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The Mizzou/Yale/PC/Free Speech Topic


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Hey, speaking of Satan...




Here we have crybaby parents protesting the after-school Satan Club, even though it is allowed under state and federal law, and that the club itself is in response to similar Christian after-school clubs. Typical special snowflake Christians, always trying to regulate our speech. You know how they are, if it isn't "Merry Christmas" or "under God" they throw their usual tantrums. I know a few!


Ah, what a dumb country. Anyway, happy holidays and Hail Satan, everyone.

See, this is what makes people like you !@#$s.


Of course you have the right to say stupid **** like this, and of course those muppets have the right to set up an "after school Satan Club", but why would you?


The only point of these things is to mock those you don't agree with, which does nothing but antagonize, isn't constructive to dialog or problem resolution, and only serves to make things worse. But hey, congratulations, you've achieved saying words. Great job, dim wit.


You're nothing more than a left wing version of that idiot Milo Yiannopolous.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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im curious as to what % still do. The number is falling quickly


That percentage is a jetliner-flown-into-a-hi-rise away from climbing back up the chart.


The problem isn't that people don't have faith. The problem is that they forget that faith should be continuous, not convenient.


Have a terrorist take a gun to to work in San Bernardino and murder a dozen people, and every starts posting stuff like "Prayers for the victims." They turn to their faith in times of need only.


The ones who don't have faith ever, simply because they don't believe in God, are generally the far left, who gladly continue reading a newspaper article about that gun incident, with a massive front page headline that looks like this:




These are people who believe that even if there is a God, they can do a better job than Him.



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When I inquired about my due process rights, I was told by the provost that I didn’t have any. Here’s the quote:


“There is no constitutional right to represent the University of Kentucky abroad. Nor is there a constitutional right to teach a particular class. Accordingly, the University has no obligation to provide you with due process.”




The Liberal mindset, Ladies and Gentlemen

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