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Do We Have Any Bernie Sanders Supporters Among Us?

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It's so odd to watch Bernie stick in this race, but fight Hillary like it's a pillow fight.


Still, this has to be pissing off Hillary. Why isn't Bernie getting in line and doing as he's told like all the other, lazy, non-thinking SoProgs who bow down in defeat to Hillary.


His economic ideas are crap but he's the most likeable of em all by a long shot.

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Sanders and Trump proved that the system is fixed.


Superdelegates that can be bought off.


Independents , Liberals , Green Party who would have voted for Sanders could not vote in a primary.

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Sanders and Trump proved that the system is fixed.


Superdelegates that can be bought off.


Independents , Liberals , Green Party who would have voted for Sanders could not vote in a primary.




It's a party nomination, not the general election. If they are going to benefit from the parties' access to their base, ballot box & national media, they shouldn't complain about the downside when they don't get the required votes.


The rules are fairly clear and the candidates need to abide by them. They were perfectly free to run as independents and not under a party banner.

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Sanders and Trump proved that the system is fixed.


Superdelegates that can be bought off.


Independents , Liberals , Green Party who would have voted for Sanders could not vote in a primary.

Good grief...


Pay very careful attention this time:


The Republican and Democratic Parties are not part of the federal government. They are private entities with their own rules and agendas. You do not have the right to dictate to them how they run and lead their organizations, or whom they decide to put forward as their nominees.


That's the reality. That's it. That's the end of the discussion.


If you want to disagree with reality, that's fine, but there's a word for that...



Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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Good grief...


Pay very careful attention this time:


The Republican and Democratic Parties are not part of the federal government. They are private entities with their own rules and agendas. You do not have the right to dictate to them how they run and lead their organizations, or whom they decide to put forward as their nominees.


That's the reality. That's it. That's the end of the discussion.


If you want to disagree with reality, that's fine, but there's a word for that...




Good, enjoy , that's why I became a Independent

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I could care less which crook they choose to run.

Then why are you complaining about how they choose who to run?


Did you hear about the Green Party primary? Or the Libertarian party primary? Why can't voters have a say in who they nominate?


I can't speak to the Greens, but the Libertarians are choosing their nominee at a convention. The same process that the Republican party of Colorado used to appoint their delegates to the National Convention

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Bernie Sanders says the Democratic National Convention "will be contested": http://nym.ag/26KpWlH




Jesse Watters Asks Socialism Supporters What Free Stuff They Want, Makes Them Look Ridiculous (Video).





POLL: Clinton, Sanders in statistical tie in Indiana.







BERNIE SANDERS’ WIFE: It would be nice if FBI moved along Hillary Clinton email probe.






Edited by B-Man
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"We have this thing called ‘The Treasury.’ That’s the money warehouse!” :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

How do we afford 35 billion a year in foreign aid?, how do we afford 800 overseas military bases at a cost of 160+ billion a year, how do we afford the war on drugs at a cost of 25 billion a year? how do we afford the f35 program at around 25 billion a year?

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