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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Stunning: Justice Department lawyers argue Hillary Clinton had the right to delete any emails she chose: … http://dlvr.it/C7WxCG


Using laugh-out-loud justification, Justice Department lawyers have asserted to a federal judge that Hillary Clinton should be trusted to decide what records she chooses to delete, with no outside review. Ruby Kramer of Buzzfeed is correct: a brief filed by Justice Department attorneys on Wednesday, was “little-noticed.” Yet it contains a shocking position for federal lawyers to assert to a court.


Department of Justice lawyers outlined a comprehensive defense of the contentious decision by Hillary Clinton to wipe the private email server she used as secretary of state:
The attorneys assert that, regardless of whether she used a personal or government account, Clinton was within her legal right to handpick the emails that qualified as federal records — and to delete the ones she deemed personal.




Jazz Shaw of Hot Air had exactly the same reaction that first occurred to me:

Say… I wonder if the IRS would be willing to allow me to go through all of my tax documents, decide which ones were “relevant” and just toss the rest in the old burn barrel? I mean, there’s no reason to think I wasn’t being honest and forthcoming, so pesky little details such as those should be left to my discretion. Even more to the point, if something of interest to the police takes place on my property and it’s captured by my security cameras, I suppose I can decide which footage is relevant and worthy of retention.



But we are being silly by pretending that the same rules would apply to us as to Hillary Clinton.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/09/stunning_justice_department_lawyers_argue_hillary_clinton_had_the_right_to_delete_any_emails_she_chose.html#ixzz3lYGGTHm3

Hey........that Nixon..............he can erase any 18 minutes that he wants....................amirite Obama Administration ?






Did Terrorists Access Hillary’s Home Server?


It is now generally taken as a given that Russian and Chinese spies were reading Hillary Clinton’s official email correspondence while she was Secretary of State. Breaking into an unsecured home server is child’s play for those countries’ intelligence agencies. But this story from Great Britain raises an even more chilling possibility: Jihadists in Syria have hacked into ministerial email accounts in a sophisticated espionage operation.


More at the link..............

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In any event, Hill'ry doesn't wipe, she has people for that. They are instructed to wipe from the front AND the back, but to never mention to Hill'ry which direction was the final direction. That being the case, she can always issue the "What difference does it make" comment as needed.

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Lots of ways and points in time to remove data, but much of the public and the media will buy this story.

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...and the beat goes on.




Hillary Clinton´s Google cache
Poitico, by Josh Gerstein


Original Article


Classified emails passed through commercial email services like Google and AOL on their path to or from a private server maintained by Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state, but so far, the government appears to have done little to retrieve or secure the messages.A POLITICO review of Clinton emails made public by the State Department shows that at least 55 messages now deemed to include classified information appear to have been sent to or from private accounts other than Clinton’s. That number is certain to grow substantially as State processes all Clinton emails


More at link






HILLARY CLINTON’S MALE VOTER PROBLEM. “Clinton is also getting swamped among Democratic men. She trails among them 48-29, while leading among women by a similar margin, 49-35.”



Hell, she couldn’t even ensure Bill’s loyalty.





How low can she sink ?............................this low........am I right ?


MSNBC Panel: Hillary Should be More Authentic Like… Sarah Palin







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Hillary Clinton upped the shameless factor again today with tweets about sexual assault.


Lack of self-awareness, anyone?




8BNvFIAO_normal.png Hillary Clinton


"To every survivor of sexual assault...You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed. We're with you." —Hillary



UYAYF5BQ_normal.png Legal Insurrection @LegInsurrection

.@HillaryClinton did they have right to be believed?







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WHEN YOU’VE LOST ANDREA MITCHELL: White Women ‘Abandoning’ Hillary Clinton ‘in Droves,’ Mitchell Reports:


During Tuesday’s edition of NBC’s
morning program, news anchor Andrea Mitchell addressed a trend that probably has former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and her campaign staff feeling “trumped:” White women are
“abandoning” the Democratic front-runner
in the 2016 presidential campaign “in droves.”


The host of
Andrea Mitchell Reports
– which airs at 12 noon weekdays on the MSNBC cable channel — started her report by stating: “Hillary Clinton is reaching out to that
group that she’d always counted on
: white women voters who are now abandoning her in droves during the last two months.




Gee, I can’t imagine why women would be turned off by the Clintons.










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WHEN YOU’VE LOST ANDREA MITCHELL: White Women ‘Abandoning’ Hillary Clinton ‘in Droves,’ Mitchell Reports:


During Tuesday’s edition of NBC’s
morning program, news anchor Andrea Mitchell addressed a trend that probably has former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and her campaign staff feeling “trumped:” White women are
“abandoning” the Democratic front-runner
in the 2016 presidential campaign “in droves.”


The host of
Andrea Mitchell Reports
– which airs at 12 noon weekdays on the MSNBC cable channel — started her report by stating: “Hillary Clinton is reaching out to that
group that she’d always counted on
: white women voters who are now abandoning her in droves during the last two months.




Gee, I can’t imagine why women would be turned off by the Clintons.


The latest SoProg argument to get women to vote for them is the campus rape thing.


Campus rapes were something colleges always raised awareness when I was in college in the early 80s, and everyone worked together to ensure women were escorted back to their dorms safely. The rape concerns were not the students, but people coming onto the campus to stalk out girls coming home drunk at night.


But in California, campus rape now includes the woman who had a couple of drinks, jumped in bed with a guy, woke up the next morning, realized she made a mistake, and has the guy charged with rape. If you don't have a notarized statement of consent before you touch a girl in college, you're phucked.


I'm not saying any of this is right or wrong. I'm just saying I'm glad I'm not a college freshman these days.

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The latest SoProg argument to get women to vote for them is the campus rape thing.


Campus rapes were something colleges always raised awareness when I was in college in the early 80s, and everyone worked together to ensure women were escorted back to their dorms safely. The rape concerns were not the students, but people coming onto the campus to stalk out girls coming home drunk at night.


But in California, campus rape now includes the woman who had a couple of drinks, jumped in bed with a guy, woke up the next morning, realized she made a mistake, and has the guy charged with rape. If you don't have a notarized statement of consent before you touch a girl in college, you're phucked.


I'm not saying any of this is right or wrong. I'm just saying I'm glad I'm not a college freshman these days.



California freshmen have it easy. At Brown, a guy has to get an affirmative statement of consent for each step in the hookup. Failure to do so constituted rape. And, of course, doing so was no guarantee against a rape charge, since any affirmative statement could be nullified by suspicion of impairment or coercion.


But if a woman tries to pick you up, and you say no, you've hurt her feelings...and that's harrassment. Had that one actually happen to me in college.


So glad I'm ostensibly an adult now.

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California freshmen have it easy. At Brown, a guy has to get an affirmative statement of consent for each step in the hookup. Failure to do so constituted rape. And, of course, doing so was no guarantee against a rape charge, since any affirmative statement could be nullified by suspicion of impairment or coercion.


But if a woman tries to pick you up, and you say no, you've hurt her feelings...and that's harrassment. Had that one actually happen to me in college.


So glad I'm ostensibly an adult now.


And I'll add, for me anyway, very happily married adult to your last sentence.

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California freshmen have it easy. At Brown, a guy has to get an affirmative statement of consent for each step in the hookup. Failure to do so constituted rape. And, of course, doing so was no guarantee against a rape charge, since any affirmative statement could be nullified by suspicion of impairment or coercion.


But if a woman tries to pick you up, and you say no, you've hurt her feelings...and that's harrassment. Had that one actually happen to me in college.


So glad I'm ostensibly an adult now.


No girl who goes to Brown is worth that.

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