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Michael Sam to play football for Montreal in Canada league

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Not bad. Only three laughingly predictable "I don't get it, why do I have to hear about some 7th round draft pick who couldn't even play in the NFL? I don't care if he's gay or straight or purple, he's no different than anyone else. Why is this news?" posts so far- from people, mind you, that if they truly didn't care, wouldn't have opened the thread in the first place. Much the same way that if there were a thread about knitting on here, I simply wouldn't open it, much less enter the thread and make my bold stance of not caring abundantly clear. Don't you understand that by telling everyone how much you don't care that it's exceedingly obvious to everyone else that not only do you care, but that this guy irks you to no end? But thanks for telling us you don't care. Great contribution. I, like everybody else- whether they care to admit it or not- was interested in hearing the news and am smart enough to understand why it's newsworthy. I think it would be cool if he was good up there but who knows.


Thanks for enlightening us, 'enlightener.'

Some people just find it nauseatingly annoying how do many people get off on telling the world how politically correct they are. All those "should we take a flier on Michael Sam" threads really say "look at me; I'm super excited about this guy being gay and I'm more politically correct than most people."


It's not Just with gays. It's any and every issue, whether race, sexism, violence against women, etc.) where people see an opportunity to grandstand. Sadly, it seems people actually forget they're grandstanding and actually believe they have a deep passion for this crap that didn't originate with their own self-image.

I hope that you do well and treat others as you want to be treated.

Did you give yourself a pat on the back for that one?

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I hope that you do well and treat others as you want to be treated.

Nice try. Replying to Metz post isn't treatment. I see what you're getting at though. The contradiction is you want to quote from the Bible but don't believe it should be followed. You'd do well to act how you hope other people should. Bless ur heart.

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Some people just find it nauseatingly annoying how do many people get off on telling the world how politically correct they are. All those "should we take a flier on Michael Sam" threads really say "look at me; I'm super excited about this guy being gay and I'm more politically correct than most people."


It's not Just with gays. It's any and every issue, whether race, sexism, violence against women, etc.) where people see an opportunity to grandstand. Sadly, it seems people actually forget they're grandstanding and actually believe they have a deep passion for this crap that didn't originate with their own self-image.


Did you give yourself a pat on the back for that one?

The funny thing about your argument is that there never seems to be a good time to discuss those issues. Like if a black man is killed by a policeman under suspicious circumstances. The response is always "now is not the time to talk about it." Then if someone tries to bring it up later it's "why are you stirring things up?"


That strikes me as the go-to shut down move on any topic folks don't want to deal with. Accuse them of grandstanding.

Edited by PromoTheRobot
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Sadly, it seems people actually forget they're grandstanding and actually believe they have a deep passion for this crap that didn't originate with their own self-image.



Let me assure you that I have a very genuine deep passion about equal rights for everyone no mater their colour, creed, nationality, gender, sexuality, disability, income, social background, political persuasion or religion. To dismiss everyone who doesn't agree with your view on these matters as being grandstanders wishing to portray themselves as politically correct in order to live up to some kind of "self-image" is pretty insulting. Believing in equal rights for all is as fundamental to my belief system and view of morality as the Bible is to devout Christians.


If someone came on this site and offensively attacked those who believe the teachings of the Bible in the way you attack my belief system I have to think that the moderators would take some action at least to warn them.


I agree with you on threads about whether we should sign Michael Sam. They are boring and serve no purpose - this is a thread about something that has made the general NFL news cuttings and frankly would have quickly dropped down the message board but for the usual "I have no interest in this" posts. I can only agree with Metz - if I have no interest in a topic I don't open it.


But please - don't use Michael Sam as a mechanism to openly insult people who think differently to you for no good reason.

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Nice try. Replying to Metz post isn't treatment. I see what you're getting at though. The contradiction is you want to quote from the Bible but don't believe it should be followed. You'd do well to act how you hope other people should. Bless ur heart.

