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Ice Bucket - Get off my Lawn

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I'm conflicted with this trend.


A+ job by whichever organization had the foresight to capitalize on peoples' social media attention whoring, group think guilt complex and need to be recognized and thanked for giving a damn (or at least pretending).


A+ for raising serious money which will hopefully be spent wisely.


F for the people who didn't donate but still want a medal for "raising awareness" (my new least favorite term).


F for the self righteous guilt trips being dumped all over the place like ice water.


F for contributing to a culture whereby liking or retweeting is an acceptable substitute for actually doing something.


B+ for the blooper reels.

Edited by Jauronimo
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Do I think it's stupid to dump ice water on your head for charity? Yeah, probably. But there's no denying there has been a significant spike in donations for a charity that is well deserving. And the blooper reel gives us a chance to laugh at the people who are doing it wrong.




People have shared more than 1.2 million videos on Facebook between June 1 and Aug. 13 and mentioned the phenomenon more than 2.2 million times on Twitter since July 29, according to those sites. Donations to theALS Association have spiked. As of Sunday, the association said it had received $13.3 million in donations since July 29, compared with $1.7 million during the same period last year. It said there were about 260,000 new donors. (With a spate of celebrities and business executives joining in over the past few days and pledging contributions, that number is expected to rise.)
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Yes, it's kind of stupid. I've been challenged to do it. I think I'm gonna do a slow motion vid of me getting blasted in the face with ice water. Maybe it will be funny. Also, I'm gonna make a donation. I'm not on Twitter or Facepants or Assbook or Instacrap or whatever, so I guess I'll just keep it to myself.

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I'm conflicted with this trend.


A+ job by whichever organization had the foresight to capitalize on peoples' social media attention whoring, group think guilt complex and need to be recognized and thanked for giving a damn (or at least pretending).


A+ for raising serious money which will hopefully be spent wisely.


F for the people who didn't donate but still want a medal for "raising awareness" (my new least favorite term).


F for the self righteous guilt trips being dumped all over the place like ice water.


F for contributing to a culture whereby liking or retweeting is an acceptable substitute for actually doing something.


B+ for the blooper reels.


I agree with some of these but see Caveman's post below. If this ALS thing hadn't happened another stupid stunt would have been here in its place like planking. At least this one did some good.


I was wondering if you would also grade the following aspects:


? for the people who just paid some money but opted out of the water dump


? for the water bucket idea on it's own as opposed to other alternatives


? for coming up with a better idea for next year and another worthy cause like Alzheimer's or mental health. My idea would be Go-Pro camera/Swimming underwater/see a worm and try to eat it....but it is a fish hook....then your buddy reels you into dock....maybe this would be for PETA.


? for the Canadians who dump ice but could not mix it with water because the temperature was insufficient to maintain H2O in liquid form.


? For all the ladies from the wouldya threads taking "Poojer challenge 2015"

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They are selling raffle tickets at work. The winners get to dump ice water on our boss. I bought tickets to donate to ALS but will not claim a winner.


I donate to help a deserving cause.



Edited by rockpile
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I'm conflicted with this trend.


A+ job by whichever organization had the foresight to capitalize on peoples' social media attention whoring, group think guilt complex and need to be recognized and thanked for giving a damn (or at least pretending).


A+ for raising serious money which will hopefully be spent wisely.


F for the people who didn't donate but still want a medal for "raising awareness" (my new least favorite term).


F for the self righteous guilt trips being dumped all over the place like ice water.


F for contributing to a culture whereby liking or retweeting is an acceptable substitute for actually doing something.


B+ for the blooper reels.



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I can't stand this trend. Call me a party pooper, fine


But as soon as someone goes too far or someone is injured for it than we will have just as much hysteria about it being so bad.


Stick a banana up your butt for charity! Pound your thumb with a hammer for charity! Suck a dog's dong for charity!


Yes, it's fine if people want to do this for charity. Now it's just a "thing".

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Stick a banana up your butt for charity! Pound your thumb with a hammer for charity! Suck a dog's dong for charity!


Yes, it's fine if people want to do this for charity. Now it's just a "thing".


Whatever floats your boat man.

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i think the thing i don't like is the implied forced participation, I am all for ALS research and support, have had a couple people around me stricken with it. I simply don't want to feel as if I am uncaring if I don't participate. I will gladly donate money, but I am also not going to publicize that to everyone. I am probably being a prick with my viewpoint but that's fine,


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I got nominated last night. After giving it some thought and discussing it with my wife, this is what I did.


I held up a card that pledged $25 to ALS research and noted the website. I did it in memory of my close friend's brother who passed from ALS in 2013.


I held up card #2, pledging $25 to The American Cancer Society in memory of my MIL, FIL and uncle; and in honor of a couple of my aunts and friends who are still fighting the fight.


I held up card #3, pledging $25 to Huntington's Disease research in honor of my cousin (whose mom was one of the cancer honorees) who is dying a slow and horrible death as we speak.


Finally, I held up card #4, pledging $25 to thewaterproject.org, which helps provide 3rd world countries with healthy/clean drinking water.


I then raised my "ice bucket," which was a Beatles pint glass filled with water, and said I wasn't going to take clean water for granted.


I challenged everyone who was able to donate $100 - divided as they chose - to charities that meant something to them. No names. No shaming. No guilt.


Finished it off with a "cheers," and drank my clean ice water.

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