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Is Stephon Gilmore an above average CB???


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I first want to preface my question by stating that I understand he's injured, and he's still working his way back to 100%. I also understand that he has a club on his hand and probably isn't playing with 100% confidence right now. With all that said, I haven't been overly impressed with his full body of work. Now I'm not saying I see Justin Rogers out there when I'm watching Gilmore, but what I've seen this season and last season is mostly an average CB. I'm hoping the hype that surrounded him this offseason starts to rear its head, but to this point I'm just not seeing it. I wanted to get the thoughts of others on this board who really know this team in and out, like most of us do. I think he gets caught staring into the backfield too often and gives up too many plays behind him.


The bomb he gave up to Mike Wallace down the sideline to setup the Phins TD just before the half was unacceptable. A terrible play that a CB can NOT give up in that situation, club or no club on your hand.

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He's played like crap the past 2 games. They quickly went back to A Williams. It's clearly the club on his hand that's bothering him. I think it's more mental than anything. I don't get it, why not just whack the receiver with that thing? Use it to your advantage lol. But seriously, might as well just keep him on the sideline until the cast comes off. Dude looks lost out there

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The play you referenced was an example of the atrocious technique that we see form him on occasion, and that I had hopes would disappear with the change of defensive coaches.

I'm not going to give up that hope because of one play. In fact I'm not even going to pass any judgement on Gilmore's play this year until he can play without The Club.

As for right now, he has no business whatsoever being on the field in that condition and I hold the coaching staff responsible for the boneheaded decision to put him out there two weeks in a row.

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I think we need to see him play farther removed from injury before we make a judgement on him. Its clear the guy is still being hampered by injury. Also I hope as the new defensive coaching staff gets more of him on film they can work out the kinks to his game. Overall I think he should get better as the season goes on and he both recovers from injury and the staff works with him more.

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I think we need to see him play farther removed from injury before we make a judgement on him. Its clear the guy is still being hampered by injury. Also I hope as the new defensive coaching staff gets more of him on film they can work out the kinks to his game. Overall I think he should get better as the season goes on and he both recovers from injury and the staff works with him more.



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I keep hearing how great he is, but so far in a season and almost a half I ain't seeing it. Realize he was hurt and really, still is. But I saw him get beat several times today AND he got a holding call too. He does get flagged a lot for holding and PI. That's OK if you also get pick now and again and make some big pass break ups, but he doesn't.


That said, I think it's dumb to put him out there with the cast on. Other teams are working on him knowing he can't get a pick and probably can't tackle either. Let him sit until he gets the cast off plus one more week to practice without it. He's hurting us when he's out there, not helping.

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The play you referenced was an example of the atrocious technique that we see form him on occasion, and that I had hopes would disappear with the change of defensive coaches.

I'm not going to give up that hope because of one play. In fact I'm not even going to pass any judgement on Gilmore's play this year until he can play without The Club.

As for right now, he has no business whatsoever being on the field in that condition and I hold the coaching staff responsible for the boneheaded decision to put him out there two weeks in a row.

Donnie Henderson is a good position coach. He has already made McKelvin and A. Williams into good players not to mention Robey. Once Gilmore can heal completely, I think Donnie will produce.

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I am not concerned about Gilmore at all.


Although I do agree that he should not be playing now, because I don't think he can play all that good with that cast on.


It's bad enough that he missed a lot of time, but to put him out there with that cast can't help at all.


Let's talk about Gilmore's play, after he gets the cast removed.

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you do realize that this is his only 2nd year in the league and his 2nd defensive coaching staff? Right now its you can only grade him based on his rookie, so the assumption of saying he is average IMO is pretty good, since he was our top corner his rookie season and for a rookie to play average against the top receivers we faced is above average in itself. When he can return to form we should have a very good tandem of corners. I'm guessing he is playing right now because of our lack of depth, Brooks is just starting to come back, Robey is a Nickel-Dime back

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I keep hearing Gilmore bashing starting as "I know he is playing hurt but"




Stephon Gilmore is a big fast physical press corner who only has the of 1 hand....and it is clearly hampering his game.


The guy is the real deal and I wish people would stop bitching about him....its the coaches that keep putting him out there with that club

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He really shouldn't be out there with this injury, Gilmore relies heavily on being physical with WRs and he can't do that at all with that cast on.

I think it's also worth mentioning that in addition to that, The Club has got to be playing havoc with both his balance and quickness.

Trying to play corner at a high level while carrying a pumpkin in your hand is damned near impossible.

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I think it's also worth mentioning that in addition to that, The Club has got to be playing havoc with both his balance and quickness.

Trying to play corner at a high level while carrying a pumpkin in your hand is damned near impossible.



I remember when Kelso used to play with a pumpkin on his head. Didn't help him in the slightest bit. I'll give Gilmore the benefit of the doubt.

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I remember when Kelso used to play with a pumpkin on his head. Didn't help him in the slightest bit.

Hopefully it will help him 20 years down the road when he's playing with his grandkids instead of drooling into his tapioca ; - )

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Also, take into account it is generally considered to take roughly 3 full years of play before one is acting prematurely in either writing off a player as a true disappointment OR declaring them God's gift at a position until the league gets a good look at them and they get a good look at the league. Given Gilmore's age AND particularly with the club on his hand it is simply way too early to draw much of a real conclusion. The only real issues worthy of discussion are: 1. Is he better than a 100% Rodgers and 2. Even if he is not 100% is a good investment to see him play.


The answers to those questions IMHO were last week no, but Rodgers is so in over his head and given it is quite doubtful we are playing for much this year play him anyway to train him up.

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I hope this thread is a joke. Stephon Gilmore was already a top 5 corner in the entire NFL by the end of last season. We would be having a very surprising season if he had been healthy all year rather than having Justin Rogers cover top WRs. If there is ANY PROBLEMS on this team Stephon Gilmore would NEVER be considered one of them. With that being said he is playing with one arm. That speaks to how good he is. He is better with one arm than anyone else we have with two arms. Obviously he isnt going to be flawless with one available arm to him. This guy is an absolute star.

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