Actually if you read the TOS you'll find those words so your beef must be with SDS. How you decided that my post was biblical is beyond my compression. But, for you & Rob I stand by them.
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Not bad. Only three laughingly predictable "I don't get it, why do I have to hear about some 7th round draft pick who couldn't even play in the NFL? I don't care if he's gay or straight or purple, he's no different than anyone else. Why is this news?" posts so far- from people, mind you, that if they truly didn't care, wouldn't have opened the thread in the first place. Much the same way that if there were a thread about knitting on here, I simply wouldn't open it, much less enter the thread and make my bold stance of not caring abundantly clear. Don't you understand that by telling everyone how much you don't care that it's exceedingly obvious to everyone else that not only do you care, but that this guy irks you to no end? But thanks for telling us you don't care. Great contribution. I, like everybody else- whether they care to admit it or not- was interested in hearing the news and am smart enough to understand why it's newsworthy. I think it would be cool if he was good up there but who knows.

Thanks for enlightening us, 'enlightener.'

thanks metzelaars_lives ..i always look for your "wisdom". any news if levi brown has signed anywhere?... hopefully there will be more threads about where low round draft picks sign. " I, like everybody else- whether they care to admit it or not- was interested in hearing the news and am smart enough to understand why it's newsworthy. I think it would be cool if he was good up there but who knows.' OK.. why is this newsworthy?

Edited by dwight in philly
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Actually if you read the TOS you'll find those words so your beef must be with SDS. How you decided that my post was biblical is beyond my compression. But, for you & Rob I stand by them.


You can't "compression" that treat others as you want to be treated is from the Bible? Yikes. You don't even know what you're quoting.

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Let me assure you that I have a very genuine deep passion about equal rights for everyone no mater their colour, creed, nationality, gender, sexuality, disability, income, social background, political persuasion or religion. To dismiss everyone who doesn't agree with your view on these matters as being grandstanders wishing to portray themselves as politically correct in order to live up to some kind of "self-image" is pretty insulting. Believing in equal rights for all is as fundamental to my belief system and view of morality as the Bible is to devout Christians.


If someone came on this site and offensively attacked those who believe the teachings of the Bible in the way you attack my belief system I have to think that the moderators would take some action at least to warn them.


I agree with you on threads about whether we should sign Michael Sam. They are boring and serve no purpose - this is a thread about something that has made the general NFL news cuttings and frankly would have quickly dropped down the message board but for the usual "I have no interest in this" posts. I can only agree with Metz - if I have no interest in a topic I don't open it.


But please - don't use Michael Sam as a mechanism to openly insult people who think differently to you for no good reason.

Take your poorly constructed straw man elsewhere. You've refuted nothing I said and made several presumptions that You've apparently pulled straight from your ass.


You mention people whose opinion differs from mine. What opinion is that? And where did I say everyone who supports equal rights is grandstanding?


If you're going to attack my posts you might want to work in your reading comprehension.

Actually if you read the TOS you'll find those words so your beef must be with SDS. How you decided that my post was biblical is beyond my compression. But, for you & Rob I stand by them.

I have no problem with the saying; just seemed a little smug in the context you used it.

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Some people just find it nauseatingly annoying how do many people get off on telling the world how politically correct they are. All those "should we take a flier on Michael Sam" threads really say "look at me; I'm super excited about this guy being gay and I'm more politically correct than most people."


Not trying to say there aren't some guys who are waving around their political correctness, but to characterize "all those should we take a flier on Michael Sam" threads as such...are you sure that doesn't say more about you than them, really? Work with me here, give me a minute, K?


We get dozens of silly threads "(Player I've Heard of), Should we give him a shot?" "..worth a flyer?..." right? Usually on players who were notable in college and didn't stick with a team or who are local favorites. Example: Da'Rick. Vince Young. etc etc.


Michael Sam was a legit force in college - consensus All-American, SEC Defensive Player of the Year, drafted and cut by the Rams, who are deep at DE. Take away the "Gay" thing, and doesn't he fit the profile of the kind of player we get PIHO, WOS? threads on? A legit player at the college level who looks like he shoulda done something in the pro's, but didn't?


Now as it happens, I fall in the "nope, not WOS" camp where Michael Sam is concerned, because 1) we're deep on DE too in a Rex-style D and 2) from his performance at the "vet" combine and such, I don't think he's kept his edge sharp and worked as hard as a guy should when his mind is 100% set on making it. And I also personally don't start those threads much, but that's no virtue on my part - I just don't watch enough college ball to have any valid opinions most of the time.


