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Game of Thrones Part Deax: The Readers Thread


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I always find it funny how the leaders of these massive armies give speeches before battle and everyone appears to hear them...


Reminds me of Life of Brian: "I think it was 'Blessed are the Cheesemakers.'"

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I always find it funny how the leaders of these massive armies give speeches before battle and everyone appears to hear them...


It's not entirely out of left field. For the longest time, a military commander could only exercise command within the bounds of his sight and voice - one of the most important qualities of generals was the ability to project their voice, and one of the basic requirements for junior officers was the ability to hear (in fact, one of the heroes of Rorke's Drift - Lt. Bromhead - was left at Rorke's Drift when his regiment marched to Islandwana because he was too deaf to reliably understand orders from his CO.) It wasn't until the mass armies of the French Revolution that armies routinely started to become too big to be commanded by !@#$s shouting at them.


Plus...usually the commander just being seen up front by the men was enough to set them cheering. Most of them didn't hear what he was saying...but they didn't need to.

Anybody else catch the script error this week? At the end of the episode Sansa tells Ramsey his dogs will devour him because, "you haven't fed them for seven days...you said it yourself." Except Sansa wasn't still at the "walk up" when Ramsey said it. She had already ridden off after telling him he would die tomorrow.


Not a huge deal, but I found it interesting they missed lining that up.




Jon (after beating Ramsey): "He's all yours, Sansa. What do you want to do with him?"


Sansa: "I'd like to feed him to his own dogs, but they're too loyal to him."


Jon: "But he hasn't fed them in a week..."


Plot hole resolved.

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It's not entirely out of left field. For the longest time, a military commander could only exercise command within the bounds of his sight and voice - one of the most important qualities of generals was the ability to project their voice, and one of the basic requirements for junior officers was the ability to hear (in fact, one of the heroes of Rorke's Drift - Lt. Bromhead - was left at Rorke's Drift when his regiment marched to Islandwana because he was too deaf to reliably understand orders from his CO.) It wasn't until the mass armies of the French Revolution that armies routinely started to become too big to be commanded by !@#$s shouting at them.


Plus...usually the commander just being seen up front by the men was enough to set them cheering. Most of them didn't hear what he was saying...but they didn't need to.





Jon (after beating Ramsey): "He's all yours, Sansa. What do you want to do with him?"


Sansa: "I'd like to feed him to his own dogs, but they're too loyal to him."


Jon: "But he hasn't fed them in a week..."


Plot hole resolved.

gosh, they might have talked?
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Pretty incredible end to the season. Most loose ends have been tied, setting the stage for Dany taking back the throne from Cersei as the main story for season 7, then the battle with the dead in the final season. Interesting that B&W make no mention of the Tower of Joy scene in their post-episode discussion...?


Yes DC, they are going to need and use a lot of $$ on these last two seasons. I think we'll get some Movie-quality episodes. Now all we can do is wait...

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The best thing in the episode for me was Cersei's Darth Vader like wardrobe choice while she watched the sept burn and then took the throne.



It was also cool that they had a violin (or some other stringed instrument) playing during the buildup. Nero and Cersei, just chilling while things burn. Edited by LBSeeBallLBGetBall
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The best thing in the episode for me was Cersei's Darth Vader like wardrobe choice while she watched the sept burn and then took the throne.




And her dead eyes. Her only redeeming quality was her love for her children...and now Tommen's dead. It was pointed out that Jamie arrived just in time to see the Mad Queen crowned.

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And her dead eyes. Her only redeeming quality was her love for her children...and now Tommen's dead. It was pointed out that Jamie arrived just in time to see the Mad Queen crowned.

I suspect the Mad Queen will meet her demise by the opposite hand that felled the Mad King.

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