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[closed]Why not strip the Super Bowl from the Pats?

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If all of these actions are deemed to have happened, why would their two wins after the fact still count? College teams strip wins and titles all the time.


If I'm the Ravens or the Seahawks, I'm pissed. They played games against a QB that shouldn't have been in they game. And the team itself has been found guilty.


I know this won't happen, but I'd me more pissed that this ruling took so long and our current "super bowl" champs are frauds AGAIN

Edited by Derek in Va
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Yeah who cares. This is a just fine outcome. We will always be able to question their legacy. They'll be known as the team that couldn't win without cheating.

Also some day one of these equipment guys will come out and reveal all, further tarnishing the legacy.

It'll be a pay-per-view event if they're smart enough (which I doubt they are).

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If all of these actions are deemed to have happened, why would their two wins after the fact still count? College teams strip wins and titles all the time.


If I'm the Ravens or the Seahawks, I'm pissed. They played games against a QB that shouldn't have been in they game. And the team itself has been found guilty.


I know this won't happen, but I'd me more pissed that this ruling took so long and our current "super bowl" champs are frauds AGAIN


Id be more pissed if I were the Colts, and every other team that had to play the Pats while they were breaking the rules. At least with the last two games we can be somewhat certain the footballs were kept to regulation.

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i think Vegas probably weighed heavily on any potential decision to strip them of the superbowl victory. there is already a class action lawsuit on the fight from a couple people that bet on it. i can't imagine what would happen if it was stripped.

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Id be more pissed if I were the Colts, and every other team that had to play the Pats while they were breaking the rules. At least with the last two games we can be somewhat certain the footballs were kept to regulation.



Didn't one of the Colts players admit that it didn't matter what types of balls they were playing with? Dwayne Allen said "They could have played with soap for balls and beat us. Simply the better team. We have to continue to build"



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Didn't one of the Colts players admit that it didn't matter what types of balls they were playing with? Dwayne Allen said "They could have played with soap for balls and beat us. Simply the better team. We have to continue to build"




Sure, that is the upstanding, good-sport thing to say in public. Doesnt mean that everyone from the Colts thinks it was fair.

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The Colts got their brains beat in regardless. When you can't stop a team from jamming the ball down your throat you don't have much room to complain.



The Ravens are the team that should be livid. This clearly happened in that game as well, plus the Pats hit them with all variety of shady substitutions that are now also outlawed and it was a close game down to the wire.

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If all of these actions are deemed to have happened, why would their two wins after the fact still count? College teams strip wins and titles all the time.


If I'm the Ravens or the Seahawks, I'm pissed. They played games against a QB that shouldn't have been in they game. And the team itself has been found guilty.


I know this won't happen, but I'd me more pissed that this ruling took so long and our current "super bowl" champs are frauds AGAIN


It's a stupid practice in college and would be an embarrassing one in the pros. Nobody (including the NCAA website) considers anyone but USC to be the 2004 national champion in college football.


The history books and pundants will add their own version of the asterisk for the cheating, just like they will for Bonds and A-Rod.

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For crissake, people, Vincent's letter addressed this:


"It is impossible to determine whether this activity had an effect on the outcome of games or what that effect was. There seems little question that the outcome of the AFC Championship Game was not affected. But this has never been a significant factor in assessing discipline. There are many factors which affect the outcome of a game. It is an inherently speculative exercise to try to assign specific weight to any one factor. The key consideration in any case like this is that the playing rules exist for a reason, and all clubs are entitled to expect that the playing rules will be followed by participating teams. Violations that diminish the league's reputation for integrity and fair play cannot be excused simply because the precise impact on the final score cannot be determined."


There is no way they were going to make the Pats** vacate wins. It's right there in black and white.

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If all of these actions are deemed to have happened, why would their two wins after the fact still count? College teams strip wins and titles all the time.


If I'm the Ravens or the Seahawks, I'm pissed. They played games against a QB that shouldn't have been in they game. And the team itself has been found guilty.


I know this won't happen, but I'd me more pissed that this ruling took so long and our current "super bowl" champs are frauds AGAIN

They should be stripped of their AFC championship title but they legitimately intercepted a ball that should never have been thrown so the Superbowl win should stand.

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If all of these actions are deemed to have happened, why would their two wins after the fact still count? College teams strip wins and titles all the time.


If I'm the Ravens or the Seahawks, I'm pissed. They played games against a QB that shouldn't have been in they game. And the team itself has been found guilty.


I know this won't happen, but I'd me more pissed that this ruling took so long and our current "super bowl" champs are frauds AGAIN

It wouldn't be fair to strip them of the Super Bowl titles. IMO , this did not give them an unfair advantage.

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It's because NOTHING was proven. With the soft language used in the report, I don't even think Brady is being punished for cheating, but rather for not cooperating with the investigation.

They cannot pull the SB win without hard evidence that the cheaters cheated..

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