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Tweets from Bills practice = AWESOME!

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Too bad, this could have been an interesting thread. Does TBD have a drama section?


I didn't bother pages 2-5 but I do have this to say:


"Expect the worst but hope for the best"


True in football and in life.

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show me the baby.


It's getting a bit old... but so accurate. I went through this the last few years... getting sucked into BILLEIVING, because of optimistic work out and practice reporting.


I think I'll wait to be excited until we actually put something together on the field. I'm getting tired of being disappointed every year. Keeping expectations at an all time low for this season, but crossing my fingers hard that the team gets going in the right direction.

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It's really stunning to me that rather than be hopeful, people just revel in being !@#$ing miserable. I've been a Bills fan longer than most of the posters here have been alive yet every year, I try to be hopeful at the start of a new season. How ****ty is your life if you can't find anything positive?


Yes, it's meaningless. Yes it doesn't matter till we win some games but can't we just take a little !@#$ing joy in some positive news?


Congratulations on your life's achievement. You're OLD.


That said..BRING ON THE NEW SEASON. I fall for this crap every year...

Edited by Chimp
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Its the same thing every year. People get giddy about a new coach and what they see during practice..."Yipee!!!! We're improving." Same thing last year. "Yeaaaa Dave Wanny !!! He's a GREAT defensive mind!!! Fk yeaaaa!!"




You guys can show excitement but I know better.



I have a freedom to express myself as long as I'm not breaking the rules. If I choose to speak my mind, I will.



I suppose you're also one of those "fans" at the Sabres games who are booing when they're up 3-1


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Are you sure?


This poses the the only questions that matter, in this entire thread:


What is actually going to happen if we are let down again?


Since the answer to that is: nothing...why should we care if we are let down?


I mean, this is not like some girl that keeps leading you on. Or, some client that keeps promising you business, and then let's you down. That is real life. That has real consequences. Continuing to put yourself in position to be let down, by the same people, over and over in real life? Yeah...that's a big problem.


This is football. Technically, in every way that is real, this has nothing to do with your real life. You have no personal consequences whatsoever. So, why do you care if you are "let down"? Techically 31 fan bases are let down, every year. This is not even close to a real problem.


Since it costs you literally nothing to be either a pessimist or an optimist(other than season tickets, but, you don't need them to be a fan), why bother with pessimism? I imagine that when you are on your death bed...you're aren't going to be saying "Dammit, I wish I'd been more realistic about the Bills chances in the off-season." :lol: I hope I say "I'm glad I had as much fun as I could have realisitically expected to have with the Bills...along with my family and friends".

Well said. I'm all for rational analysis of the team (which, sadly, was/would have been negative for the past 10+ years), but "it's only minicamp"/"it doesn't mean anything until September"/"I won't believe until they win" is not rational analysis, it's just wallowing in misery. To those people, I guess I would say, try to attach a little less importance to the Bills? It's fine to not think they're going to do well, I don't think they'll have a great year, but I think if you can't entertain some hope that things will be different this year, you're cutting yourself off from a lot of the fun of being a fan.

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Well said. I'm all for rational analysis of the team (which, sadly, was/would have been negative for the past 10+ years), but "it's only minicamp"/"it doesn't mean anything until September"/"I won't believe until they win" is not rational analysis, it's just wallowing in misery. To those people, I guess I would say, try to attach a little less importance to the Bills? It's fine to not think they're going to do well, I don't think they'll have a great year, but I think if you can't entertain some hope that things will be different this year, you're cutting yourself off from a lot of the fun of being a fan.


The funny thing, MRW, is I don't believe the problem with many of "those people" is that they place too much importance on the Bills -- rather, it's as if they feel it's their duty to tamp down anyone who is optimistic. It's an incredibly odd dynamic, and one worthy of considerable psychological analysis. This feeling of needing to be "voices of reason" when nobody's asking for it.

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Very little worked well last year with this team. Now the coaching staff is new and they're bringing change; new schemes, different players and existing players in different roles. Whether any of that turns out to be good or bad remains to be seen, but in any event there's no reason to dwell on the misery of last season. If nothing had changed then I would agree that there would be no reason for optimism. If someone wants to wait until the season starts before making a judgment, that's fine - but to crap on our chances in April is lame. Practice is important in a team sport and if the players are pumped, so much the better.

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The funny thing, MRW, is I don't believe the problem with many of "those people" is that they place too much importance on the Bills -- rather, it's as if they feel it's their duty to tamp down anyone who is optimistic. It's an incredibly odd dynamic, and one worthy of considerable psychological analysis. This feeling of needing to be "voices of reason" when nobody's asking for it.

A valid point. But another dynamic worthy of analysis may be the over the top optimist with the absense of any evidence,

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It's really stunning to me that rather than be hopeful, people just revel in being !@#$ing miserable. I've been a Bills fan longer than most of the posters here have been alive yet every year, I try to be hopeful at the start of a new season. How ****ty is your life if you can't find anything positive?


Yes, it's meaningless. Yes it doesn't matter till we win some games but can't we just take a little !@#$ing joy in some positive news?


So, you've only been a fan for 12-15 years?

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It's really stunning to me that rather than be hopeful, people just revel in being !@#$ing miserable. I've been a Bills fan longer than most of the posters here have been alive yet every year, I try to be hopeful at the start of a new season. How ****ty is your life if you can't find anything positive?


Yes, it's meaningless. Yes it doesn't matter till we win some games but can't we just take a little !@#$ing joy in some positive news?


This ^^^^^^^, thanks for the post.


I am taking a very cautious approach after my unsubstantiated optimism after last year FA'cy but I love to hear positive sign from my team. Keep it coming Bills...


I just can't tolerate some of the "loser's" mentality from some, whose lives are probably just as miserable, smh...

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A valid point. But another dynamic worthy of analysis may be the over the top optimist with the absense of any evidence,

That one's easy. Following the Bills is something we do in our leisure time, for entertainment, so why not dream big? It's like playing the lottery. If you don't get crushed when your dreams don't pan out, there's no harm in wishful thinking.

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On the continuum of attitudes mentioned above there seems to be optimism at one end and pessimism at the other, or maybe best described as tomorrow and yesterday. Realism is in there somewhere, too. I think of all sorts of analogies when I think of investing time and emotions in the Bills. The one I subscribe to at present is that if I've been mugged several times while walking down a certain street, I'm not going to walk down that street again until it is proven to be safe.

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