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Whaley has made strong case to stay on as GM


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Whaley has made strong case to stay on as GM

The city is buzzing. People are sharing stories from the old days and practically hugging in the streets. A man who moved to Buffalo from the Dominican Republic called WGR choking back tears talking about raising his daughter to love the Buffalo Bills.


Terry and Kim Pegula’s purchase of the Bills drew fan celebrations all over town and in every part of the country.


But in the front office, the bottle popping was probably pretty tempered. Pegula’s handling of the Buffalo Sabres’ front office offered things to be desired and feared. He amped up their scouting, analytics and technology 10 fold – he also fired two coaches and a general manager.


At 1 Bills Drive, the question on everyone’s mind has to be: How will Terry and Kim evaluate the performance of those who are currently in place?


We know the coaching staff will be graded on the same merit as all other coaching staffs in the NFL: Wins and losses.


What about the general manager? His decision making abilities cannot simply be judged on whether the team came out victorious. The GM needs to be looked at through a sharper lens. The Pegulas need to look at Doug Whaley’s moves based on the logic and intelligence behind them, not on the result. How things turned out can be – and often is - skewed by luck. But did he do the right thing?


Through two offseasons and two drafts, Whaley’s decisions have not only bought him enough time for further evaluation, but have proven he can vastly improve a roster.

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I think Whaley is a no brainer to stay for at least another year and probably much, much longer. My real worry about him was the seemingly criminal negligence of the backup QB position which he solved before the season. He is building a strong team with depth most everywhere. The new punter, too, looked great, but of course that was only one game and we have a long, long way to go to see if he is a keeper.


Corey, Graham, Boobie and MWilliams already paid dividends.


Of course there are going to be some decisions to quibble with. I don't think they should have let Byrd go the way they did. He put all his eggs in one basket in EJ which is still an unknown although there weren't a lot of good options. Cujo, while two years too early to call a bust was made up for by the shrewd Seantrell pick. The Watkins trade is arguable although personally I think it was terrific.


He's building a team to last though. Which Pegula, if anyone, should appreciate. IMO his job is completely safe unless there is a total collapse to 3-13 or something, which is highly unlikely.

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I think Whaley is a no brainer to stay for at least another year and probably much, much longer. My real worry about him was the seemingly criminal negligence of the backup QB position which he solved before the season. He is building a strong team with depth most everywhere. The new punter, too, looked great, but of course that was only one game and we have a long, long way to go to see if he is a keeper.


Corey, Graham, Boobie and MWilliams already paid dividends.


Of course there are going to be some decisions to quibble with. I don't think they should have let Byrd go the way they did. He put all his eggs in one basket in EJ which is still an unknown although there weren't a lot of good options. Cujo, while two years too early to call a bust was made up for by the shrewd Seantrell pick. The Watkins trade is arguable although personally I think it was terrific.


He's building a team to last though. Which Pegula, if anyone, should appreciate. IMO his job is completely safe unless there is a total collapse to 3-13 or something, which is highly unlikely.

Thanks for saving me a lot of typing - and yours probably turned out better than mine would have.

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We know the coaching staff will be graded on the same merit as all other coaching staffs in the NFL: Wins and losses.


What about the general manager? His decision making abilities cannot simply be judged on whether the team came out victorious. The GM needs to be looked at through a sharper lens. The Pegulas need to look at Doug Whaley’s moves based on the logic and intelligence behind them, not on the result. How things turned out can be – and often is - skewed by luck. But did he do the right thing?


"With the coach we all need to have a shortsighted, mob mentality. But with the GM? Lets try and be analytical and smart!".

Umm, sure Mathew. The QB has the single greatest impact on W/L and that's on the GM more than it is the coach.


I think Whaley is a no brainer to stay for at least another year and probably much, much longer. My real worry about him was the seemingly criminal negligence of the backup QB position which he solved before the season. He is building a strong team with depth most everywhere. The new punter, too, looked great, but of course that was only one game and we have a long, long way to go to see if he is a keeper.


Corey, Graham, Boobie and MWilliams already paid dividends.


Of course there are going to be some decisions to quibble with. I don't think they should have let Byrd go the way they did. He put all his eggs in one basket in EJ which is still an unknown although there weren't a lot of good options. Cujo, while two years too early to call a bust was made up for by the shrewd Seantrell pick. The Watkins trade is arguable although personally I think it was terrific.


He's building a team to last though. Which Pegula, if anyone, should appreciate. IMO his job is completely safe unless there is a total collapse to 3-13 or something, which is highly unlikely.


You can quibble about the QB in football like you quibble about the foundation of a house.

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"With the coach we all need to have a shortsighted, mob mentality. But with the GM? Lets try and be analytical and smart!".

Umm, sure Mathew. The QB has the single greatest impact on W/L and that's on the GM more than it is the coach.




You can quibble about the QB in football like you quibble about the foundation of a house.

Tell me which franchise QB would you have drafted two years ago or signed in FA since he took on the job?

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If decisions are based on the short term (as in 1 off-season) perhaps. But 1 victory isn't enough to save a job.


It's my belief that a football consultant will be at OBD later this season to evaluate senior management. If the Bills are playoff bound with say a 10-6 record Whaley might stay. But if not, a fresh start with a new owner might be the on the table. I think Pegula has learned success in major professional sports means finding the right management and not trusting the previous regime to all of a sudden get it despite being supported with deep pockets.

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Tell me which franchise QB would you have drafted two years ago or signed in FA since he took on the job?


Exactly. You have to consider what Whaley's options were at the time. Everyone wants a franchise QB but no one can tell you who they should've gotten.

Edited by PromoTheRobot
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They seem to be a smart family that make smart decisions.


They are fans of the bills so they likely know much about where the team has been, where it is now and where it looks like it's going. If they like where it seems to be going and they establish good relationships with the in house front office, or if they don't want to manage in detail at the gm level themselves little will change... If they don't, or think they can do a better job, then some house cleaning will occur.


The tricky part here is they are stepping in early amidst someone else's rebuild.


In my fanhoods opinion, Whaley has yet to make a move I've disliked at the time and most of them even have looked pretty good in retrospect, which is all the more rare. Add to it the remarkable improvement the the talent recent drafts have delivered and I'll say this.... If he is canned for any reason he will have multiple offers in no time flat.

Edited by over 20 years of fanhood
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They seem to be a smart family that make smart decisions.


They are fans of the bills so they likely know much about where the team has been, where it is now and where it looks like it's going. If they like where it seems to be going and they establish good relationships with the in house front office, or if they want to manage the gm duties themselves little will change... If they don't, or think they can do a better job, then some house cleaning will occur.


The tricky part here is they are stepping in early amidst someone else's rebuild.


In my fanhoods opinion, Whaley has yet to make a move I've disliked at the time and most of them even have looked pretty good in retrospect, which is all the more rare. Add to it the remarkable improvement the the talent recent drafts have delivered and I'll say this.... If he is canned for any reason he will have multiple offers in no time flat.

I agree Whaley has been good at evaluating free agents and draft picks. You can't always pick great players but he has more hits than misses. IMO.
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