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Do We Have Any Bernie Sanders Supporters Among Us?

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ask "Hey, Bernie, how are we going to pay for this?"




raise taxes on those over $250K I believe was his answer


Those with incomes between $250,000 and $500,000 would owe a top rate of 37%, up from 33% or 35% currently.




Bernie Sanders says top 0.1% in U.S. have almost as much wealth as bottom 90%
Edited by ALF
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Sanders the most liked candidate on either side:





Colorado Democrats admit mistake cost Sanders delegates; inform Hillary but not Sanders.


Bernie Sanders won one more delegate in Colorado than first projected after the Colorado Democratic Party admitted this week that it misreported the March 1 caucus results from 10 precinct locations.

The error — first uncovered by The Denver Post — was shared with rival Hillary Clinton's campaign by party officials but kept from Sanders until the Post told his staff Monday night.

The mistake is a minor shift with major implications. The new projection now shows the Vermont senator winning 39 delegates in Colorado, compared to 27 for Clinton.

Even if Clinton wins all 12 superdelegates in the state, Sanders can finish no worse than a split decision. It contrasts withprior projections from the Post, Bloomberg Politics and The Associated Press that indicatedClinton would probably win the majority of the 78 delegates in Colorado because of her support from party leaders with superdelegate status.


Edited by Deranged Rhino
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It means nothing in an fixed election. But it's just interesting to track.


No it's stupid to track. Likeability is so subjective. You ask 1,000 why they like someone you're likely to get 1,000 completely different answers. The reasons for liking are interesting not whether or not they're liked.

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No it's stupid to track. Likeability is so subjective. You ask 1,000 why they like someone you're likely to get 1,000 completely different answers. The reasons for liking are interesting not whether or not they're liked.

Oh brother

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Here I'll prove my point. Let's all list whether or not we like gator. Those responses will be pretty boring. Then list why you don't like him. Now that part should be very interesting.

Yes, and I'd never win an election on this board, right?


Do you see? :unsure: Finally?

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Then why are Hillary and Trump leading if they have the lowest likability "ratings"?

Because its not the only factor and some people DO really like them


I like Bernie more but, well, no, just no. And Trump is really liked by the right wing nuts that are howling for mass deportations and white nationalism.

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While Clinton maintains a 10-percentage point lead over Republican front-runner Donald Trump and a three-point edge over Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) in head-to-head general elections, she doesn’t fare as well against John Kasich. Clinton trails the Ohio governor by six points.

Sanders, on the other hand, would beat all GOP candidates, the poll shows. He has a 17-point lead over Trump, a 12-point lead over Cruz and a five-point lead over Kasich.

Sanders hit on his recent poll numbers Thursday night in the Democratic debate, citing his victories in eight of the last nine contests.


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what a great ad! and typical of sanders, it's absolutely, undeniably true.


A great ad? :w00t:


“Two hundred thousand dollars an hour for them. But not even fifteen bucks an hour for all Americans. Enough is enough.”


Not even fifteen bucks an hour for all Americans? That is the most laughable thing I've heard in a very long time. :doh:

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