on Gay marriage aren't too far off of Rubio's, his delivery and words he's used would have been completely unacceptable to the under 30 crowd. His views on immigration and how it was communicated was too harsh for Latino's. His smarmy way of communicating his evangelical roots and devotion was too much for moderate suburban peeps. In other words, he could have delivered the Republican base in huge numbers, but that's about it.


People like Kasich wouldn't have excited the base, but their hate for Hillary would have driven them to the polls, and Kasich would have ran the table against Hillary with undecideds and moderate voters. Rubio would have won almost as many people as Cruz, not quite as much but almost as many from GOP base voters and he would have done better with moderates and suburban peeps because his tone is one of empathy and acceptance, which is a major boost for a GOP candidate in a general election. As Team Clinton said in the Wikileaks findings, Cruz would have been easy to dismantle.

You are arguing with crayonz...


I know. I find myself getting in arguments lately with crayonz and a conspiracy theorist. When will I ever learn? :doh:

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I know. I find myself getting in arguments lately with crayonz and a conspiracy theorist. When will I ever learn? :doh:


That's because you're under the delusion we still live in a democratic republic. We don't. We live in a democratic oligarchy. That's why polls don't matter and relying upon them to make the case Rubio (or anyone) would have beaten Hillary is foolish. This was Hillary's to win from the moment the results of 2008 came in.


Sorry, you've been had. We all have been. But the only way to change it is to challenge what you're being told, not double down on the misinformation.

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For DR.



More to the point, why hasn’t all this terrible audio already surfaced? At any point in the last year, when there was still time to deprive Trump of the GOP nomination, did NBC brass ask
producer (and Trump friend) Mark Burnett for a look into his archives? Or were they complicit in allowing Trump to cruise to the GOP nomination when they knew there was likely evidence in Mark Burnett’s basement that could disqualify him?



* * * * * * * *



Just think of them as Democrat operatives with bylines, and it all makes sense.

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For DR.



More to the point, why hasn’t all this terrible audio already surfaced? At any point in the last year, when there was still time to deprive Trump of the GOP nomination, did NBC brass ask
producer (and Trump friend) Mark Burnett for a look into his archives? Or were they complicit in allowing Trump to cruise to the GOP nomination when they knew there was likely evidence in Mark Burnett’s basement that could disqualify him?



* * * * * * * *



Just think of them as Democrat operatives with bylines, and it all makes sense.




You can take it even further though. The Bushes had to be aware of these tapes, Billy is in the family and the Bush's have a giant political machine behind their family -- there's ZERO chance they were unaware of these tapes during the primaries. The Bushes could have deployed them earlier in an attempt to save Jeb, but didn't. Had the tapes come out during the primary, there's a chance they wouldn't have the same impact they did now with the full brunt of the spotlight solely on Trump rather than 15 other candidates, but it at least would have weakened Trump's rise if not stopped it in its tracks and given Jeb something to attack.


But nothing happened. Because the only way HRC can "win" without stealing the thing in plain sight, is to have her run against someone more deplorable than her. And the Bushes, who are all lining up to support HRC know she'll follow the same marching orders they did. The establishment has never wanted anyone BUT HRC since at least 2008.


It's clear and the evidence is overwhelming. This isn't an election. It never has been.


Poor Jeb.


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