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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Could be. Maybe he gets us in a war with Russia and declares that he has to remain prez. Maybe some terrorist attack "conveniently" happens so close to the election he has to remain in office under emergency powers or some crap. They're all criminals. Capable of anything which has become painfully evident the last 6 years or more.


The really nice thing is that he's set the precedent, multiple times over, that he can change the law with nothing more than an executive order and a press conference.


So while I don't THINK he'll do that...he's certainly empowered himself and his successors to do just that.

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The World Fails to Follow Hillary’s Careful Script :Her disastrous press conference on Tuesday was supposed to be about her gender, not her e-mail.
by Jonah Goldberg
In the wake of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s fairly disastrous press conference at the United Nations on Tuesday, there’s only one conclusion shared by all parties: This was not how it was supposed to go.
This was supposed to be the month Clinton led with her chief selling point: her gender. She had put together a whole “I Am Woman, Hear Me Bore” speaking tour in which women’s issues — particularly the women’s issues that poll well among women who care a lot about women’s issues — would be the main subject.

The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation unveiled a big foofaraw over Hillary’s “No Ceilings” campaign. What a wonderfully convenient theme for Mrs. Clinton’s massive and mysterious foundation, given that smashing the “highest glass ceiling” — i.e., the presidency — is the central rationale of her planned presidential bid. It was just a coincidence that the tax-exempt foundation with her name on it happened to be rolling out a big light show on that very subject during the rollout of her presidential campaign.


It was all carefully scripted, because everything Hillary Clinton does is carefully scripted. Normally, that’s a figurative expression. But with Clinton, when things are carefully scripted, they are literally carefully scripted.
On Monday, Hillary had a “No Ceilings” event at the Clinton Foundation. After her opening remarks, the Associated Press reported, she declined to take any questions. “When she sat down to lead more informal conversations with invited speakers, participants appeared to be reading from teleprompters.”
I’ll give the AP reporters a pass on this odd locution, since they at least conveyed the truth to the reader. But for the record, a dialogue between people on a stage in which they read from teleprompters is not an “informal conversation” — it’s a play.
The trouble for Clinton is that, despite all of her preparation, all of her coordination, the world is going off her script. And for a woman who thinks off-the-cuff speaking is switching from her prepared remarks to her prepared notecards, that’s a scary place.
That is surely why she set up her own private Internet server. Four times at the U.N., Clinton said she had created her “home-brew” e-mail system simply for “convenience.”
“I thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal e-mails instead of two,” she said.
Never mind that it’s much easier to set up two e-mail systems on one device than it is to set up a whole dark server hidden from the government. And leave aside that a woman who travels with a very large entourage on non-commercial flights could probably manage two devices.
I’m sure she’s right. She set up the server for convenience — but not the convenience of sparing her the load of an additional four-ounce phone. When you want to hide what you’re doing, a private server is definitely the way to go.
Hillary has only two comfort zones: deep in a bunker or high on a pedestal. Drag her out of the former or knock her off the latter and she’s at sea.
In her very brief press conference Tuesday, she essentially admitted to the transgression she’s been accused of for the past week. She admitted to deleting thousands of e-mails. She turned over the public e-mails she deemed safe to give to the public and kept the rest, saying they were private, anointing herself to be the sole arbiter.
“I fully complied with every rule that I was governed by,” she said. And: “I have no doubt that we have done exactly what we should have done.”
This hints at the attitude that binds her and her husband: the belief that they are governed solely by what they choose to be governed by and what they do is right because they have done it.
The problem for Hillary is she can’t sell it. That’s why she prefers everything to be scripted. For example, Mrs. Clinton needed to tell the public not to ever come looking for any more e-mail from her, including the allegedly private ones she chose not to share. So she claimed they no longer exist.


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On Monday, Hillary had a “No Ceilings” event at the Clinton Foundation. After her opening remarks, the Associated Press reported, she declined to take any questions. “When she sat down to lead more informal conversations with invited speakers, participants appeared to be reading from teleprompters.”

I’ll give the AP reporters a pass on this odd locution, since they at least conveyed theruth to the reader. But for the record, a dialogue between people on a stage in which they read from teleprompters is not an “informal conversation” — it’s a play.


Brutal and embarrassing one one fell swoop.


Run, Hillary, run.

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Your next president.


I watched it this morning on my phone and was thinking "wow, that actress is nailing Hillary!" Then I looked closer and thought "Holy ****, I think it is Hillary!" Then Bill showed up and I think I cried a little.

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They shouldn't. Her detractors already hate her, and her supporters don't care - the Clintons are more teflon than Reagan ever was. Hillary Clinton could shove a hobo through a lawn chipper and people like PastaJoe would still find a way to absolve her for it and blame the "vast right wing conspiracy." On the other hand, she could rescue a dozen orphans from a burning building, single-handedly, and people like you and me would call it a typical Clinton PR stunt and accuse her of setting the fire.


The bottom line is that anything Hillary Clinton does or does not do is absolutely meaningless - she's a female Democrat with the last name of "Clinton," and everyone's already decided. Her entire "campaign" is going to be a complete sham, since there's no one in the country who's an undecided vote w/r/t her.

So that's the inspiration for Beuscemi's scene in Fargo.
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I think that was the plot in Star Wars.

