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Iraq is Burning

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Another idea is to take over their airwaves and give them nothing but 24-hour Michael Sam coverage in Dallas.


Committing crimes against humanity is never a solution, even if it is against Muslim extremist whackadoodles.

Edited by Koko78
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Wait. In the Muslim thread here DC Tom and Take you to Tasker explained it to us it's not that their Muslim. but a product of there cultural upbringing due to exploitation by Westerners. We just need to apologize.


Yeah, that's exactly what I said.


I liked you better when I forgot you existed.

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I'm sure you forget a lot of things, but in the Muslim thread you and Tasker where firm that Muslims are a product of their culture. I asked if maybe their culture was because their people are Muslim, and you both declined to answer.


Probably because I've answered that question repeatedly and in some detail, and I didn't feel particularly compelled to repeat myself again for your convenience. Particularly since you clearly didn't understand the answer the first dozen or so times, if you were even paying attention.

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Well shoot there's something wrong with the search function. I would think if you answered my question a dozen times I would find it.




I was going to say "you really didn't search that for him did you?" Well played.

O God another DC Tom groupie.
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Barack Obama’s Revived War On Terror. You know, we should have just elected Cheney in ’08. It would have saved a lot of wasted motion.



Related: Two Administrations In One! “Huh — it was just a month and a half ago when the Obama administration begged Congress to prevent it from going to war in Iraq.”




UPDATE: For extra comic relief: Obama Will Fight ISIS With George W. Bush’s Legal Theories.






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Ladies and gentlemen, Obama's America.


"You don't negotiate with terrorists. That's our job." <_<


Obama administration officials repeatedly threatened the family of murdered journalist James Foley that they might face criminal charges for supporting terrorism if they paid ransom to theISIS killers who ultimately beheaded their son, his mother and brother said this week.


"We were told that several times and we took it as a threat and it was appalling," Foley's mother Diane told ABC News in an interview.


She said the warnings over the summer came primarily from a highly decorated military officer serving on the White House's National Security Council staff, which five outraged current and former officials with direct knowledge of the Foley case also recounted to ABC News in recent weeks.


"Three times he intimidated us with that message. We were horrified he would say that. He just told us we would be prosecuted. We knew we had to save our son, we had to try," Diane Foley said.

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Ladies and gentlemen, Obama's America.


"You don't negotiate with terrorists. That's our job." <_<


Considering that paying the ransom is "funding terrorism," that's not a completely unreasonable legal position.


But it's called "ransom" for a reason. It's also akin to arguing that you can be charged under RICO for paying the Mafia protection money. If the government is going to take the position that giving in to extortion is illegal...then what should I do with my next red-light-camera ticket?

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White House, Pentagon contradict Kerry, say US ‘at war’ with ISIS

Fox News, by James Rosen


Original Article


Impaled by a failed WH talking point.

That's got to smart.




Why is Obama Kicking the ISIS Can Down the Road?

American Thinker, by Nonie Darwish


Original Article


Is this the dirty little secret that explains Obama's paralysis before ISIS.

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