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Plantar Facitis

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Eli Manning had this and never missed a game. Byrd better !@#$ing play.

Because all health problems have identical outcomes? One guy gets lung cancer and dies in two months and another is still here 10 years later. A QB has to drop back 5 steps and throw, a safety has to cover the deep half of the field and be able to get to the sidelines on go routes against WR's running 4.3 40's. A safety depends on his wheels a lot more than a classic drop back QB.

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Because all health problems have identical outcomes? One guy gets lung cancer and dies in two months and another is still here 10 years later. A QB has to drop back 5 steps and throw, a safety has to cover the deep half of the field and be able to get to the sidelines on go routes against WR's running 4.3 40's. A safety depends on his wheels a lot more than a classic drop back QB.

Oh, stop thinking through this so clearly. It throws a total wrench into the complaint cycle.

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Is anyone else hear thinking that Byrd is being a baby?


Didnt get what he wanted so he fakes injury and makes sure he doesn't get injured all while collecting his $432k a game.


Personally I think he's full of it and now I'm no longer happy he signed. I'd rather just cut this pos.


i dunno what to think anymore. i originally thought it was all too much of a coincidence (his piss poor attitiude and now this "injury")...but if he was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis i'm not going to really question it. hopefully he has a mild case of it and he can somewhat recover. an 80% Byrd is better than most safeties in the NFL anyway.

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Isn't it a little weird that this coaching staff which has been so secretive about injuries to come out and be upfront about Byrd's injury? Maybe a little shot against Byrd for holding out maybe. They seemed to go out of their way to avoid discussing Injury to Mario.

Edited by billieve420
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Because all health problems have identical outcomes? One guy gets lung cancer and dies in two months and another is still here 10 years later. A QB has to drop back 5 steps and throw, a safety has to cover the deep half of the field and be able to get to the sidelines on go routes against WR's running 4.3 40's. A safety depends on his wheels a lot more than a classic drop back QB.

Stop with your excuses and over exaggeration of this. Comparing cancer, shame on you.

Edited by Meatloaf Sandwich
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Here is an SI article from.a few years ago talking about it and saying its "an athlete's worst nightmare"...


Not optimistic about Byrd playing and even if he does, could miss several games out of nowhere if it gets worse...



Could potentially be career threatening if it gets worse or doesn't respond to treatment...now we see why the Bills didn't give him a long term deal and why Byrd is so bitter...knows he might not ever play up to his standard again and lose out on a big payday...


Tough situation to be in, but can you blame the Bills for wanting to see how it responds first?




Edited by matter2003
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eh, I dunno...

Ever get bad shin splints? Hurts to just walk? Or ever bruise your heel or sole? Not just you, Trip, anyone.

There is being hurt and being injured. This is hurt, in most cases, but such a hurt that you really don't want to move. People will be able to tell, people will notice, and then others will talk...when they do we will hear.


What this tells me is that Byrd has been training...hard.


J, not clear on this last. It seems to me it's quite possible Byrd wasn't training hard enough (or the right way, with appropriate stretching), shot up his activity level just before and after reporting, and the sudden increase caused the problem.


Maybe this boo boo foot thing will get Byrd elected captain in a couple of years. It work for KW.


Except KW played with the heel cut off his cleat. Byrd will have to play hard in pain to get the KW respect.


Isn't it a little weird that this coaching staff which has been so secretive about injuries to come out and be upfront about Byrd's injury? Maybe a little shot against Byrd for holding out maybe. They seemed to go out of their way to avoid discussing Injury to Mario.


Different staff, not?


There is no way he would be sitting last year with this - he would be getting intensive therapy and talking how he was working hard to overcome issue. None of that talk this year because he does not want to play for Bills.


If he spends half the season on the bench and them plays at a lower level, how will that help him to the big payday he dreams of?

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Is anyone else hear thinking that Byrd is being a baby?


Didnt get what he wanted so he fakes injury and makes sure he doesn't get injured all while collecting his $432k a game.


