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Islamic Terrorism


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I am not going to call you anything. You've shocked me w/your response and it has nothing to do with 911, what happened that day, WTC 7, why we went to war, etc... I don't pretend anything, especially the loss of so many lives.


This is what I have heartburn with, major heartburn:


"I do believe Islamic terrorists used planes to bring down the WTC and part of the Pentagon and it was terrible, evil and inexcusable, but there's more to it than any of us know."


You diminish the terrible, evil, inexcusable act that was committed. As a Muslim (I assume you are Muslim?), you simply can't do that, you are too important of an influence amongst your following. This get's to the heart of what I am trying to convey. One doesn't put caveats on something like this. What are you trying to say here? That these acts of Islamic terrorism were terrible, evil, and inexcusable yet it can be justified to an extent? Are you kidding me? You've really opened my naïve eyes! And THIS coming from me! Do you even know where I stand on all these issues? As a Christian (and others outside the Muslim faith) I am allowed to question what may have pushed certain radical Islamists to commit these horrible acts. That questioning by people outside the Muslim faith makes sense, because understanding what provokes people makes for good safety in the future. NOW, your job is to stamp out the evil amongst your following. With your reply above, you appear to be promoting it! "Yeah evil happened, but... But... But..." If people are committing evil in the name of your God, you job is to question your God over this. I know you simply can't and may not be allowed to do this and this is where we are @ a cultural impasse. The burden is on you to make reform, change, question. Can you even question Allah? As a Christian, I know I certainly can, here's one example:


"Many questions are put to God in the Psalms (Psalms 10, 44, 74, 77). These are the cries of the persecuted who are desperate for Gods intervention and salvation. Although God does not always answer our questions in the way we want, we conclude from these passages that a sincere question from an earnest heart is welcomed by God."



You really don't think it was the teachings of Islam that drove these radicals to commit pure evil in the name of their God? "There is so much more than any of us know." Holy WTF!


Peace be with you, may God will your mind straight.


Where do I start with all this???


First off I didn't diminish anything. Nor did I justify anything. How you took that from what I said is beyond me.


These are questions that need to be asked by everyone. Just because I'm Muslim doesn't mean I can't question why WTC 7 fell. I'm an American as well. Don't forget that. The audacity you have in telling me I can't question it just because I'm Muslim is astonishing.


Did 19 Muslims use planes on 9/11 to terrorize people and murder? Sure. Did they have help from someone else? Most likely. Case in point WTC 7.


No I don't know where you stand on the issue but I was right when I said you wouldn't explain what happened to WTC 7.


No I will not question my faith. My faith is extremely strong. Question God? Smh How about question some of His followers? These barbaric acts are being committed by those that aren't true Muslims or that have the wrong understanding of Islam. The teachings of Islam had nothing to do with what happened that day. I can provide scriptures in the Quran that condemns those acts. Question is can you find the scriptures that permit it?

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It only took them 35 years, but Gulf States are finally coming around.


The Gulf Cooperation Council classified Lebanon’s Hezbollah a terrorist organization, a move that is likely to escalate tensions with the Shiite group’s backers in Iran.


The six-nation organization led by Saudi Arabia took the decision in response to efforts by Hezbollah to recruit Gulf nationals to carry out attacks in the region, the state-run Saudi Press Agency cited GCC Secretary-General Abdul Latif al-Zayani as saying on Wednesday. The GCC accused the group of smuggling weapons and explosives and inciting violence, the report said.


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Makes one wonder if there will be cooperation between israel and the GCC at any point.


Thawing relations with Turkey, and more cooperation with Sunni gov'ts is inevitable as Iran is surging.

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Islamic terrorism attacks Mother Theresa's nuns in Yemen. http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/gunmen-kill-16-including-nuns-yemen-retirement-home-37391931


4 Catholic Nuns, 12 Others Killed in Yemen Retirement Home


Gunmen in southern Yemen on Friday stormed a retirement home run by a charity established by Mother Teresa, killing 16 people, including four Catholic nuns, officials and witnesses said.

The killing spree began with two gunmen who first surrounded the home for the elderly in Aden. Meanwhile, four others entered the building on the pretext they wanted to visit their mothers at the facility, according to the charity, Yemeni security officials and witnesses. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.

The gunmen then moved from room to room, handcuffing the victims before shooting them in the head. A nun who survived and was rescued by locals said that she hid inside a fridge in a storeroom after hearing a Yemeni guard shouting, "Run, run."

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Aden descended into lawlessness after a Saudi-led coalition recaptured the city from Shiite Houthi rebels last summer.

Yemen's civil war has split the country in two. The northern region, where Shiite rebels are in control, has been struck by an extensive air campaign by a Saudi-led coalition. The southern region, which is controlled by the internationally-recognized government backed by Saudi Arabia, is suffering from a power and security vacuum.

