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Kneeling Down


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ummm no one is complaining that Harbaugh took 30 seconds off the clock then called a time out with 5 seconds left in the game .. That trumped the Bills clock management faux paux


I don't know if it was a mismanagement, I'm just curious about the strategy. Most coaches run the ball there and try to seal the game with a first down instead of risk punting the ball.


And of course nobody is going to complain about mistakes by the other team. Let their fans do that.

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Imagine if they don't get the penalty and our crappy punter shanks it or something and the Ravens take a free kick FG to tie! Oh my! It would be very "Bills like"... Aren't the Bills the last team to have this donw to them successfully? '76 or something?


Marrone was really messing around w/neagtive Bills mojo and got away with one... Thanks to Suggs the thug!




See my post above... Say they mismanage a fee seconds and have to punt... Going backwards on the kneel down is actually putting the Ravens in striking distance for a tieing kick in how I explained. Am I wrong? Flirting with disaster...


And God knows the Bills punter can get dicey!


A Hail Mary or the rare free kick to end the game did worry me a bit.


It worked out but it was very much on the edge of giving them the ball back if things didnt work out just right. Giving them the ball back worries me more than fumble risk, but I can see an argument for either play. I'd be curious what the percentages say from the stat sites

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This may be giving Marrone too much credit - but is it possible he was hoping the Ravens would take a Personal Foul?


If not, he mismanged the clock and got lucky.


I don't understand why people were upset with this.


5 seconds is not very long.


The average punt is over 5 seconds. He could have kicked it out of bounds and game over.


He could have snapped it to CJ and had him run straight backwards out of the back of the endzone, game over.


He could have took it in shotgun, waited a second and thrown it as far as he could, game over.


It's not 25 seconds. It was 5 seconds.

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I don't understand why people were upset with this.


5 seconds is not very long.


The average punt is over 5 seconds. He could have kicked it out of bounds and game over.


He could have snapped it to CJ and had him run straight backwards out of the back of the endzone, game over.


He could have took it in shotgun, waited a second and thrown it as far as he could, game over.


It's not 25 seconds. It was 5 seconds.

A Penalty or Fumble during any of these KeyStone Cop plays and you risk giving the Ball to the Ravens with field position to score.

And you saw how they were calling "Holding" on any ticky tacky call.

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What I'd like to know is why they didn't run the ball on 1st or 2nd downs. What was Marrone planning on doing when he was going to be forced to snap the ball on 4th down with 5 seconds left? Safety? Squib kick? Just punt it away?


I was wondering the same...was watching with my family and was saying wtf...I can see both sides to what everyone is saying, but it was a bit scary with Ravens having 2 time outs left and E.J. not going down to his knee very fast on that play with the personal foul from Suggs...without the PF I feared the Bills would have had to punt back to Ravens and i did not want to see that happen..no matter how smart you guys say the the kneel downs were..lol

Edited by Tsaikotic
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There are a lot of people in this thread that are either bad at math or have very little understanding of basic football strategy.


They didn't want to run at the end because our RBs were knicked up but more importantly why risk a fumble?


They had to dawdle and delay the kneels so that they would punt the ball back to the Ravens with only a few seconds instead of the Ravens getting the ball with more than 10 seconds. If you don't see this you just need to double check your mental math.


When EJ is a intentionally not kneeling right away he is an active runner. The first kneel the Ravens didn't really notice, the second kneel they caught on and hit him and it was legit, and the third kneel Suggs went too far and got penalized.


This was all good game management by the coaches.

Edited by Boludo
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This may be giving Marrone too much credit - but is it possible he was hoping the Ravens would take a Personal Foul?


If not, he mismanged the clock and got lucky.


And you would be wrong to think that. Marrone played it perfectly. They could not kneel out the series so they burned off an extra 6-7 seconds so that if the Bills did punt, Flacco would have time one play at most, hopefully from deep in his own end.



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Kneel down is the safest play and I have no issue with it. Neither should you since it worked.


i think the debate is being discussed as if we didnt have the gift of hindsight and wondering if it was actually the best call there.


i dont think it was a bad call, but i question whether or not is was the best - and i genuinely dont know.


i was more frustrated with the flub at the end of the first half. Shouldve called timeout at the 25 second mark in order to force the kick instead of letting it run down and the ravens dictate the course of action (also worked out but wrong call, i think pretty clearly in that case).

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ummm no one is complaining that Harbaugh took 30 seconds off the clock then called a time out with 5 seconds left in the game .. That trumped the Bills clock management faux paux


Are you talking about the end of the first half? That was a faux pas by the Bills not the Ravens. By the Bills not calling timeout with 30 seconds left on 4th down and forcing the Ravens to punt, they allowed the Ravens to run the clock down to almost zero and safely go for it on the last play. If the Bills had called timeout with 30 second left, the Ravens never would have been able to try a potential hail mary situation on 4th down.


Great game management by Harbaugh, a little misstep for the Marrone that didn't prove costly.


This kind of stuff is mostly lost on Bills fans.

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When is harbaugh not upset over something? The guy is more of a d-bag than his brother.


well said. We should all mail a box of tissues to that crying babies office today. They did it TWO times in a row. You would think a normal coach would tell the D not to knock over the QB after getting away with it once. He didn't, because he's a d-bag, and got caught the second time.

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Are you talking about the end of the first half? That was a faux pas by the Bills not the Ravens. By the Bills not calling timeout with 30 seconds left on 4th down and forcing the Ravens to punt, they allowed the Ravens to run the clock down to almost zero and safely go for it on the last play. If the Bills had called timeout with 30 second left, the Ravens never would have been able to try a potential hail mary situation on 4th down.


Great game management by Harbaugh, a little misstep for the Marrone that didn't prove costly.



harbaugh really did excellent at the end of the first half (or i guess marrone flubbed it a little). i think that might have contributed to my worries during the last minute of the game.


hopefully the staff reviews that and adjusts how they handle the first half in the future.

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And you would be wrong to think that. Marrone played it perfectly. They could not kneel out the series so they burned off an extra 6-7 seconds so that if the Bills did punt, Flacco would have time one play at most, hopefully from deep in his own end.




What was up with Powell btw yesterday shaking two punts. it looked like he was trying to angle it, but they went straight up in the air. And these were not kicks to go inside the 20. He should have just booted it.

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A) how many games everyweek do you see a RB plunge into the pile with 2 hands on the football.

B) If you are worried about a RB fumbling when they know the key is to hold on to the ball, you are too scared to be in this league. This is a common play. It is not that difficult.

C) I have no problem with the kneel down, I just think the Bills got lucky. The QB is fair game there and I have seen worse hits not called.

How did they get lucky? Again without the PF, the Ravens get the ball back with one play to go 80 yards.

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How did they get lucky? Again without the PF, the Ravens get the ball back with one play to go 80 yards.


which leaves a possible punt return (good special teams head coach), a long heave (strong armed qb and beat up secondary), an issue with our kick (block, shank, etc...). a first down ends the game for us completely. heck, some slightly longer developing plays may have as well.


while the over whelming odds are they win either way at that point, so i wouldnt call it getting lucky, id be curious to see a breakdown of the sequence statistically speaking.


also curious to hear about the possibility of the ravens going for the td instead of the last fg.

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