I know make fun, but it's not like it hasn't happened before. This is worth a read and if you read it all there are a scary amount of comparisons to today here in the US




"Secrets of the Reichstag Fire In 1933, just a week before general elections that might place enough Nazis in office to make Hitler defacto dictator, the Reichstag, which housed the parliament of the German Empire, was set on fire. Adolf Hitler assured everyone that communist terrorists started the fire. Hitler's party member Hermann Göring stated that he had secret evidence that would soon be made public; evidence that proved communists did it. These proclamations came on top of weeks of Nazi-organized street violence designed to whip the public into a pathological fear of communists._The next day, the Nazis convinced a senile President von Hindenburg to sign the Reichstag Decree. The decree, using defence against terrorism as an excuse, suspended just about every major civil liberty set forth in the Weimar Constitution: habeus corpus (the right to know why you're being put in jail)? Gone. Freedom of opinion? Gone. Freedom of the press? Not any more. Freedom to organise and assemble? Deported. The Reichstag decree even allowed the government to spy on its own citizens' personal mail and telephone conversations without a warrant... something most Americans today could hardly begin to fathom... a precursor to President George W. Bush secret order in 2002 ordering the National Security Agency to do just exactly the same thing._So what about the fire? The only thing historians seem to agree on is that Marinus van der Lubbe, a former Dutch Communist and mentally disturbed arsonist hungry for fame, was found inside the building. Despite the Nazi attempt to blame the fire on a group of communists, the communists were later acquitted by the Nazi government itself. After years of extensive investigation, most historians believe the Hitlerites themselves set fire to the Reichstag using van der Lubbe as their patsy: they knew a nut was going to try to burn down the building and not only did they let him do it, but they may have befriended him, encouraged him and even helped the blaze spread by scattering gasoline and incendiaries._Most Germans, feeling safe from terrorism again, didn't mind that their freedom and liberty had been stolen, or that so much of their life and work had become so strictly controlled. On the contrary, they felt very enthusiastic and patriotic about the new government because they ignorantly believed the new government cared about them. And as long as the average citizen worked hard, kept his mouth shut and let his kids take part in the Hitler Youth organization, he stayed out of the detention camps."

Edited by Dante
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Well sure, she's shown her face and spoken in public:


WaPo: Gallup data shows Hillary favorability plummeting.


“Her husband is one of the most naturally-gifted politicians of his generation, but Hillary is most decidedly not. Bill feels your pain; Hillary, feels her own entitlement — and it shows.”






Edited by B-Man
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Well sure, she's shown her face and spoken in public:


WaPo: Gallup data shows Hillary favorability plummeting.


“Her husband is one of the most naturally-gifted politicians of his generation, but Hillary is most decidedly not. Bill feels your pain; Hillary, feels her own entitlement — and it shows.”






The second graphic in that story illustrates quite nicely that her best way out of this current predicament is for Bill to get blown by a fat chick.

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Funny Thing Happened on the way to the White House
by Clarice Feldman


Original Article


Finally, unlike Bill, she hasn’t much to commend her besides an appeal to the kind of weak, ill-informed voter dreaming she’d be empowered by electing such a harridan to the White House,...





Defending the indefensible Hillary Clinton
by Michael Goodwin


Original Article




Media Matters pushes hard for Hillary 2016, putting its nonprofit status in question
by Eddie Scarry


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My, what thin skin you have.



Barry, Michelle and Val hate the Clintons and will ensure they destroy Hillary so they can get Faucahontas to take his place at the WH.


Run, Liz, run.


Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett leaked to the press details of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail address during her time as secretary of state, sources tell me.

But she did so through people outside the ­administration, so the story couldn’t be traced to her or the White House.

In addition, at Jarrett’s behest, the State Department was ordered to launch a series of investigations into Hillary’s conduct at Foggy Bottom, including the use of her expense account, the disbursement of funds, her contact with foreign leaders and her possible collusion with the Clinton Foundation.

Six separate probes into Hillary’s performance have been ­going on at the State Department. I’m told that the e-mail scandal was timed to come out just as Hillary was on the verge of formally announcing that she was running for president — and that there’s more to come.

Members of Bill Clinton’s camp say the former president suspects the White House is the source of the leak and is furious.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A Simple Question

by Thomas Sowell


Original Article


"What has Hillary accomplished?"............................There, now how tough is that?







Why, Exactly, Do We Need A Woman President?


by Alicia Colon Original Article


It appears that those who voted for Barack Obama for president simply because he is black are now urging we vote for Hillary Clinton simply because she is a woman. At a recent public event, Clinton asked her Democrat supporters, "I suppose it´s fair to say: don´t you someday want to see a woman president?" My answer to that ridiculous remark is-´that would depend on the woman.´ That woman should be as qualified as any male candidate but if they believe that Hillary is eligible than that means they plan to vet her as as poorly as they did Barack.





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A Simple Question

by Thomas Sowell


Original Article


"What has Hillary accomplished?"............................There, now how tough is that?


The Sowell article is actually pretty good, if not a little spooky, when he lays this out so cleanly.


Before Barack Obama entered the White House and appointed Mrs. Clinton Secretary of State, Al Qaeda operatives in Iraq had notified their higher ups, stationed in Pakistan, that their cause was lost in Iraq and that there was no point sending more men there.

Hosni Mubarak was in charge in Egypt. He posed no threat to American or Western interests in the Middle East or to Christians within Egypt or to Israel. But the Obama administration threw its weight behind the Muslim Brotherhood, which took over and began terrorizing Christians in Egypt and promoting hostility to Israel.

In Libya next door, the Qaddafi regime had already given up its weapons of mass destruction, after they saw what happened to Saddam Hussein in Iraq. But President Obama's foreign policy, carried out by Secretary of State Clinton, got Qaddafi removed, after which Libya became a terrorist haven where an American ambassador was killed, for the first time in decades.

The rationale for getting rid of Middle East leaders who posed no threat to American interests was that they were undemocratic and their people were restless. But there are no democracies in the Middle East, except for Israel. Moreover, the people were restless in Iran and Syria, and the Obama-Clinton foreign policy did nothing to support those who were trying to overthrow these regimes.



That's a special level of incompetence you just would not expect from our country.


What a mess.

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