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EJ Will Start Pittsburgh Game

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Again, what if EJ lights it up? So the coaching staff looks like schmucks for not starting him, Metz looks like a schmuck for spreading erroneous information, The organization looks bush league for leaking info, this is all so fishy


For the record, I believe Metz's report.

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I thought PMing was for the source, not who the starting QB will be according to said source (aside from it not being EJ). C'mon Metz, post it up so we can argue in favor of it or against it with ad hominem attacks based on whether the proposed starter matches our preferred candidate!!

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I keep wanting to think that too, like, how could a pro sports team let something like that leak out.

But, man, if its NOT true, Metz is really laying his credibility on the line. If it's not true, his word will be worth less than zero around these here parts. Especially with the way he puts it, so definitavly

And this is exactly why I'm holding off on telling you who I'm 90% sure the starter is. Because in the small chance I'm wrong, then I get called out by a bunch of bozos every time I post anything. Source is solid, within organization, but third hand. So I wouldn't bet my life on it. But it makes a lot of sense. And I'm not responding to PM's. Already told one guy this morning, he'll vouch for me if I'm right. Now it's becoming a bit overblown.

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Again, what if EJ lights it up? So the coaching staff looks like schmucks for not starting him, Metz looks like a schmuck for spreading erroneous information, The organization looks bush league for leaking info, this is all so fishy


For the record, I believe Metz's report.


If EJ lights it up then the starter's seat will be a hot one whether it's Taylor or Cassel starting. All it will take is a loss that can be clearly pinned on the starting QB and away we go.


Basically there will be no settling of this position until a QB steps up and beats a Superbowl contending team with his arm and overall ability. Whoever Rex names the starter is still basically only being penciled in until something like that happens.

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And this is exactly why I'm holding off on telling you who I'm 90% sure the starter is. Because in the small chance I'm wrong, then I get called out by a bunch of bozos every time I post anything. Source is solid, within organization, but third hand. So I wouldn't bet my life on it. But it makes a lot of sense.

EJ is a pro athlete that is going to be HIGHLY motivated by this new opportunity he has on Saturday. If he looks great, what's the organization do then? They, or someone on the staff (your source) is going to look like a moron for leaking something like what you posted. And again, your credibility goes down in flames. Why even post it, some things are just better off left unsaid.


It's very very possible that EJ looks good in this game.

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If EJ lights it up then the starter's seat will be a hot one whether it's Taylor or Cassel starting. All it will take is a loss that can be clearly pinned on the starting QB and away we go.


Basically there will be no settling of this position until a QB steps up and beats a Superbowl contending team with his arm and overall ability. Whoever Rex names the starter is still basically only being penciled in until something like that happens.

Yeah, I tend to agree with this logic. If they get shaky QB play the seat will remain hot and the Monday Morning QBs will have their pitchforks out. If they are winning that way it wont be too bad until they stop winning. The 1st loss where the QB plays poorly will be brutal.

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If EJ lights it up then the starter's seat will be a hot one whether it's Taylor or Cassel starting. All it will take is a loss that can be clearly pinned on the starting QB and away we go.


Basically there will be no settling of this position until a QB steps up and beats a Superbowl contending team with his arm and overall ability. Whoever Rex names the starter is still basically only being penciled in until something like that happens.

This is a good point and I think some people are forgetting that the coaches can heavily influence the QB performances with the plays they call.


If they've already made their decision, they can do their best to set up their man for success.


Just a thought.

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EJ is a pro athlete that is going to be HIGHLY motivated by this new opportunity he has on Saturday. If he looks great, what's the organization do then? They, or someone on the staff (your source) is going to look like a moron for leaking something like what you posted. And again, your credibility goes down in flames. Why even post it, some things are just better off left unsaid.


It's very very possible that EJ looks good in this game.

Well I will stake my credibility to this: even if EJ looks unbelievable and the other two QB's play poorly on Saturday, EJ aint starting week 1.

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i don't want any spoilers myself. I prefer the element of surprise. PMing Metz to get the name of the starting QB would be like looking at the ultrasound before the baby is born.


Just show me the baby on sept 13,Rex!!!!! Whoever the heck it is!


Better yet, have a guy in a 3, 5 or whatever the hell number Matt Cassel is jersey parachute into the Ralph off of an airplane to announce the starter at 12:55pm!

That's hilarious

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Somewhat true. But Roman clearly calls different plays for the three different guys depending on what they do well. So if EJ does pretty good in the Steelers game, the Colts will have to prepare for all three rather than just two. EJ plays a lot different game than TT I think.

I think he is the pocket passer with some mobility.

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You replied "no, it's not" to my comment that it is like figuring out what to wear and "it might be 30 degrees and it might be 90." I apologize if I interpreted that wrong.


Go back and watch the Rex interview when he talks about his first game as a HC. He basically credits himself for winning it because they put in all kinds of exotic stuff that no one had seen previously. They knocked off a pretty good team if I don't recall. I apologize that I do not remember where the video is but Rex loves that kind of stuff.


I disagreed with the analogy.


That's one of the things I don't like about him.


They can put in "exotic stuff that no one had seen previously" with any QB. And he was talking defense I think, and it's not the same.


Regardless of all that nonsense, I don't believe that the reason EJM is starting in this game has anything to do with misleading Indy.

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Well I will stake my credibility to this: even if EJ looks unbelievable and the other two QB's play poorly on Saturday, EJ aint starting week 1.


Fair enough.

If EJ looks unbelievable in this weekends game and he doesn't start, blows Rex's cred out the wattah.

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No, a losing organization would stake its starting QB job on one preseason game and not an entire offseason of assessments.


Or 3 preseason games and a scrimmage. In other words, everything that truly matters in an offseason.

No, a losing organization would stake its starting QB job on one preseason game and not an entire offseason of assessments.


Just admit that everyone moved on from EJ until he started performing well. Now everybody is really nervous he's going to kill it on Saturday.


There's a lot of "reputations" on the line that need EJ to do poorly.

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