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Do We Have Any Bernie Sanders Supporters Among Us?

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As the above tweet illustrates, Camp Bernie is following the model that Obama’s minions used so successfully in early 2008: Treat Hillary as the de facto Republican in the race.


Whether that approach works when most of the MSM is on Hillary’s side this year remains to be seen, however — but the far left Democrat base certainly ate it up in 2008.






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Whether that approach works when most of the MSM is on Hillary’s side this year remains to be seen, however — but the far left Democrat base certainly ate it up in 2008.



And look at where their lot is now. Worked well didn't it?

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You know now that I think about it I'm seeing a hell of a lot less Bernie or Hillary bumper stickers up here than I did Obama ones when we first moved up here in February 2008 right after his coronation.........I mean election.


You'd think that the place would be plastered with Bernie stickers and I was taken aback the other day when I saw one.

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You know now that I think about it I'm seeing a hell of a lot less Bernie or Hillary bumper stickers up here than I did Obama ones when we first moved up here in February 2008 right after his coronation.........I mean election.


You'd think that the place would be plastered with Bernie stickers and I was taken aback the other day when I saw one.

I heard you have pay for the Bernie stickers and that his supporters don't want to pay for them.

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Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says




Median income would soar by more than $22,000. Nearly 26 million jobs would be created. The unemployment rate would fall to 3.8%.

Those are just a few of the things that would happen if Bernie Sanders became president and his ambitious economic program were put into effect, according to an analysis given exclusively to CNNMoney. The first comprehensive look at the impact of all of Sanders' spending and tax proposals on the economy was done by Gerald Friedman, a University of Massachusetts Amherst economics professor.


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