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Donald J. Trump, Worth 9 billion

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You genuinely don't see the flaw in what you just did?

Quoting Trump's own words? He said Mexico sends it's people, not immigrants.


Personally I hope he sticks around for a long time, but you can't refute his own words.

Edited by PastaJoe
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Quoting Trump's own words? He said Mexico sends it's people, not immigrants.


Personally I hope he sticks around for a long time, but you can't refute his own words.

I think you know you're being dishonest. It's about the equivalent of someone saying they don't like New Edition and you interpreting it as him saying he doesn't like black people. I mean, the members of New Edition were black, he said he doesn't like them, hence, he said he doesn't like black people.

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I think you know you're being dishonest. It's about the equivalent of someone saying they don't like New Edition and you interpreting it as him saying he doesn't like black people. I mean, the members of New Edition were black, he said he doesn't like them, hence, he said he doesn't like black people.

I'll give you points for effort, but he's had chances to clarify his remarks and he keeps doubling down on them. I am waiting to hear him criticize businesses that hire illegal aliens, and specify what jobs that American citizens want to do are being taken away by them.

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Think how much Trump being POTUS will save. If he own the golf courses, the taxpayers don't have to pay the green fees for the president golfing like we do today

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Think how much Trump being POTUS will save. If he own the golf courses, the taxpayers don't have to pay the green fees for the president golfing like we do today

Of course his private holdings would have to be put in a blind trust, so taxpayers would have to pay. Just like Cheney and his Haliburton holdings. I'm sure he didn't benefit from Halibuton's work in Iraq after the invasion.

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Let's read the full bit:




Frank Luntz, who was leading the Q&A session, repeatedly protested, Hes a war hero. Trump responded, Hes a war hero because he was captured. I like people that werent captured, okay? I hate to tell you. Trump re-iterated, Hes a war hero because he was capture, okay? You can have and I believe perhaps hes a war hero, but right now, he said some very bad things about a lot of people. So, what I said is, John McCain, I disagree with him, that these people arent crazy. And, very importantly, and I speak the truth, he graduated last in his class at Annapolis. So I said, nobody knows that. I said he graduated last or second to last he graduated last in his class at Annapolis. And he was upset. I say, What? For telling the truth? See, youre not youre supposed to say that somebody graduated last or second to last in their class, because youre supposed to be, like Frank says, very nice. Folks, I want to make America great again. We want to get down to brass tacks. We dont want to listen to his stuff with being politically correct, and everything has to we have a lot of work to do. Frank, the other day, Hillary Clinton got up and she said, [paraphrasing] I didnt like Mr. Trumps tone. We have people, Christians being having their heads cut off in the Middle East. We have people dying all over border, that where I was right, 100% right. We have all of this, like, medieval times. And she said, [paraphrasing] I didnt like his tone. And you know who else said that? Jeb Bush, [paraphrasing] I didnt like his tone. What does it have to do with tone? We want results. This group wants results. We dont want tone.

Edited by Rob's House
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Donald Trump doesn't speak the truth. He purposely makes false statements that are meant to rile up the nativists. The day he announced and made those racist, false statements I remember telling my parents two things. One was while I knew he was going to be relentlessly criticized and mocked for what he had said, that oddly enough that he was going to get a boost in the polls, simply because those sort of bombastic comments typically appeals to the lowest common denominator


And two, while he would temporarily benefit, the lasting damage he could possibly do for the GOP is devastating. Latinos are the most significant rapidly rising voting demographic in the U.S. It's not that the conservatives have to abandon their principles to placate their concerns, it's that many have to change their tone and tenor. What Trump did was that it reconfirmed what many Latinos were thinking, which was that they believe many conservatives see them as criminal second class folks.


