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Hillary violated law as SOS

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There is a treasure trove of material to hammer away at Hillary, and it's not things that turn off voters from the right like Benghazi, which the left and moderate voters tbh really don't care about, but these sort of secrecy and pay for play details depress left leaning voters. All they have to do is fit all these things into a narrative and by the time the elections come around, her favorability ratings will be in the low 40's.


You forget that a good many people, including more than a few moderates, believe in Hillary's manifest destiny so strongly that, even as they dislike her scandals, they accept them as the price of her success. The important think is that she GET into office, not how she gets there.

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The Republicans will have to (obviously) nominate the right candidate to take it from the anointed one. A Fred Thompson type, but with fire in their belly.

Fred Thompson could have won easily in 2008 if he had gotten the debate rules to allow that every time he finishes speaking, he got to play the Law & Order gavel sound



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You forget that a good many people, including more than a few moderates, believe in Hillary's manifest destiny so strongly that, even as they dislike her scandals, they accept them as the price of her success. The important think is that she GET into office, not how she gets there.


This is the mentality I see most out west. It's her turn.

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Fred Thompson could have won easily in 2008 if he had gotten the debate rules to allow that every time he finishes speaking, he got to play the Law & Order gavel sound



I know. I had high hopes for him with his down home ways and the Reagonistic way he eviscerated Michael Moore. He seemed to be the perfect candidate until it became obvious his passion level equaled the esteem passion I hold for my ex.

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Why wasn't the NYT on this like they were on Palin? Recruiting the public to look at emails. I can only imagine what they would find if they applied that same diligence to the current admin and it's agencies

LOL ,If Palin had half of the record Hillary has they would crucify her.I remember they criticized Palin because she wore expensive suits on the campaign trail.That meant somehow she had a lack of understanding of the poor and their daily struggles.

No one will stop the Hillary machine.



Satan is surely smiling

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LOL ,If Palin had half of the record Hillary has they would crucify her.I remember they criticized Palin because she wore expensive suits on the campaign trail.That meant somehow she had a lack of understanding of the poor and their daily struggles.

Satan is surely smiling

Hockey talk is over at the Aud Club. Just saying.

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You forget that a good many people, including more than a few moderates, believe in Hillary's manifest destiny so strongly that, even as they dislike her scandals, they accept them as the price of her success. The important think is that she GET into office, not how she gets there.

I agree. However, and funny enough I was just having this discussion with my father this morning about this is that one cannot discount enthusiasm. What do I mean by that? I mean if one person is unenthused and pulls the lever for that candidate vs someone who is super enthusiastic, it all counts the same, right? BUT, a person who is enthused is much more apt to want to help volunteer and campaign for that candidate. By helping canvassing and knocking on doors, working at a phone bank, urging friends and family members to go and vote for their candidate.


So there is an added residual effect that comes along with that enthusiasm. Obama has his base of supporters that love him to death, Romney had far fewer. Hillary is not someone who has that grass roots strength that Obama did, and I don't see Hillary getting as many votes in the African American community, Hispanic, youth and hard core progressives that Obama had.


Do you?

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So there is an added residual effect that comes along with that enthusiasm. Obama has his base of supporters that love him to death, Romney had far fewer. Hillary is not someone who has that grass roots strength that Obama did, and I don't see Hillary getting as many votes in the African American community, Hispanic, youth and hard core progressives that Obama had.


Do you?


If there's one thing that the last presidential election taught me, it's that I tend to give the voting public way too much credit for intelligence than they deserve.

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I'm gonna have to agree with our favorite Quebecois. The fix is in

I think there should be an investigation on how and who counts the votes.

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything.
 "-Joseph Stalin

Left wing csuckers really have to be smited from this country. Joe McCarthy was a fuggin hero as far as I'm concerned. Communism is like a tumor that has to be cut out. The earlier you get it the better.

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So there is an added residual effect that comes along with that enthusiasm. Obama has his base of supporters that love him to death, Romney had far fewer. Hillary is not someone who has that grass roots strength that Obama did, and I don't see Hillary getting as many votes in the African American community, Hispanic, youth and hard core progressives that Obama had.



Yeah voter turnout is huge especially in the swing states. Repubs should have the enthusiasm advantage this time around but you can't ruleout Hillary's campaign spending lots of money to bus in voters to the polls along with same day registration and a free cheeseburger and a coke.

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