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An undeniable case of liberal media bias.

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networks flip flop positions more often than mitt romney in a porno flick. hbo has remained number one because they're the best. just like in real life they are most often more clever, more creative, funnier and more attractive than their boring conservative counterparts. want to be entertained? go to hbo. want to be sternly preached to? watch fox.


Out of all the people you could have made this comment about you pick Mitt Romney? I'm thinking the Clintons and Pokehantas would make a more realistic porn flick threesome. Something for everyone.

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Re: race and selective coverage - this country is quickly going in England's direction. Soon we'll be seeing people with names like Mohammed Islam ibn Allah being called "asian" in the media because they're from Pakistan.

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Re: race and selective coverage - this country is quickly going in England's direction. Soon we'll be seeing people with names like Mohammed Islam ibn Allah being called "asian" in the media because they're from Pakistan.


If they're from Pakistan, they are Asian. It's less stupid than calling all Libyans and Iranians "Arabs" or calling all Arabs "Muslim."

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If they're from Pakistan, they are Asian. It's less stupid than calling all Libyans and Iranians "Arabs" or calling all Arabs "Muslim."


Yes, those things are true.


But I know you understand my point.

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AP reveals Agenda of the Year



The Associated Press selected "Police Killings of Blacks" as its top story of 2014, downplaying the historic sweep by Republicans of the elections (No. 4 story), and the de facto legalization of gay marriage by the courts (No. 9), and completely ignoring President Obama


Inflating the importance of two non-criminal homicides into the Story of the Year is another example of Associated Press reporters and editors pushing the liberal agenda rather than reporting the news.



The Associated Press was misleading in its summary of its "top story," writing:



more at the link




my objection is not with the Ferguson and NYC stories being the top ones,


it is the dishonest way thy are portrayed..................see link




Edited by B-Man
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CNBC is business news which necessarily leads to more fiscally conservative reporting.e.

horse crap. The Nightly Business Report stays out of politics almost completely. Most of those other --Larry Kudlow--financial shows are biased to attract Conservative idiots
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horse crap. The Nightly Business Report stays out of politics almost completely. Most of those other --Larry Kudlow--financial shows are biased to attract Conservative idiots

Larry certainly has a point of view and a political slant but he backs up his arguments quite well with numbers and facts and does so to a far greater degree than most "opinion" hosts.

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Larry certainly has a point of view and a political slant but he backs up his arguments quite well with numbers and facts and does so to a far greater degree than most "opinion" hosts.


I like him, he's funny, smart and non-confrontational, but he does shovel the sh. It at times
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Ever notice how anyone who utters the words "liberal media" on TV the scum of the earth? That or it's a positively depicted character saying it mockingly.


I just caught it on whatever this garbage show that comes on after the Apprentice with black Hillary as the President.

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And already the Washington Post has vetted Scott Walker far more than they ever did Barack Obama. And the WaPo is by far the most balanced of the left-leaning MSM. Imagine how bad this will get by next spring. Maybe he even cut someone's hair!!! <_<



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