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Zebra Report Week 5 - Bills vs. Titians

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15:00 Bills offside on kickoff. GOOD CALL. Tasker threw up a lot of crap on the telecast, but he should know better. Here's the rule:


A player is Offside when any part of his body or his person is in the Neutral Zone, or is beyond his free kick line.


So no more garbage about his foot not being down, etc. Easley should know better. Dumbass penalty. And yes, dude threw the flag at the start of the play, not after the fumble.


11:23 Titians false start. GOOD CALL.
11:09 Jerry and Dareus held on 3RD and 10 for Titians. QUESTIONABLE NON-CALLS.
9:55 Titians DB all over Harvin grabbing his shoulder on incomplete 3RD down pass. VERY QUESTIONABLE NON-CALL. Looks like the Gilmore PI later in the game.
8:51 PI on Graham. The replay is really bad, only an all-22 view. I can't really tell, so no grading on this call.
7:04 Clay incomplete. BAD CALL. Both feet were down. His right foot is already down when the ball hits his hands. Should have been challenged by Ryan. The refs called it incomplete because it "looked" incomplete when he didn't do the toe tap. We saw that last week with Richie's chop block, and we'll see it later with the horse collar.
7:04 Bills delay of game. GOOD CALL. I thought this was due to calling Clay complete, then incomplete, but Bills got 50 seconds between plays, plenty of time.
6:48 Titians block in back on Bills punt. QUESTIONABLE CALL. This one was ticky-tack, as the Titian extended his arms but really didn't knock the Bills player down, he was already going down on his own. It "looked" like a block in the back.
3:48 HUGE HOLD ON DAREUS. TERRIBLE NON-CALL. Mariota scrambles for a first down.
2:27 Titians holding. GOOD CALL. Jerry held at the point of attack.


Refs already looking bad. These zebra reports are showing me just how bad these guys are. They make a lot of calls based on the "look".




12:11 OPI on Titians. GOOD CALL. Sometimes it's so egregious that the refs can't ignore it.
11:39 Titians illegal shift. GOOD CALL. 1st and 25.
4:24 Missed block in the back on bills punt? GOOD NON-CALL. He actually got the Bills player from the side.
1:53 Illegal contact 33 Titians. No idea on this one. 33 is nowhere near a Bills receiver, so no clue.
0:24 Titians hands to the face. GOOD CALL. Jerry got a facial.


Bad reffing continues. Hope we can overcome.




11:06 Bills illegal block in the back on The Duke during Titians punt. No clue on this one, I don't even see The Duke on the field. BTW, good call on the fumble, he coughed it up. We cut Thiggy for that guy.
1:29 Offsides Titians, OPI on Bobby Woods. Offsetting. GOOD CALLS. You can see Bobby push off and extend the arms. One Titian had his hand in the NZ, and another crowds the line and his head is in the NZ.
1:15 Titians illegal block in back on Bills kickoff. QUESTIONABLE CALL. Again, the Titian player is behind a Bills player and reaches out with extended arms, but Hogan was flying, dove, and missed. It "looked" like a block in the back, so it got called.


Officials stayed out of it this quarter, a trend?




14:56 PI on Gilmore. GOOD CALL. Stephon was all over the dude, but very similar to the Harvin non-call earlier.
13:45 Graham held on blitz. QUESTIONABLE NON-CALL.
8:45 Hold on Seantrel. GOOD CALL. Seantrel tackled the guy, eliminated a first down to Percy.
8:35 False start on Seantrel. GOOD CALL. Seantrel is a hot mess.
8:07 Horse collar on Tyrod. QUESTIONABLE CALL. Here's the rule:


ARTICLE 15. HORSE-COLLAR TACKLE. No player shall grab the inside collar of the back or the side of the shoulder pads or jersey, and pull the runner toward the ground. This does not apply to a runner who is in the tackle box or to a quarterback who is in the pocket.


The wording is interesting. Apparently you have to be inside the jersey or shoulder pads. Technically this was not a horse-collar, but it "looked" like one (there's that word again).


Tyrod goes out for a play and EJ gets his varsity letter.


5:07 Horse collar on XTC picked up. GOOD NON-CALL.
4:37 PF on Graham. REALLY BAD CALL. Graham hit him head up, clean, with the shoulder. This was not a personal foul.


So much for the "trend" of low ref involvement in the 3RD QTR. Refs continue to be human, making lots of errors and calling things by how they look as opposed to how they actually happened. Bills showed poise and restraint when getting hosed. After the Graham PF, the Bills took it out on the Titians, tackling them hard on 3 straight plays and forcing the last Whisenpunt. We're gonna need all the help we can get against Cincinnati, so I predict Walt Coleman.

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Nice job.

That Corey Graham penalty had me fuming. Great play by #20.


The horse collar on TT looked legit. Defender bad TT by the collar of the jersey and pulled down. The non-call on Mariota tackle was a result of grabbing the numbers on his jersey. Didn't look near his jersey collar. Close call.

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I think the NFL should be reviewing all 'big penalties' such as personal fouls, etc and fine the referee's based on there performance much like they do with players. If a ref makes a terrible call such as the Graham penalty then they should be fined just as a player would be should they commit a head to head contact. This way the refs would need to be certain it was in fact a PF and eliminate some of the questionable calls unless they were certain of it. It's too big of a penalty to call without being positive of it.