Personally I think he's full of it and now I'm no longer happy he signed. I'd rather just cut this pos.


The guy still wants a big contract, if that's what he was doing then he is an idiot. His best option is to play this season get through it and then force the Bills to trade him to a team that's willing to pay him the long term money he commands.


Why force yourself to miss games with a fake injury? That would seem to lower your perceived value and lessen your case to earn big dollars on a long term deal. I think it has to be a legit injury it makes no sense for it to be anything else. His 7 million is guaranteed either way so no sense preserving it with a fake injury.

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i dunno what to think anymore. i originally thought it was all too much of a coincidence (his piss poor attitiude and now this "injury")...but if he was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis i'm not going to really question it. hopefully he has a mild case of it and he can somewhat recover. an 80% Byrd is better than most safeties in the NFL anyway.


That's about where I fall. Unless it escalates, injuries like this could very well be 100% true and assuming he's faking does nothing for my enjoyment as a fan.


The guy has played hard, played out the rookie deal without complaint. The rest is behind the scenes and were just shooting in the dark when guessing who is being unreasonable, who is lying, etc.... Lets see what happens when games start. Hopefully he plays well the defense looks good. As a bill and a good one ill refrain from calling him a POS until he's actually shown to be deserving.

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The only thing Byrd would be guaranteeing by faking an injury is a big dent in future salary. Hell, any kind of foot injury like this is probably going to put a dent in his future salary. There is very little logic supporting this hypothesis, and just a whole lot of this continued character assassination act that seems to be popular among some Bills fans.


Anyone who thinks otherwise is being highly speculative, and is frankly, nuts.


I understand where people are coming from, to an extent. He makes a lot of money, more than most of us combined, and it's easy to call him a baby and say he should just take what is offered and play for that amount. That is a very limited view of this situation, though.

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Here is an SI article from.a few years ago talking about it and saying its "an athlete's worst nightmare"...


Not optimistic about Byrd playing and even if he does, could miss several games out of nowhere if it gets worse...



Could potentially be career threatening if it gets worse or doesn't respond to treatment...now we see why the Bills didn't give him a long term deal and why Byrd is so bitter...knows he might not ever play up to his standard again and lose out on a big payday...


Tough situation to be in, but can you blame the Bills for wanting to see how it responds first?





Its a tricky injury for sure, Byrd still gets his 7 million for this year no matter what so I can't feel too bad for the guy. I think it would be best for both sides to let Byrd heal for the first few weeks of the season and get treatment. We need to up the guys trade value and help the defense out when he gets out on the field. Byrd also needs to prove he is healthy, seems like a symbiotic relationship.

Edited by billsfan89
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Personally, I wonder if this injury was not something the Bills have known about for awhile, and something that would make them hesitant to up the ante in negotiations.


That's just speculation, but if this kind of injury can be serious and last through a season, I can't imagine it would sit well with the organization about to guarantee him 20 million bucks.

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The only thing Byrd would be guaranteeing by faking an injury is a big dent in future salary. Hell, any kind of foot injury like this is probably going to put a dent in his future salary. There is very little logic supporting this hypothesis, and just a whole lot of this continued character assassination act that seems to be popular among some Bills fans.


This. Especially plantar fasciitis which is notoriously unpredictable prognosis and treatment - much more so than other injuries, some people heal with a change in shoes and some stretching, some people have it for years. Any team will be very hesitant to give a top-$$ multi-year deal to a guy who may be sidelined any time. If Byrd really wants to be traded he couldn't do a worse thing than publicize this.


Personally, I wonder if this injury was not something the Bills have known about for awhile, and something that would make them hesitant to up the ante in negotiations.


That's just speculation, but if this kind of injury can be serious and last through a season, I can't imagine it would sit well with the organization about to guarantee him 20 million bucks.


That's a possibility. We all think Byrd didn't sign his tender and show up because he was sulking but what if he didn't show up because he developed this towards the end of last season and was trying to keep a lid on it?

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