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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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"as well as the gender imbalance in American politics, which she called “a fundamental challenge” that “having our first woman president—whenever that is—will help resolve.”"


Just like racism will disappear by electing the first Afro-American President, whenever that happens?

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So...talking to random teenager at gas station is breaking news to cnn and big help to Hillary....heh.


After the Hillary Clinton video was released announcing her intention to run for president, she hopped in the Mystery Machine and headed for Iowa.


The “breaking” news of the morning is that her van stopped for gas, and Hillary was more than happy to speak with anybody who wasn’t going to challenge her with a serious question:


CNN...your worldwide leader in news.




I'm guessing this kid wasn’t alive the last time she visited a gas station.



I suspect though, now that she is in, she will be the Democrats’ nominee despite very high numbers showing Democratic voters want someone to challenge her. I hope Martin O’Malley avoids Fort Mercy Park.


Hillary Clinton has nothing of note in her accomplishments. Her reset button to Russia worked against us. Her reset button on her email server worked against her. She is scandal prone. She is not very relatable. She charges hundreds of thousands for speeches, flies around on private jets, and lives off Saudi oil money.


Her campaign has signaled they are aware of these weaknesses. They announced the campaign with a well orchestrated commercial. She will now go on tour trying to minimize her contacts with the press by going into highly controlled settings. Her campaign has already signaled she wants to control which reporters can get close to her.


Hillary Clinton is yesterday’s news. She used her position as First Lady to campaign for the Senate and then failed once at the White House getting the consolation prize of Secretary of State. Having attacked Barack Obama as being unready to answer a 3am phone call, Hillary Clinton not only couldn’t answer the phone herself, but couldn’t even keep her emails straight. She hasn’t even driven a car since 1996, which is even funnier because she’s taking a road trip to Iowa with the press leaving the impression that she’s the one driving the van. The Politico headline, for example, states “Hillary Clinton to drive to Iowa.” No, she will be driven to Iowa by someone.


Lots of jokes will be made about her, but the real joke is this: her supporters cannot name a real accomplishment that she can take as her own. And on that basis they’ll try to build a campaign that must take credit for her boss’s work while seeking, at the same time, to distance herself from him.


For the next 18 months, Hillary Clinton is going to be the Jim Henson of the political press. Her hand will be all the way up their collective rectum moving their lips to sing “It’s Not Easy Being Queen”.


They’ll do as they’re told.





Some of the anchors who attended Friday's off the record cocktail party with Clinton campaign staffers...







Edited by B-Man
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I thought it was a clever piece of work.


Don't mind gatorman, He's on "defend Hillary's Chipotle embarrassment" patrol tonight. She's being mocked on this visit across what Barack Obama likes to refer to as the 57 states, and they need the copy/paste nutsucking of the gatormans to try to reduce the unbelieveable amount of ridicule she's been receiving.

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Hilary: Where does the key go again

Photo Op Kid: No ma'am, first you put the nozzle in your tank. then you select the type of gas and

Hilary: when do I hit the accelerometer and decelatromaton?

There she goes with the Chairman Mao kind of minimalist outfit again. This women gives off the weirdest aura ever. Reminds me of "The Lawgiver" from the original Planet Of the Apes. Like I get it shes's a frumpy 70 year old shrew but still how about a pattern now and again.

Edited by Dante
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There she goes with the Chairman Mao kind of minimalist outfit again. This women gives off the weirdest aura ever. Reminds me of "The Lawgiver" from the original Planet Of the Apes. Like I get it shes's a frumpy 70 year old shrew but still how about a pattern now and again.


Forbidden word alert !













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"The ScoobyVan. The 'famous ScoobyVan!



Yeah.....................a van..................just like the rest of us "everyday people"



Hillary Clinton has arrived at her first campaign stop, completing the 965 mile trip from Chappaqua, New York to Le Claire, Iowa in about two days time. Her choice of transportation? A Secret Service owned and operated van.

The van, however, isn't an everyday minivan or even a full-sized van. It's a luxury vehicle outiftted with top amenities.

Specifically: It's a limited edition Chevrolet Express van upfitted with a Limited SE packed by Explorer Vans company "It's very luxurious," a salesman who helped deliver this vehicle tells me on the phone. "I'd rank it up there with the best."

The model being used to chauffeur Hillary Clinton around has a gray leather interior, heated seat, a 29 inch Samsung television, and a Blu-ray DVD player.

There is no refrigerator in the van. However, Hillary's model does feature an ice chest between the two front seats. (Which might have been used to keep her cottage cheese cold.) The middle chairs are swivel and quick release. Indirect lighting (like mood lighting) throughout the vans.

Oh, and there's a bed. The power sofa in the rear of the vehicle converts into a bed. But given the fact it's only a 6 foot wide vehicle, it might have been a little hard to get a proper night's sleep in it.

But it's not exactly great for the environment. It's a 2014 model all-wheel-drive that gets only 16-18 miles per gallon.





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I doubt we'll see any posts about former SoS Clinton from either Dante or 3rdnlng during this campaign that don't utilize some form of sex-specific derogatory language, unrelated to politics.


Useless language. Useless people. Useless posts.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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