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Ok, so what HC will Pegula hire to maintain defensive staff?


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Just a bit of sarcasm by me-- i.e., the Bills seem to do the opposite of what they ought to do, in all things.


That said, as I thought more about it, there is some truth to it.


To give a concrete example, what about Greggo's hire? The Bills have a top-5 defense with Wade Phillips. They go out and hire Greggo, who blows the defense up, and implements his 46 defense, which is terrible for 3 years. One would think they would have gone with a more offensive-minded coach there.


The defense eventually gets to a repsectable level under Greggo, when they decide to fire him and hire Jauron-- who blows the defense up to implement his "Tampa 2." Again, I think the conventional wisdom would have been to go offensive-based hire.


I know what you mean. I guess I asked a loaded question in retrospect, given that all history of Bills' decisions is rendered moot with new ownership in the fold.

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I believe that Marrone will be back next year. He will have taken this team to a .500 record with a sub-standard O-Line and QB.


I lean this way as well. Will installing yet another new staff and new schemes really provide such accelerated improvement? Maybe, maybe not. But I can't help but feel this team is on the cusp of something.


The last Bills roady I saw before yesterday was the Brian Brohm experiment in Atlanta in 2009. Unlike that horrible game, what we saw yesterday was real football being played by a real team. A team that can't get out of its own way and shoots itself in the foot, yes, but a real team nonetheless.


That was a winnable game yesterday. We are so close, just a few pieces away. I worry another coaching reboot would only further delay success.

Edited by jimmy10
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The bottom line, however, is that the talent level of this defense -- and much of the offense (WR, LT, C, RT, RB) -- is high and you don't want to create another total re-boot.


This is all well and good (although I disagree about RT and RB being high talent more middle of the road for me) but it forgets that their is little to no talent at the G position and the MOST IMPORTANT POSITION IN SPORTS QB.


Marrone will be back. Starting over makes no sense. This team plays hard, physical football and believe it or not the head coach sets that tone. Until the team gets a real QB, the coach be it Marrone or anyone will be challenged to win.

Yes this is it exactly! No QB makes it much more difficult to do anything. Marrone and Hackett have overachieved imo with what they have been given at QB.

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Holy cow--another Schwartz as HC thread?


If Pegula is looking ot get rid of one effective HC why on earth would he hire another one to replace him??

Bellichek got canned in Cleveland, and , then, walks on water in New England. No telling how Schwartz might do in Buffalo....experience is a wicked good teacher.
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Getting a new HC would likely lead to another rebuild. I don't think I can take that again. Fire the OC, get a new one. Who, I don't know, but someone capable to adapting within games.


I agree with some of the posters here that Marrone has instilled a tough mentality. We are a QB, OG and (healthy) RB short of a very good team.

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There is no way in hell Marrone goes anywhere. He gets this team ready on Sundays. Every week, their opponents have player after player limping off the field. The Bills may have lost Sunday. But, you can bet your ass the Broncos offence wants nothing to do with them again. Marrone toughened up this team in camp. remember when everyone was crying because Marrone had them in pads too long? This is the toughest team the Bills have had in years. How many starters are usually on IR at this point of the season? Half the starting lineup? yes, they have to fix the Offence and i believe Marrone will. Just like he said he would fix special teams. just like he said he needed to fix his challenges last year. Just like he said he had to fix the Run D last year. just like he fixed having so many players on IR last year. Maybe Hackett goes but that's it.

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Marrone will be back. Starting over makes no sense. This team plays hard, physical football and believe it or not the head coach sets that tone. Until the team gets a real QB, the coach be it Marrone or anyone will be challenged to win.

this ^^

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The problems are larger than the coaching staff. It's the people hiring the coaches and the GM's who need to be escorted out and then replaced by competent types. I recognize that's hard for much of the fan base to understand, as personnel executives are infrequently seen or address the media.


I can't remember the last time I've seen Doug Whaley speak in public, although Brandon's always find himself in front of the camera. That said, it's time for things to be re-structured at the top. The coaches are a symptom of the dysfunction, not the disease itself.


