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Cam Newton's bizarre press conference


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I thought he was just sick of answering the same questions. Every reporter is trying to figure out whether hes going to play and Cam and the Panthers don't want to tip their hand. Name, rank and serial number. Or in this case, the Lions, protection and Donkey Kong Suh.


I've been referring to him as Donkey Kong Suh since his days in Nebraska. Glad to know I'm not alone.


exactly. and it gets him some extra attention if he says donkey kong. which cam never wants to turn down.


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Arian Foster did something like this too. They asked him about 20 questions, and he just kept saying "I'm working hard and trying to be the best teammate I can be."


I think these guys really hate the media.




Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, Cam Newton is no Arian Foster when it comes to linguistic gymnastics.


Also, for the most part, these guys are given a script from the Sports Information Officer, or wtf they're calling themselves. He definitely looks high and he also looks like he's struggling to remember what it was they went over for him to say minutes before they sent him to the podium hopped up on drugs.


For all we know the "Donkey Kong" thing may be a total backfire. In the pre-conference brief he was probably told 'remember, it sounds like Donkey Kong.'


Either way, he's going to have a sit-down with their media guy after this.


Don't be high. Don't call big black guys "Donkey Kong."

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I have seen him interviewed a bunch and that was a bit abnormal for him mixed in with I don't wanna talk about stuff you are asking.


He just seemed zoned out... Who know why. Who cares. I hope he doesn't have either of those two body slam him with hurt ribs.


Yeah. Messin with Sasquatch.

I wouldn't do it.

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That was freaking hilarious. I'm guessing that Cam keeps a hookah pipe in his car.


I am going to start calling people that randomly. What up Donkey Kong Suh?


Don't go all Donkey Kong Suh on me!


You stupid Donkey Kong Suh Mother F*****!


Don't make me b-slap your ass like Donkey Kong Suh!

I'm an old guy. Will someone please tell me - what's Donkey Kong & why it is racist. Thank you.
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living in Charlotte, I can say that Cam is a stand-up player, but hates questions from the media.


This - from CLT as well and Cam has been a great QB for the city thus far. Not what as portrayed coming out of college.


on another note, there used to be an (older) woman that used to work in my office, who was an executive assistant that used to have the license plate "ILUVCLT". Was completely clueless about the duel meaning.

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Let's hope for Panther fans it's he pain killers for his ribs and not drugs, alcohol or some head trauma. WOW, he sounded loopy.

Go back and relisten. He doesn't sound loopy, he sounds lucid and sober.

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Watch this.....


Some Caucasian television commentator is going to refer to the Lions defender as Donkey Kong Suh......


Then the rest of the media is going to chastise him and call for his resignation. He will get fired as if he was Jimmy The Greek!


Somebody will then blame Roger Goodell for the whole thing. And Goodell will be forced to resign for being a racist even though he didn't do anything wrong.


If this actually happens, I will tell you who will win the Superbowl.

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