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Trump Alone at the Top

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I know this may be a concept that is difficult for you to understand, but believe it or not, I don't have to choose between the two. My opposition of liberal economic policies is well-documented on this posting board and I don't feel the desire like some of you to be part of the "team" and always bash on the left while ignoring the ignorance of the GOP presidential nominee.


If I see things that I don't care for, I'll call them out, I don't care what party they belong to. It's liberating, you should try it.



Oooh great....a talk down to people contest between you and TYTT. This ought to be good. Don't forget to get an ally because he has his Econ 102 prof in tow.


Much of what Trump says is distasteful at best, I get that. It is disappointing though to see someone seemingly as smart as you falling for being spoon fed by the Hillary camp. Ignore everything she has done because you are so worried about what someone else has said. And yes you do have to choose between the two...as sad as that my be. The odds at this point that anyone other than one of them will win in November falls far far short of 1%. Don't worry though, you'll be able to stand on the side and call everyone else stupid if that is your goal. Congrats. Meanwhile America will circle the drain but who cares about the future? You had a good run while you were here.


Since you like talking down to people so much, let's give this little experiment a try. You stated that "Trump's opening salvo was the worst sort of racist demagoguery that I've seen from a major presidential candidate in my adult life time.". OK, fine please explain why. And please accept my challenge of doing so before reading the spoiler below. Please leave your post up for an hour or so before clicking the spoiler.


​Please simply answer why it was the worst racist demagoguery....etc. using specifics.


He'll say something along the lines of "If you don't know why, I can't help you". This will keep with his "everyone who doesn't see things my way is stupid" theme.



As for Observer the commie nice try. It's not all about Benghazi for me with Hillary. I do feel that those dead soldier's parents having to deal with being lied to about their sons' deaths, and then being called liars in public is :


a. Egregious




b. An easily explained example that even a simpleton like you can understand.


​Her blatant attempt to keep public records private should have landed her in jail....it won't. The true impact of her enormously self centered decision will probably never be known......but you and everyone else knows that what she did with those emails would have gotten 99.99% of Americans fired and most government officials, and CEOs jailed.....and justifiably so. There is a lot of detail behind this but much of it is probably over your head so Benghazi is an easier example, and that is why I choose to use it. The Clinton Foundation stuff is pretty easy to understand and also an affront to our nation, but again probably over your head a little bit. There's lots more too, but so what. I'm sure you'll ignore it.


For both of you idiots: Let's take for granted that the Donald is a woman hating racist dictator who will attempt to kill all non-whites on January 20. What do you think would happen then? Would he be stopped? Impeached? Removed from office? Jailed? How about Hillary? If she is a self indulgent secret selling, favor doing President who sells out America to the highest bidder? Will she be stopped? Impeached? Removed from office? Jailed? We already know the answer to that. Nothing will happen to her. And you two dolts are in full support of that.



One last spoiler:



P.S. For everyone including Observer and Magox. I had a hard time writing this post because I don't like talking down to people. I purposely did it here because I have had enough of the reverse. It's all about Banghazi to me....MY ASS. I'm sorry if the post pissed you off but I felt it was necessary. I don't like being talked down to by someone who wants to put other people's opinions into buckets that are easily dismissed instead of listening. I don't want to do that to someone else, agree or disagree. Taking on a point of disagreement directly is far more productive than calling someone stupid whether directly or in a veiled way that is supposed to be cleverly disguised.








It is the other gentleman in the picture (David Foster) wife Yolanda






That's not the lottery chick.

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Oooh great....a talk down to people contest between you and TYTT. This ought to be good. Don't forget to get an ally because he has his Econ 102 prof in tow.


Much of what Trump says is distasteful at best, I get that. It is disappointing though to see someone seemingly as smart as you falling for being spoon fed by the Hillary camp. Ignore everything she has done because you are so worried about what someone else has said. And yes you do have to choose between the two...as sad as that my be. The odds at this point that anyone other than one of them will win in November falls far far short of 1%. Don't worry though, you'll be able to stand on the side and call everyone else stupid if that is your goal. Congrats. Meanwhile America will circle the drain but who cares about the future? You had a good run while you were here.