The Pegulas need to clean house from top to bottom. The stink of losing is all over the current administration. Brandon and Whaley are the prime stinkers!!! The new CEO and club president should be an astute executive who can hire the best possible GM available. The new GM should hire the best possible coaching staff regardless of cost. Only then will this franchise have a chance for future success.

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The Pegulas need to clean house from top to bottom. The stink of losing is all over the current administration. Brandon and Whaley are the prime stinkers!!! The new CEO and club president should be an astute executive who can hire the best possible GM available. The new GM should hire the best possible coaching staff regardless of cost. Only then will this franchise have a chance for future success.


I think I know what's coming, but just in case I'm wrong, why those two just out of curiosity?

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I lean this way as well. Will installing yet another new staff and new schemes really provide such accelerated improvement? Maybe, maybe not. But I can't help but feel this team is on the cusp of something.


The last Bills roady I saw before yesterday was the Brian Brohm experiment in Atlanta in 2009. Unlike that horrible game, what we saw yesterday was real football being played by a real team. A team that can't get out of its own way and shoots itself in the foot, yes, but a real team nonetheless.


That was a winnable game yesterday. We are so close, just a few pieces away. I worry another coaching reboot would only further delay success.


I have used the phrase "they are so close" too many times this season to count. It's terribly frustrating to see an offense that is not built around its' playmakers and a guy (Orton) who looked like a gunslinger in his first few games suddenly become a huge pu$$y.


I'm still looking forward to coming up for the game Sunday, and I agree the Bills play hard and physical -- particularly on defense.

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Can someone locate an occasion when the HC was fired - and the new HC did not bring a whole new staff in?


Jay Gruden retained Haslett as his DC in Washington (despite Haslett being poor under the Shanahans and he has continued to be poor).


However, Jim Schwartz is not Haslett. He is a guy who was a successful DC for many years in Tennessee and then did a good job for 3 years in getting the previously useless Lions competitive. His last 2 years there will almost certainly put a few teams off, but I would be frankly shocked if he doesn't at least get looks in the offseason. If the Bills fire Marrone and want to keep Schwartz they had better promote him to HC or bring in an experienced Head Coach and pay Schwartz basically equivalent money as the Assist. Head Coach / Defensive Coordinator. I think that had better be an offensive minded HC too. A Cowher type would want to much say on defense for Schwartz I think.

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The problems are larger than the coaching staff. It's the people hiring the coaches and the GM's who need to be escorted out and then replaced by competent types. I recognize that's hard for much of the fan base to understand, as personnel executives are infrequently seen or address the media.


I can't remember the last time I've seen Doug Whaley speak in public, although Brandon's always find himself in front of the camera. That said, it's time for things to be re-structured at the top. The coaches are a symptom of the dysfunction, not the disease itself.


Cant agree more. It irks me to this day that a non football guy aka Brandon, was given the green light to hire Marrone a .500 coach at a subpar D 1 school. He either needs to be completely walled off from anything to do with football or shown the door.

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Cant agree more. It irks me to this day that a non football guy aka Brandon, was given the green light to hire Marrone a .500 coach at a subpar D 1 school. He either needs to be completely walled off from anything to do with football or shown the door.


I don't follow. Vet says the FO is a disaster because Whaley doesn't make himself as available to the media as Brandon does and you agree because Marrone's record at Syracuse was .500.


At least these critiques aren't as scattershot as they used to be.

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Cant agree more. It irks me to this day that a non football guy aka Brandon, was given the green light to hire Marrone a .500 coach at a subpar D 1 school. He either needs to be completely walled off from anything to do with football or shown the door.


Brandon has never made a football decision; he didn't hire Marrone. He recommended Marrone to Nix/Whaley, and they hired him.


Even in Brandon's time as "GM", he wasn't making football decisions; that fell to Modrak and Guy.


You don't have to believe me; it's the truth.


Brandon has no desire to make football decisions; he has always been about empowering his football guys to do their jobs.

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