The Islamic State group and Yemen's al-Qaida affiliate have exploited the lawlessness and created safe havens in the south. Al-Qaida controls several southern cities while IS has claimed responsibility for a wave of deadly attacks in Aden, including a suicide bombing that killed the city's governor and several assassination attempts on top officials.

Aden's churches have also come under attack. Last summer, a Catholic church in the district of Crater was torched and sabotaged by Islamic extremists.

Yemen's war has killed at least 6,200 civilians and injured tens of thousands of Yemenis, and 2.4 million people have been displaced, according to U.N. figures.

Saudi Arabia's U.N. ambassador Abdallah Al-Mouallimi said Friday that while he is concerned about the worsening humanitarian situation, he doesn't see the need for a Security Council resolution addressing it.


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Religion of peace


Before engaging in battle, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) instructed his soldiers:


1. Do not kill any child, any woman, or any elder or sick person. (Sunan Abu Dawud)


2. Do not practice treachery or mutilation.(Al-Muwatta)


3. Do not uproot or burn palms or cut down fruitful trees.(Al-Muwatta)


4. Do not slaughter a sheep or a cow or a camel, except for food. (Al-Muwatta)


5. If one fights his brother, [he must] avoid striking the face, for God created him in the image of Adam. (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)


6. Do not kill the monks in monasteries, and do not kill those sitting in places of worship. (Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)


7. Do not destroy the villages and towns, do not spoil the cultivated fields and gardens, and do not slaughter the cattle. (Sahih Bukhari; Sunan Abu Dawud)


8. Do not wish for an encounter with the enemy; pray to God to grant you security; but when you [are forced to] encounter them, exercise patience. (Sahih Muslim)


9. No one may punish with fire except the Lord of Fire. (Sunan Abu Dawud).


10. Accustom yourselves to do good if people do good, and to not do wrong even if they commit evil. (Al-Tirmidhi


But go ahead and continue with allowing the terrorists to represent Islam's teachings. It goes better with your narrative. Plus you give the terrorists exactly what they want.

Let's get this right out of the way:


"It was terrible, evil and inexcusable, but there's more to it than any of us know."

Still can't explain it, can you? So there is more to know, Stevie Wonder.

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Religion of peace


Before engaging in battle, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) instructed his soldiers:


1. Do not kill any child, any woman, or any elder or sick person. (Sunan Abu Dawud)


2. Do not practice treachery or mutilation.(Al-Muwatta)


3. Do not uproot or burn palms or cut down fruitful trees.(Al-Muwatta)


4. Do not slaughter a sheep or a cow or a camel, except for food. (Al-Muwatta)


5. If one fights his brother, [he must] avoid striking the face, for God created him in the image of Adam. (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)


6. Do not kill the monks in monasteries, and do not kill those sitting in places of worship. (Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)


7. Do not destroy the villages and towns, do not spoil the cultivated fields and gardens, and do not slaughter the cattle. (Sahih Bukhari; Sunan Abu Dawud)


8. Do not wish for an encounter with the enemy; pray to God to grant you security; but when you [are forced to] encounter them, exercise patience. (Sahih Muslim)


9. No one may punish with fire except the Lord of Fire. (Sunan Abu Dawud).


10. Accustom yourselves to do good if people do good, and to not do wrong even if they commit evil. (Al-Tirmidhi


But go ahead and continue with allowing the terrorists to represent Islam's teachings. It goes better with your narrative. Plus you give the terrorists exactly what they want.


Still can't explain it, can you? So there is more to know, Stevie Wonder.

There is nothing to explain. This isn't Let's Make a Deal, Monty Hall.


I can't do anything... But you can, along w/the millions of other Muslims... Start putting the screws to the radicals from within your ranks, start taking a heavy stance against them and call them out. Don't abdicate your responsibility within your religion to reform. You can cite rules all you want and say that they aren't representing "true Islam." That only gets everybody so far. The radicals are your enemy, they are all our enemies! We all know that and get it that they don't represent true Islam, yet they are acting like they do represent true Islam! It appears the radicals are being given tacit approval for what they do. I think that is all anybody is asking, rise up from within and speak up. Question your God for what is being done in his name. Rise up from within and reform. There is no being on the fence. There is either right or wrong. Evil is wrong, they are using your God to advance a reign of terror. The Muslims of the world need to speak out against it and side w/the non-Muslims better. The Muslims of the world need to take the fight to within and weed out the evil. Nobody else will be able to do it.


Simple. Build trust in the west by aligning with the west better. There is a definate right and wrong, religion is muddying that distinction. Solve the problem of violence and terror from within, speak out, question your God for answers. Hiding one's head in the sand by citing what's true and what's not true is not helping.

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There is nothing to explain. This isn't Let's Make a Deal, Monty Hall.