No you don't. There comes a point where the situation gets so distasteful and irritating that you just have to walk away. This is one of those situations. Everyone has lost their minds and there is no turning back.


Though I don't get to vote in the US election, if I had the option, I would just sit this one out.

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No you don't. There comes a point where the situation gets so distasteful and irritating that you just have to walk away. This is one of those situations. Everyone has lost their minds and there is no turning back.


Though I don't get to vote in the US election, if I had the option, I would just sit this one out.



Who do you think will win:


A. Trump or Hillary

B. Someone else.


The moral high ground is fine and dandy, but there is still an impact whether you're on it or not. And it doesn't just impact you. It impacts generations to come....and not just in the US. Personally I think "A" will certainly win. If I for a moment I have any inkling that "B" has any chance whatsoever I will vote B; unless that is somehow even worse, which is hard to imagine.

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Who do you think will win:


A. Trump or Hillary

B. Someone else.


The moral high ground is fine and dandy, but there is still an impact whether you're on it or not. And it doesn't just impact you. It impacts generations to come....and not just in the US. Personally I think "A" will certainly win. If I for a moment I have any inkling that "B" has any chance whatsoever I will vote B; unless that is somehow even worse, which is hard to imagine.


A will win. Either option will be infinitely terrible therefore I would choose to sit out.

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A will win. Either option will be infinitely terrible therefore I would choose to sit out.



Well, technically it isn't your choice but whatever. I may also choose to sit out but only if I determine that Trump won't be able to be corralled somewhat if he is elected. I know Hillary will not be corralled and that her election means an inexorable slide toward a future replete with government created despair, deceit and misery for generations.

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"some of my best friends are black". geez, I thought that tired rationalization ended a decade or two ago.

This is a bold faced lie. You have no friends and even if you did we would t give two ***** what color they were.

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Why Do So Many Americans Ignore Trump's Racism? Because The Left Ignores Democratic Racism Regularly.

by Ben Shapiro


Over the past week, Donald Trump has said racist and religiously bigoted things repeatedly. It is indeed racist to use ethnicity as a proxy for ideology or behavior: just because someone is of Mexican extraction, for example, does not mean they are incapable of being unbiased on a federal bench.


There are plenty of reasons Trump could have complained about Judge Gonzalo Curiel: he’s an Obama appointee; he’s associated with the La Raza Lawyers Association, which routinely stumps for the rights of “undocumented” immigrants. Instead, Trump attacked Curiel as a “Mexican” even though he was born in Indiana.


The media, predictably and rightly, went nuts.


Completely unnoticed, meanwhile, Democratic presidential contender Senator Bernie Sanders (Socialist) tweeted this:


H2nn7Wy0_normal.jpg Bernie Sanders


We need police forces that reflect the diversity of our communities, including in the training academies and leadership.


Hillary Clinton also uses this type of language. Both Sanders and Hillary have suggested that systemic racism infuses our police culture – even though neither can provide statistical evidence that innocent minorities are being jailed or shot disproportionately by racist police officers. Barack Obama has, of course, done the same – and he has utilized his Justice Department to destroy police departments across the country on the basis of race.


Suggesting that officers are incapable of policing communities of different races because they are white is racist – just as racist as suggesting that federal judges cannot rule properly because of their race.


But the media tolerate racism of the left while targeting it on the right.


This is one of the reasons that so many Trump supporters are willing to overlook his racist statements. They figure, correctly, that the left has no ground upon which to stand when it lectures others on race. They’re willing to grant Trump a pass because the press has granted Democrats a pass on their racism for decades. In fact, there’s a tendency among a subset of Trump supporters to tut-tut or even cheer white racism as a justifiable response to anti-white racism.


America is becoming more racially tribal. Trump is merely a symptom of that fact. But that tribalization began with the left – and it will continue thanks to the left.




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Of course, azz-wipe. Others have said the same thing repeatedly. Conservatives and most Republicans are blind to race. It's you DummyCunts on the far Left that see color first. You and you're kind are such !@#$ing losers.

