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Mariota "underwhelms" at Pro Day

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"The feedback was it's not a great workout," NFL Media analyst Daniel Jeremiah said during NFL Network's broadcast of the workout. "It is what it is.


"He threw the ball better at the combine in my opinion. It was a little bit underwhelming."



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Watching Mariota, I always felt that he was accurate, but didn't have much zip on the ball. It would take forever to reach the receivers; since they were so wide open it wouldn't matter. In the NFL those get picked off.


I'm not a scout but I've stayed next door to a Holiday Inn Express.

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People haven't learned about putting too much stock on pro days from Teddy Bridgewater. The game tape should always be the basis of your evaluation.

Looked scared in the big games in college too. IMO

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People haven't learned about putting too much stock on pro days from Teddy Bridgewater. The game tape should always be the basis of your evaluation.

In this case the game tape fits the pro day. He is a runner. He throws 8 yard curls. That is it. He threw a few deep posts to guys that were open bye 10 yards against the worst competition. He couldn't solve OSU's defense. He is going to be absolutely awful in the NFL.
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People haven't learned about putting too much stock on pro days from Teddy Bridgewater. The game tape should always be the basis of your evaluation.

The mother of all pro day lessons is JeMarcus Russell.



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People haven't learned about putting too much stock on pro days from Teddy Bridgewater. The game tape should always be the basis of your evaluation.

The game tape shows a guy that struggles when he has to make more than one read. I'm not surprised to see how he performed today. He has the tools but needs to sit at least two years before being ready. Great kid but he just doesn't have it yet.

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I was just in my local wawa in the philly burbs and everyone was talking about mariotta's performance and ALL of them were 'jokingly' said it was on puropose and for Chip Kelly's purpose...they all were laughing and smiling while saying it, but you could tell there was a little bit of hope/truth in what they were saying.....i laughed and told one of them, i didn't really care as my team already got over on the Eagles by getting Shady....I survived

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