I can't do anything... But you can, along w/the millions of other Muslims... Start putting the screws to the radicals from within your ranks, start taking a heavy stance against them and call them out. Don't abdicate your responsibility within your religion to reform. You can cite rules all you want and say that they aren't representing "true Islam." That only gets everybody so far. The radicals are your enemy, they are all our enemies! We all know that and get it that they don't represent true Islam, yet they are acting like they do represent true Islam! It appears the radicals are being given tacit approval for what they do. I think that is all anybody is asking, rise up from within and speak up. Question your God for what is being done in his name. Rise up from within and reform. There is no being on the fence. There is either right or wrong. Evil is wrong, they are using your God to advance a reign of terror. The Muslims of the world need to speak out against it and side w/the non-Muslims better. The Muslims of the world need to take the fight to within and weed out the evil. Nobody else will be able to do it.


Simple. Build trust in the west by aligning with the west better. There is a definate right and wrong, religion is muddying that distinction. Solve the problem of violence and terror from within, speak out, question your God for answers. Hiding one's head in the sand by citing what's true and what's not true is not helping.

Question my God? For the actions of people? You're a joke. You won't question 9/11 but you feel just fine questioning God. Unbelievable.


Maybe I can put this in a way you'd understand. Let's see. You buy a tv entertain system from Best Buy and decide to put it together yourself. The majority of people can look at the instruction manual and put it together successfully because all the answers you need are right there in front of you. Then you have those that still can't do it. Should I blame the guy that put the instruction manual together or the few that didn't understand it?


Seeing that terrorists kill more Muslims than anyone else, by far, I think that proves they do fight terrorism.

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Question my God? For the actions of people? You're a joke. You won't question 9/11 but you feel just fine questioning God. Unbelievable.


Maybe I can put this in a way you'd understand. Let's see. You buy a tv entertain system from Best Buy and decide to put it together yourself. The majority of people can look at the instruction manual and put it together successfully because all the answers you need are right there in front of you. Then you have those that still can't do it. Should I blame the guy that put the instruction manual together or the few that didn't understand it?


Seeing that terrorists kill more Muslims than anyone else, by far, I think that proves they do fight terrorism.

The bolded above is some really messed up logic. Because more Muslims are killed by terrorists that means that non radical Muslims are actually fighting the terrorists?


I rarely ever agree with Eric, but his contention throughout his recent posts that you and other Muslims tend to equivocate when blaming terrorists for terrorism is right on. Too many "yes, buts".

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The bolded above is some really messed up logic. Because more Muslims are killed by terrorists that means that non radical Muslims are actually fighting the terrorists?


I rarely ever agree with Eric, but his contention throughout his recent posts that you and other Muslims tend to equivocate when blaming terrorists for terrorism is right on. Too many "yes, buts".

I couldn't possibly condemn terrorism more.


And yes, non-radicals Muslims fight against terrorism.

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I couldn't possibly condemn terrorism more.


And yes, non-radicals Muslims fight against terrorism.

Are the Muslims that are getting killed by terrorists the ones that are fighting them? You stated that the fact that Muslims were being killed by terrorists is proof that Muslims are fighting terrorism. No connection.


I'm sure that you condemn terrorism but your body of work here at PPP shows where your sympathy lies. Indiscriminately shooting rockets into Israel is terrorism, not something to "understand".

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Question my God? For the actions of people? You're a joke. You won't question 9/11 but you feel just fine questioning God. Unbelievable.


Maybe I can put this in a way you'd understand. Let's see. You buy a tv entertain system from Best Buy and decide to put it together yourself. The majority of people can look at the instruction manual and put it together successfully because all the answers you need are right there in front of you. Then you have those that still can't do it. Should I blame the guy that put the instruction manual together or the few that didn't understand it?




Yeah, the Chinese guy or gal that wrote the manual and the idiot that reviewed and approved the English translation and the horrible diagrams do get some of the blame.

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Question my God? For the actions of people? You're a joke. You won't question 9/11 but you feel just fine questioning God. Unbelievable.


Maybe I can put this in a way you'd understand. Let's see. You buy a tv entertain system from Best Buy and decide to put it together yourself. The majority of people can look at the instruction manual and put it together successfully because all the answers you need are right there in front of you. Then you have those that still can't do it. Should I blame the guy that put the instruction manual together or the few that didn't understand it?


Seeing that terrorists kill more Muslims than anyone else, by far, I think that proves they do fight terrorism.


9/11 is an objective, factual event.


God is a postulate.

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9/11 is an objective, factual event.


God is a postulate.

My only issue I have with the events on 9/11 is with what happened to WTC 7. Everything else I buy. Terrorists did the dirty work with those planes. No doubt.


Who else was behind it? That's my question and the only reason why I even question that is because of building 7.

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