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Why Do So Many Americans Ignore Trump's Racism? Because The Left Ignores Democratic Racism Regularly.

by Ben Shapiro


Over the past week, Donald Trump has said racist and religiously bigoted things repeatedly. It is indeed racist to use ethnicity as a proxy for ideology or behavior: just because someone is of Mexican extraction, for example, does not mean they are incapable of being unbiased on a federal bench.


There are plenty of reasons Trump could have complained about Judge Gonzalo Curiel: he’s an Obama appointee; he’s associated with the La Raza Lawyers Association, which routinely stumps for the rights of “undocumented” immigrants. Instead, Trump attacked Curiel as a “Mexican” even though he was born in Indiana.


The media, predictably and rightly, went nuts.


Completely unnoticed, meanwhile, Democratic presidential contender Senator Bernie Sanders (Socialist) tweeted this:


Hillary Clinton also uses this type of language. Both Sanders and Hillary have suggested that systemic racism infuses our police culture – even though neither can provide statistical evidence that innocent minorities are being jailed or shot disproportionately by racist police officers. Barack Obama has, of course, done the same – and he has utilized his Justice Department to destroy police departments across the country on the basis of race.


Suggesting that officers are incapable of policing communities of different races because they are white is racist – just as racist as suggesting that federal judges cannot rule properly because of their race.


But the media tolerate racism of the left while targeting it on the right.


This is one of the reasons that so many Trump supporters are willing to overlook his racist statements. They figure, correctly, that the left has no ground upon which to stand when it lectures others on race. They’re willing to grant Trump a pass because the press has granted Democrats a pass on their racism for decades. In fact, there’s a tendency among a subset of Trump supporters to tut-tut or even cheer white racism as a justifiable response to anti-white racism.


America is becoming more racially tribal. Trump is merely a symptom of that fact. But that tribalization began with the left – and it will continue thanks to the left.





Pretty sure that the police force in Ferguson was predominantly white and was shown to treat black people much different that white people...




Pretty sure your position is off...at the least....

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Pretty sure that the police force in Ferguson was predominantly white and was shown to treat black people much different that white people...




Pretty sure your position is off...at the least....








Both Sanders and Hillary have suggested that systemic racism infuses our police culture



Doesn't equal this...........From your NYT link


the report criticizes the city for disproportionately ticketing and arresting African-Americans and relying on the fines to balance the city’s budget.



The Court also dismissed the Civil Suits against the Ferguson Police as I am sure that you recall.....



OF COURSE THIS ALL BESIDES THE POINT, as the theme of the article was about the democrats racism being downplayed, while Trump or the GOP's is not


and nothing in your Ferguson spin changes that

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There are a lot of issues for both candidates. Trump's open racism play is also one. Clinton's Benghazi performance is one.


For you, everything harkens back to Hillary and Benghazi. We get it.

What does trump do specifically that is openly racist?

I'm not trying to be cute or play gotcha, just genuinely curious why he is constantly called racist.



Just curious why you think what he does is worse and more racist than progressives?

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What does trump do specifically that is openly racist?

I'm not trying to be cute or play gotcha, just genuinely curious why he is constantly called racist.



Just curious why you think what he does is worse and more racist than progressives?



“I think the guy is lazy,” Trump said of a black employee, according to O’Donnell. “And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control"


you can't make this shite up. and it's spread all over trump's lips.

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Clinton already has a video up of all the Republicans denouncing Trump's comments on the judge.


Trump is the kind of racist who isn't even smart enough to fake not being racist.

What does trump do specifically that is openly racist?



You don't think Trump's remarks about the judge are racist?

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Trump's statement about the Judge was asinine, as is his stupidity on doubling down on it......


It aint the Republican primary anymore, the media is going after you (rightly)



But, as Tom says, "to be fair', his mouth is illustrating some pretty funny hypocrisy by the shocked Left.


It's making people ask "If judges' ethnicity isn't important, then why do liberals always say it's important?" :lol:

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