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Church Shooting

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I don't watch Fox News or any cable news. The other board I frequent is a Springsteen board. Of course, they all hate Fox News. And, there's post after post about this shooting, going on and on about how Fox News said this was an attack on Christianity.


For those who do watch, was this one person saying this? The whole network wall to wall? Or where in between?...........It's so odd that all these Fox News haters watch it so much that this is what enrages them the most about this shooting.

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I don't watch Fox News or any cable news. The other board I frequent is a Springsteen board. Of course, they all hate Fox News. And, there's post after post about this shooting, going on and on about how Fox News said this was an attack on Christianity.


For those who do watch, was this one person saying this? The whole network wall to wall? Or where in between?...........It's so odd that all these Fox News haters watch it so much that this is what enrages them the most about this shooting.



A "Springsteen board"... ?? :huh:

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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You're certainly not contending the a bunch of farmers who had just used their own privately owned weapons to defeat the world's greatest military power in a war would be limiting ownership among the free citizenry, right?

French farmers ?


During the American Revolutionary War (American War of Independence; 17751783), France recognized and allied itself with the United States in 1778, declared war on Great Britain, and sent its armies and navy to fight Britain while providing money and matériel to arm the new republic. French intervention made a decisive contribution to the U.S. victory in the war. Motivated by revenge for its losses in the Seven Years' War, France began secretly sending supplies in 1775. Spain and the Netherlands joined France, making it a global war in which the British had no major allies.




But more importantly your grossly inaccurate comment speaks to a major error in thinking that supports the current madness; that is that privately armed citizens can resist the government. If people have pistols, the government has tanks. If people get tanks, the government has atomic weapons. There's no way to deal with the threat of government (real or imagined) by violent force, even if you think that that's morally legitimate.


Guns in the hands of American citizens are not going to make the country more benign. They're going to make it more brutal, ruthless and destructive...which pretty much characterizes our situation versus most of the advanced world

Edited by JTSP
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I think something like 90% of all arms and munitions came from France to supply the Continental Army.


Shhh... It makes for good stories for Alaskan Dimwits that the framers grabbed their guns!




"In the centuries since the Revolutionary War, French contributions have been criminally downplayed. Somewhere between the real Yorktown and Mel Gibson's rather less accurate version, The Patriot, the monumental French war effort during the birth of America got forgotten, buried in the sand, and pissed on.

The truth is, the 13 colonies would never have earned their freedom without French intervention -- the whole battle for American independence was essentially a proxy war between Britain and France..."

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I don't watch Fox News or any cable news. The other board I frequent is a Springsteen board. Of course, they all hate Fox News. And, there's post after post about this shooting, going on and on about how Fox News said this was an attack on Christianity.


For those who do watch, was this one person saying this? The whole network wall to wall? Or where in between?...........It's so odd that all these Fox News haters watch it so much that this is what enrages them the most about this shooting.

I don't get Fox News either so I can't say for sure, but I saw someone else argue it was said by someone the first morning after it happened when the details were still fuzzy. I'm not sure how accurate that is, but it's what I read.

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French farmers ?


During the American Revolutionary War (American War of Independence; 17751783), France recognized and allied itself with the United States in 1778, declared war on Great Britain, and sent its armies and navy to fight Britain while providing money and matériel to arm the new republic. French intervention made a decisive contribution to the U.S. victory in the war. Motivated by revenge for its losses in the Seven Years' War, France began secretly sending supplies in 1775. Spain and the Netherlands joined France, making it a global war in which the British had no major allies.




But more importantly your grossly inaccurate comment speaks to a major error in thinking that supports the current madness; that is that privately armed citizens can resist the government. If people have pistols, the government has tanks. If people get tanks, the government has atomic weapons. There's no way to deal with the threat of government (real or imagined) by violent force, even if you think that that's morally legitimate.


Guns in the hands of American citizens are not going to make the country more benign. They're going to make it more brutal, ruthless and destructive...which pretty much characterizes our situation versus most of the advanced world


The lack of historical understanding in this post is ASTOUNDING.

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I don't get Fox News either so I can't say for sure, but I saw someone else argue it was said by someone the first morning after it happened when the details were still fuzzy. I'm not sure how accurate that is, but it's what I read.


That is exactly what I figured.

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Meanwhile in Detroit, 10 people are shot at a birthday party. National News and the Intarwebs aren't outraged




Obviously committed in the ghetto an urban area.


Was there a flag nearby?

"Dolunt said police do not know the reason for the shooting and thus far people at the party were not being cooperative with police seeking information. He said there was no excuse for shooting when kids were present. There were little kids and strollers, he said. "It's a party," he said."

I guess it's okay to shoot towards a crowd as long as no kids are present.

Edited by unbillievable
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Obviously committed in the ghetto an urban area.

"Dolunt said police do not know the reason for the shooting and thus far people at the party were not being cooperative with police seeking information. He said there was no excuse for shooting when kids were present. There were little kids and strollers, he said. "It's a party," he said."

I guess it's okay to shoot towards a crowd as long as no kids are present.

Unless you're white. Then it's a hate crime that deserves national attention.

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Meanwhile in Detroit, 10 people are shot at a birthday party. National News and the Intarwebs aren't outraged





He said there was no excuse for shooting when kids were present. There were little kids and strollers, he said. "It's a party," he said.


Seriously? :wallbash:

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No protest for the cop that got killed in NO. Had the cop shot the guy trying to get away the people in NO would be looting and burning down the city

No. Both guys are black. Doesn't fit the desired narrative.

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