As a Latino myself, I can tell you that Trump is universally recognized within the Latino community and he is also universally mocked and

reviled in all media outlets. Whether it's social media and let me tell you, even my friends who live in South America who are apolitical post memes of Trump, or the local news here in Miami which seem to constantly bring up his name in a negative light. Even the other night at the Latin music awards, when his name was brought up it brought out the biggest reaction the entire evening, Hell, even my mother who listens to the Miami Cuban political radio shows, who are solidly Republican, can't stand the guy and all mention that if he were to be nominated (which he won't ) They'd sit out the elections.


I saw something that was fascinating to me the other day. One of the polls showed that he had a 13% favorability rating and 81% unfavorability rating amongst Latinos. The disparity between those who like him wasn't the most striking thing that I had noticed which is pretty amazing as it is, but it's that 94% of Latinos that were polled have an opinion of him. That means his name recognition is through the roof and they almost all dislike him.


Having an egotistical, bombastic verbal bomb throwing birther is going to do wonders for the GOP when people begin to start paying attention during the debates. It's going to be critically incumbent for the more serious candidates to differentiate themselves from him so that the voting public who aren't in the pocket of either party see that the party hasn't been hijacked by kooks.

Edited by Magox
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Quoting Trump's own words? He said Mexico sends it's people, not immigrants.

Personally I hope he sticks around for a long time, but you can't refute his own words.

He was referring to illegal immigrants. If you want your posts to be taken seriously by people who are informed then it would be good to at least begin with some honesty. Edited by Magox
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Having an egotistical, bombastic verbal bomb throwing birther is going to do wonders for the GOP when people begin to start paying attention during the debates. It's going to be critically incumbent for the more serious candidates to differentiate themselves from him so that the voting public who aren't in the pocket of either party see that the party hasn't been hijacked by kooks.



A well written post Magox,



But I must agree with Salena Zito................Pundits keep missing the point: @realDonaldTrump surge had nothing to do with Donald..... Nothing



it's about the people, frustrated with the political establishment...........The Donald won't last much longer, but the unrest will.





Reflecting populism born of frustration


There is a disturbance in American politics. But no one in the political class seems to be pinpointing the correct source.


Donald Trump gets all of the credit for it from journalists, pundits and academics. They could not be more wrong.


They are looking only at the surface, seeing the response to his harangues as an affirmation of the man. If they looked beyond the cartoonish image of Trump, they would understand that the true disturbance is the frustration of Americans, not the bluster of one man.


The same goes for the surge by Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont against Hillary Clinton on the Democrats' side. Clinton's other competitors — Virginia's Jim Webb, a former U.S. senator and Navy secretary, and former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley — are running deliberate campaigns, but they don't reflect the fire and unrest of voters on the center-left.


It is always remarkable to witness experts not understanding the field in which they are experts; even more remarkable, they still do not recognize the frustration of the masses, despite the unsettling wave elections of 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2014 that vividly affirmed populist movements against both political parties' establishments.


Americans are just tired of it all. Tired of no one speaking honestly to them, tired of being told they cannot speak honestly.


Think about this: For two administrations, Democrats, Republicans and independents effectively have been told to hold their tongues. During the Bush administration, you were unpatriotic if you criticized the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; during the Obama administration, you're a racist if you criticize the president or his policies.


And don't even think about expressing your values if those are outside the elite's standard of everyone deserving equality and fairness (unless, of course, you disagree with that elitist viewpoint, in which case hatred and character destruction are your reward).

Hey GOP 'leaders'.............
When you don't address people's concerns, people will find someone who will, whether it's someone you like or not
Edited by B-Man
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and as for Trump's stupid comment about Sen. McCain, I think that it shows how poor a candidate he is.






it does provide a perfect example of the hypocrisy of the selective media outrage:



"I doubt I could cross the line and vote Republican. I have tremendous respect for McCain but I don’t buy the war hero thing. Anybody can be captured. I thought the idea was to capture them. As far as I’m concerned he sat out the war." -- Al Franken



Exact same thing, but he gets media support to win two senate elections....................




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