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Nice job.

That Corey Graham penalty had me fuming. Great play by #20.

The horse collar on TT looked legit. Defender bad TT by the collar of the jersey and pulled down. The non-call on Mariota tackle was a result of grabbing the numbers on his jersey. Didn't look near his jersey collar. Close call.

Neither play should have been a penalty - both were grabbed by the jersey below the collar, but the one on TT was much closer to the collar. I did not make any friends with the Titans fans around me when, following their "that was the same play comment", I responded with "no, only if we take a head shot at your guy during the tackle is that the same play". Mr. Titan fan was very polite about it, but clearly not happy with this intruder into his stadium.

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Neither play should have been a penalty - both were grabbed by the jersey below the collar, but the one on TT was much closer to the collar. I did not make any friends with the Titans fans around me when, following their "that was the same play comment", I responded with "no, only if we take a head shot at your guy during the tackle is that the same play". Mr. Titan fan was very polite about it, but clearly not happy with this intruder into his stadium.

Represent! :thumbsup:

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You have to realize that TV coverage will almost always give us a better look at these plays than the officials get calling them live. There is no other way to make calls other than how they "look." Umpriing a stolen base attempt at second base from behind home plate, you make a call based on whether the ball was there in time and whether the ball is caught and the glove is down before the runner reaches the bag. Don't tell the umpire that the tag was actually missed because it is impossible to see if a tag is actually applied from that angle.


I am surprised at how poorly the wording is for the horse collar rule. There should be language about pulling the runner down from behind while striking the back of their legs. That's the dangerous play it is intended to prevent so why not word it that way. The Titans did this to Tyrod and the Bills did not do so to Mariota.

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Neither play should have been a penalty - both were grabbed by the jersey below the collar, but the one on TT was much closer to the collar. I did not make any friends with the Titans fans around me when, following their "that was the same play comment", I responded with "no, only if we take a head shot at your guy during the tackle is that the same play". Mr. Titan fan was very polite about it, but clearly not happy with this intruder into his stadium.


Although it's not in the wording, I believe that the officials are taught to enforce the horse collar penalty with an emphasis on whether or not the tackler plants his lower body and pulls the runner down. That was the other major difference between the two plays: Bradham was airborn; the Titan defender had planted his lower body on the ground. That, and the initial grasp on Taylor was indeed inside the jersey collar (which he then lost hold off); Bradham never even came close to the jersey collar.

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So much for the "trend" of low ref involvement in the 3RD QTR. Refs continue to be human, making lots of errors and calling things by how they look as opposed to how they actually happened. Bills showed poise and restraint when getting hosed. After the Graham PF, the Bills took it out on the Titians, tackling them hard on 3 straight plays and forcing the last Whisenpunt. We're gonna need all the help we can get against Cincinnati, so I predict Walt Coleman.

What a great post. Please keep them coming! You make a good point in the above paragraph. Bills must continue to show restraint with the Ref's. We need to be the good guys and develop a reputation for fair play. Getting the ref's emotionally on your side is a smart call.

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Everyone kept saying the that PF on Tyrod was a horse collar, but the refs usually say that is was a horse collar. They just said PF. I watch the replay again, and what I thought they might be calling was Tyrod was down and then the guy slammed his head to the ground.


Also the hold by Henderson looked like the guy he was blocking just lost his footing while trying to round the corner. Henderson did not have a hold of his jersey and was just riding him outside.


If you guys seen it different. let me know where I am wrong, but please re-watch before you do.

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I think the NFL should be reviewing all 'big penalties' such as personal fouls, etc and fine the referee's based on there performance much like they do with players. If a ref makes a terrible call such as the Graham penalty then they should be fined just as a player would be should they commit a head to head contact. This way the refs would need to be certain it was in fact a PF and eliminate some of the questionable calls unless they were certain of it. It's too big of a penalty to call without being positive of it.


I know in the NBA they give each offical a score card and analysis of how the refs preform after each game on a call by call and non-call basis. If the refs get too many failing grades they get put on lesser assignments and then if they keep failing they can be fired. I would imagine the NFL does the same thing where they grade the officals based off of each game. But no offical is going to get every call right at game speed. It's kind of an impossible task really.

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Am I the only one who thinks Bradham's tackle on Mariota wasn't a close call? I'm surprised they even threw the flag. It was nowhere near a horsecollar, at all.


Still mad about the Graham call. Hell of a play Corey.


No, you are not the only one.


As soon as they threw the flag, I sat back and said "that's getting picked up".

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Everyone kept saying the that PF on Tyrod was a horse collar, but the refs usually say that is was a horse collar. They just said PF. I watch the replay again, and what I thought they might be calling was Tyrod was down and then the guy slammed his head to the ground.


Also the hold by Henderson looked like the guy he was blocking just lost his footing while trying to round the corner. Henderson did not have a hold of his jersey and was just riding him outside.


If you guys seen it different. let me know where I am wrong, but please re-watch before you do.



Good observation on the TT horse collar.

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