But I am from Missouri, and I don't think it's right to tag all the "Michael Sam, WOS?" threads as stemming from an excess of PC excitement to "support the gay guy" rather than the usual "Player I heard of who shone like the Sun in College, WOS?" place. In college, he done good.

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Not trying to say there aren't some guys who are waving around their political correctness, but to characterize "all those should we take a flier on Michael Sam" threads as such...are you sure that doesn't say more about you than them, really? Work with me here, give me a minute, K?


We get dozens of silly threads "(Player I've Heard of), Should we give him a shot?" "..worth a flyer?..." right? Usually on players who were notable in college and didn't stick with a team or who are local favorites. Example: Da'Rick. Vince Young. etc etc.


Michael Sam was a legit force in college - consensus All-American, SEC Defensive Player of the Year, drafted and cut by the Rams, who are deep at DE. Take away the "Gay" thing, and doesn't he fit the profile of the kind of player we get PIHO, WOS? threads on? A legit player at the college level who looks like he shoulda done something in the pro's, but didn't?


Now as it happens, I fall in the "nope, not WOS" camp where Michael Sam is concerned, because 1) we're deep on DE too in a Rex-style D and 2) from his performance at the "vet" combine and such, I don't think he's kept his edge sharp and worked as hard as a guy should when his mind is 100% set on making it. And I also personally don't start those threads much, but that's no virtue on my part - I just don't watch enough college ball to have any valid opinions most of the time.


But I am from Missouri, and I don't think it's right to tag all the "Michael Sam, WOS?" threads as stemming from an excess of PC excitement to "support the gay guy" rather than the usual "Player I heard of who shone like the Sun in College, WOS?" place. In college, he done good.

No. Nobody wanted to take a flier on Sam for any legitimate football reason. It's not like he was a first round talent who slid He was projected to be a mid round prospect at best bbefore an abysmal showing at the combine. If you can name one similarly situated player who's ever gotten more than 1 "flier" thread I'll be happy to reconsider my position.

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You can't "compression" that treat others as you want to be treated is from the Bible? Yikes. You don't even know what you're quoting.

Sorry for auto-correct, I sure that it's never happened to you, but, I do thank you for your correction. Feel better? Come down off your high horse for a little while and try to stop acting like an ass. Don't like the topic then leave it alone.


I care about the words I use, not where they come from.

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Sorry for auto-correct, I sure that it's never happened to you, but, I do thank you for your correction. Feel better? Come down off your high horse for a little while and try to stop acting like an ass. Don't like the topic then leave it alone.


I care about the words I use, not where they come from.


I was just trying to add a little levity - obviously it didn't come across that way so I apologize. So you won't admit you quoted the bible and didn't realize it?

Edited by Triple Threat
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I was just trying to add a little levity - obviously it didn't come across that way so I apologize. So you won't admit you quoted the bible and didn't realize it?

I don't care where they come from, and I'm certain that they were said and written somewhere else before they ended up being written in the bible. I care about how I act, not where the genesis for one of my beliefs was written. If it makes you feel better, I admit that I don't care where the words I quoted originated.

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Take your poorly constructed straw man elsewhere. You've refuted nothing I said and made several presumptions that You've apparently pulled straight from your ass.


You mention people whose opinion differs from mine. What opinion is that? And where did I say everyone who supports equal rights is grandstanding?


If you're going to attack my posts you might want to work in your reading comprehension.


Again - no need for the aggressive, condescending tone. I had no problem comprehending your post, and if you had understand mine correctly you would see that its purpose was not to refute your post but to illustrate that generic statements such as the one you made about "grandstanders" can be indirectly rather offensive. I will leave it there. I have said my piece and I fear I have already contributed to this thread going off topic into discussion of things other than football which in reality is all I am on this message board to discuss.

Edited by GunnerBill
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Questionable if he's even good enough for the CFL. Many here see this more as a ploy by GM Jim Popp to keep his name in circulation south of the border because he's been angling for an NFL GM job.

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I don't care where they come from, and I'm certain that they were said and written somewhere else before they ended up being written in the bible. I care about how I act, not where the genesis for one of my beliefs was written. If it makes you feel better, I admit that I don't care where the words I quoted originated.

There you go, bringing up the bible again. :nana:

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