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Rate your most memorable Bills/Browns games.

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The Bills and Browns certainly have an intertwined, weird and rarely meaningful history of games. What Bills/Browns game is your most memorable or infamous that comes to mind?


The Derek Anderson 2-17 game where the Browns actually WON?


The snow game in Cleveland in '08 where the Browns beat the Bills 8-0?


The Jim Kelly/Clay Matthews interception AFC Divisional game in 1988?


The Brady Quinn Monday Night game where Trent Edwards cemented the moniker "Captain Checkdown, Browns win?



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The only memorable Browns game to me was during Jurons last season at The Ralph. Don't remember the score but it was something like 6-3. The game was absolutely putrid. I specifically remember people around me and in my group of friends cheering and saying things like "we win this were back in the hunt" and I specifically remembering that game as being the exact game that I lost all hope in Juron. At that point I cheered and hoped for Bills loses until Juron was fired, which happened in a few weeks because of a billboard.

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That playoff game that we lost in '89 (I think). It was the Clay Mathews interception game. I remember their field was basically mud painted green and Webster Slaughter torched us for some big plays. Ronnie Harmon dropped what should have been the winning TD. We were known as the "Bickering Bills" that year. The next year it all got back on track.

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I apologize as I don't remember the year but it was a Monday night game in Cleveland. I drove up from Columbus with a couple friends. We won. As I was walking to our car I ran in to Senator Al D'amato. I shook his hand and he chatted with us for quite a while. Good times.

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Which one was the famous Don Beebe headstand?


I want to say it was a regular season game in Cleveland


It was the Ronnie Harmon playoff game.


I swear I was at a game in 1985 when it was poring rain and there could not have been more than 2000 people there in the fourth quarter. I wanted to leave but my father and friend were drinking beer and wanted to keep doing that!

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The '89 playoff game was my first Bills game ever not in Buffalo. Just kind of decided to see if tickets were available and they were early in the week so my brother and I went.


What a terrible stadium that was. I remember running into the house after the drive back home to rewind the video tape of "the drop".


I also remember a game in December 1986 we lost to them 21-17. It was 33 degrees and windy with sleet all day. I had won tickets from WCMF here in Rochester. We tried to grill burgers in the parking lot and couldn't get the charcoal to stay lit.

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Was this a late season game where the Bills held the Browns to negative yardage till inside the 2 minute warning? If so, I was at that game.


Yup. December game, wet snow for most of the game. I remember the negative yards stats too; it was definitely into the fourth quarter before Cleveland turned positive yards.


89 AFC playoffs, the Ronnie Harmon drop followed by the Jim Kelly INT to Clay Matthews.

I thought this was a GOOD memories thread. Ronnie !@#$ing Harmon. :wallbash:

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