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Iraq is Burning

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so the IS guy has a British accent. nice work jerks, looking the other way while these Jihadists were leaving from western countries to fight in Syria.




British national may have beheaded US journalist James Foley

LONDON: British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond on Wednesday voiced his "absolute horror" at the apparent beheading of US journalist James Foley, which he said showed the "brutality" of Islamic State jihadists.


Hammond said the executioner in the beheading video appeared to be British and work was under way to verify his background.




You know that video is A) disturbing and B) easily found by anyone who wants to look. You don't have to post a Youtube link.

Edited by 4merper4mer
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If this guy turns out to be someone released from Gitmo by Obama, it's impossible to imagine the fallout.

while you're biatching about Gitmo in an attempt to make it partisan, here's the real story which cuts across not only party lines, but other western countries as well


‘Current Iraqi situation is byproduct of Western support in Syria’



Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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while you're biatching about Gitmo in an attempt to make it partisan, here's the real story which cuts across not only party lines, but other western countries as well


‘Current Iraqi situation is byproduct of Western support in Syria’




Why would Obama releasing prisoners that ended up killing Americans be partisan? Wouldn't it just be another Obama !@#$ up?

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Why would Obama releasing prisoners that ended up killing Americans be partisan? Wouldn't it just be another Obama !@#$ up?

because if it wasn't a Gitmo alum, it would just be someone else. one of the thousands pouring in from western countries. Gitmo is just a partisan false flag, that misses the obvious big picture. BTW Bush released Gitmo prisoners too ...


"Some 500 detainees were released from Guantanamo during the Bush administration."



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because if it wasn't a Gitmo alum, it would just be someone else. one of the thousands pouring in from western countries. Gitmo is just a partisan false flag, that misses the obvious big picture. BTW Bush released Gitmo prisoners too ...


"Some 500 detainees were released from Guantanamo during the Bush administration."




So if it was a detainee that the current president released, you wouldn't blame the current president? Huh?


What does what Bush did have to do with anything? I love how you bring up partisanship, then immediately say, "Bush did it, too." You truly defy all odds.

Edited by FireChan
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U.S. Special Forces Tried to Rescue James Foley


The Obama administration revealed tonight that it ordered a U.S. military operation in Syria earlier this year to attempt to rescue James Foley, the American journalist whose beheading was broadcast yesterday by the Islamic State, and other American hostages.


It was based on information gleaned from Western hostages who had been released by the Islamic State, bit when the task force reached its destination, there were no American hostages present. One U.S. soldier was wounded in the raid.


more at the link:




Krauthammer’s Take: News of Attempted Foley Rescue a ‘Political Reaction to Horrific Event’


The news that the Obama administration sent Special Forces into Syria earlier this summer to rescue American hostages, including journalist James Foley, who was killed by Islamic State militants this week, is conveniently timed, says Charles Krauthammer. “This is a political reaction to a horrific event. The administration is trying to say, ‘We’re not just standing by and watching.’ . . . It is the usual instinct of this administration to think first of the politics.”


“The other way you could interpret this,” offered Krauthammer, “is to say, it is a message to the bad guys that we tried, we didn’t succeed, but we’re coming after you.” But this would hardly be effective, the panelist argued. “The major response, and the proper response — the one ISIS would worry about the most — is not a rescue mission, it’s the continuation of the air strikes. So it’s encouraging that we redoubled the air strikes today.”

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while you're biatching about Gitmo in an attempt to make it partisan, here's the real story


I'm not bitching about anything, you blithering idiot. I was making an observation based on an early report that the guy who killed the journalist was released from Gitmo.


You really need to take a break because you are so blinded by rage for all people right now you can barely post a sentence without somehow, against all odds, making gatorman look smart.

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I BLAME RACISM: Republicans support President Obama on Iraq more than Democrats.



Most Americans support the White House’s limited airstrikes on ISIS in Iraq, with a majority of Republicans enthusiastically backing the effort, according to new Washington Post-ABC News survey.


The Aug. 13-17 survey, which has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points, found that 61 percent of self-identified Republican respondents support the airstrikes, while only 54 percent of Democrats say the same.





I mean, it’s already been established that there’s no other possible reason for disapproving of anything Obama does, right? So it’s got to be racism.

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British intelligence has identified the beheading suspect. The ELITE SAS (Special Air Service) are now being deployed in an operation to capture/kill this guy.


Sooooooo long buddy, yer done!!!


Obama has said he wants justice to be served so I hope the Brits don't kill him before The U.S. can capture him and try him in a U.S. court.

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Obama has said he wants justice to be served so I hope the Brits don't kill him before The U.S. can capture him and try him in a U.S. court.


or sit him down for a beer summit.


:lol: :lol:

I wish that were intentional on my part.


that's what we in Texas call an 'in-yer-endo'. :)

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Obama has said he wants justice to be served so I hope the Brits don't kill him before The U.S. can capture him and try him in a U.S. court.


Oh don't worry, the Brits can have their revenge after Obama illegally releases him and four of his buddies in exchange for another deserter.

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Obama has said he wants justice to be served so I hope the Brits don't kill him before The U.S. can capture him and try him in a U.S. court.


You mean after they give him his notice to appear?


:lol: :lol:

I wish that were intentional on my part.


You intentionally want that to happen?

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“it struck me how quickly this has all moved. From ISIS being a minor threat, the president talking about it several months ago as the junior varsity, to now an imminent threat, the words of Chuck Hagel, to the United States. And I guess I wonder, is there a danger here of overreacting?”



Oh, good. Another "imminent threat" declared with a notable paucity of evidence and excess of alarmist rhetoric that we're going to overreact to.


With the added fun of a complete absence of coherent foreign policy.

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